CMakeLists.txt 1.0 KB

  1. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)
  2. PROJECT(HoughTransform)
  3. ######################## EDIT IF REQUIRED ####################
  4. # ###Uncomment the line below and specify the path to OpenCV directory i.e. the path to the OpenCVConfig.cmake file. Check the examples given below.
  5. #SET(OpenCV_DIR Enter-the-path-of-OpenCV-installation-on-your-system)
  6. ################### OpenCV_DIR Examples #####################
  7. ### MACOS : /usr/local/Cellar/opencv/3.3.1_1/share/OpenCV/
  8. ### UBUNTU : /usr/local/share/OpenCV/
  9. ### WINDOWS : C:\Users\yourname\Documents\opencv-3.3.1\build\install
  10. ##############################################################
  11. ################### ***DO NOT EDIT*** #####################
  12. ############# Common Instructions for all Users ############
  13. find_package( OpenCV REQUIRED )
  14. include_directories( ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS})
  15. MACRO(add_example name)
  16. ADD_EXECUTABLE(${name} ${name}.cpp)
  17. TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${name} ${OpenCV_LIBS} )
  18. ENDMACRO()
  19. add_example(hough_circles)
  20. add_example(hough_lines)