8.1 KB

  1. import torch
  2. import torch.nn as nn
  3. from torch import optim
  4. import time
  5. import os
  6. from PIL import Image
  7. from torchvision import transforms as T
  8. from torchvision import models
  9. from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
  10. from dataset import DataManager
  11. import config as cfg
  12. import sys
  13. if not sys.platform=='darwin':
  14. from apex import amp
  15. class StyleNetwork(nn.Module):
  16. def __init__(self, loadpath=None):
  17. super(StyleNetwork, self).__init__()
  18. self.loadpath=loadpath
  19. self.layer1 = self.get_conv_module(inc=3, outc=16, ksize=9)
  20. self.layer2 = self.get_conv_module(inc=16, outc=32)
  21. self.layer3 = self.get_conv_module(inc=32, outc=64)
  22. self.layer4 = self.get_conv_module(inc=64, outc=128)
  23. self.connector1=self.get_depthwise_separable_module(128, 128)
  24. self.connector2=self.get_depthwise_separable_module(64, 64)
  25. self.connector3=self.get_depthwise_separable_module(32, 32)
  26. self.layer5 = self.get_deconv_module(256, 64)
  27. self.layer6 = self.get_deconv_module(128, 32)
  28. self.layer7 = self.get_deconv_module(64, 16)
  29. self.layer8 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(16, 3, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1, output_padding=1)
  30. self.activation=nn.Sigmoid()
  31. if self.loadpath:
  32. self.load_state_dict(torch.load(self.loadpath, map_location=torch.device('cpu')))
  33. def get_conv_module(self, inc, outc, ksize=3):
  34. padding=(ksize-1)//2
  35. conv=nn.Conv2d(in_channels=inc, out_channels=outc, kernel_size=ksize, stride=2, padding=padding)
  36. bn=nn.BatchNorm2d(outc)
  37. relu=nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)
  38. return nn.Sequential(conv, bn, relu)
  39. def get_deconv_module(self, inc, outc, ksize=3):
  40. padding=(ksize-1)//2
  41. tconv=nn.ConvTranspose2d(inc, outc, kernel_size=ksize, stride=2, padding=padding, output_padding=padding)
  42. bn=nn.BatchNorm2d(outc)
  43. relu=nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)
  44. return nn.Sequential(tconv, bn, relu)
  45. def get_depthwise_separable_module(self, inc, outc):
  46. """
  47. inc(int): number of input channels
  48. outc(int): number of output channels
  49. Implements a depthwise separable convolution layer
  50. along with batch norm and activation.
  51. Intended to be used with inc=outc in the current architecture
  52. """
  53. depthwise=nn.Conv2d(inc, inc, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, groups=inc)
  54. pointwise=nn.Conv2d(inc, outc, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, groups=1)
  55. bn_layer=nn.BatchNorm2d(outc)
  56. activation=nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)
  57. return nn.Sequential(depthwise, pointwise, bn_layer, activation)
  58. def forward(self, x):
  59. x=self.layer1(x)
  60. x2=self.layer2(x)
  61. x3=self.layer3(x2)
  62. x4=self.layer4(x3)
  63. xs4=self.connector1(x4)
  64. xs3=self.connector2(x3)
  65. xs2=self.connector3(x2)
  66.[x4, xs4], dim=1)
  67. x5=self.layer5(c1)
  68.[x5, xs3], dim=1)
  69. x6=self.layer6(c2)
  70.[x6, xs2], dim=1)
  71. x7=self.layer7(c3)
  72. out=self.layer8(x7)
  73. out=self.activation(out)
  74. return out
  75. class StyleLoss(nn.Module):
  76. def __init__(self):
  77. super(StyleLoss, self).__init__()
  78. pass
  79. def forward(self, target_features, output_features):
  80. loss=0
  81. for target_f,out_f in zip(target_features, output_features):
  82. #target is batch size 1
  83. t_bs,t_ch,t_w,t_h=target_f.shape
  84. assert t_bs ==1, 'Network should be trained for only one target image'
  85. target_f=target_f.reshape(t_ch, t_w*t_h)
  86. target_gram_matrix=torch.matmul(target_f,target_f.T)/(t_ch*t_w*t_h) #t_ch x t_ch matrix
  87. i_bs, i_ch, i_w, i_h = out_f.shape
  88. assert t_ch == i_ch, 'Bug'
  89. for img_f in out_f: #contains features for batch of images
  90. img_f=img_f.reshape(i_ch, i_w*i_h)
  91. img_gram_matrix=torch.matmul(img_f, img_f.T)/(i_ch*i_w*i_h)
  92. loss+= torch.square(target_gram_matrix - img_gram_matrix).mean()
  93. return loss
  94. class ContentLoss(nn.Module):
  95. def __init__(self):
  96. super(ContentLoss, self).__init__()
  97. def forward(self, style_features, content_features):
  98. loss=0
  99. for sf,cf in zip(style_features, content_features):
  100. a,b,c,d=sf.shape
  101. loss+=(torch.square(sf-cf)/(a*b*c*d)).mean()
  102. return loss
  103. class TotalVariationLoss(nn.Module):
  104. def __init__(self):
  105. super(TotalVariationLoss, self).__init__()
  106. def forward(self, x):
  107. horizontal_loss=torch.pow(x[...,1:,:]-x[...,:-1,:],2).sum()
  108. vertical_loss=torch.pow(x[...,1:]-x[...,:-1],2).sum()
  109. return (horizontal_loss+vertical_loss)/x.numel()
  110. class StyleTrainer(object):
  111. def __init__(self, student_network, loss_network, style_target_path, data_manager,feature_loss, style_loss, savepath=None):
  112. self.student_network=student_network
  113. self.loss_network=loss_network
  114. assert os.path.exists(style_target_path), 'Style target does not exist'
  116. preprocess=T.Compose([T.ToTensor(), T.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])])
  117. self.style_target=torch.unsqueeze(preprocess(image),0)
  118. self.manager=data_manager
  119. self.feature_loss=feature_loss
  120. self.style_loss=style_loss
  121. self.total_variation = TotalVariationLoss()
  122. self.savepath=savepath
  123. self.writer=SummaryWriter()
  124. self.optimizer=optim.Adam(self.student_network.parameters(), lr=cfg.LR)
  125. def train(self, epochs=None, eval_interval=None, style_loss_weight=1.0):
  126. pass
  127. epochs= epochs if epochs else cfg.EPOCHS
  128. eval_interval=eval_interval if eval_interval else cfg.EVAL_INTERVAL
  129. device = torch.device('cuda') if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu')
  130. train_loader, valid_loader, *_ = self.manager.dataloaders #ignore test loader if any
  133. self.loss_network.eval()
  134. self.student_network, self.optimizer = amp.initialize(self.student_network, self.optimizer,
  135. opt_level='O2', enabled=True)
  137. style_target_features=resnet_forward(self.loss_network,self.style_target) #fixed during training
  138. step=0
  139. for epoch in range(epochs):
  140. estart=time.time()
  141. for x in train_loader:
  142. self.optimizer.zero_grad()
  144. stylized_image = self.student_network(x)
  145. content_features = resnet_forward(self.loss_network, x) #self.loss_network(x)
  146. stylized_features= resnet_forward(self.loss_network, stylized_image)#self.loss_network(stylized_image)
  147. feature_loss=self.feature_loss(stylized_features, content_features)
  148. style_loss=self.style_loss(style_target_features, content_features)
  149. tvloss=self.total_variation(stylized_image)
  150. loss = 1000*feature_loss + style_loss_weight*style_loss + 0.02*tvloss
  151. self.writer.add_scalar('Feature loss', feature_loss.item(), step)
  152. self.writer.add_scalar('Style loss', style_loss.item(), step)
  153. self.writer.add_scalar('Total Variation Loss', tvloss.item(), step)
  154. #loss.backward()
  155. with amp.scale_loss(loss, self.optimizer) as scaled_loss:
  156. scaled_loss.backward()
  157. self.optimizer.step()
  158. step+=1
  159. if step%eval_interval==0:
  160. self.student_network.eval()
  161. with torch.no_grad():
  162. pass
  163. for imgs in valid_loader:
  165. stylized=self.student_network(imgs)
  166. self.writer.add_images('Stylized Examples', stylized, step)
  167. break #just one batch is enough
  168. self.student_network.train()
  170. eend=time.time()
  171. print('Time taken for last epoch = {:.3f}'.format(eend-estart))
  172. def save(self, epoch):
  173. if self.savepath:
  174. path=self.savepath.format(epoch)
  175., path)
  176. print(f'Saved model to {path}')
  177. def resnet_forward(net, x):
  178. layers_used=['layer1', 'layer2', 'layer3', 'layer4']
  179. output=[]
  180. #print(net._modules.keys())
  181. for name, module in net._modules.items():
  182. if name=='fc':
  183. continue #dont run fc layer since _modules does not include flatten
  184. x=module(x)
  185. if name in layers_used:
  186. output.append(x)
  187. #print('Resnet forward method called')
  188. #[print(q.shape) for q in output]
  189. return output
  190. if __name__=="__main__":
  191. net=StyleNetwork()
  192. manager=DataManager(cfg.IMGPATH_FILE, None, cfg.SIZE) #Datamanager without soft targets
  193. styleloss=StyleLoss()
  194. contentloss=ContentLoss()
  195. loss_network= models.resnet18()
  196. loss_network.load_state_dict(torch.load(cfg.LOSS_NET_PATH)['model'])
  197. for p in loss_network.parameters():
  198. p.requires_grad=False #freeze loss network
  199. trainer=StyleTrainer(net, loss_network,cfg.STYLE_TARGET, manager, contentloss, styleloss, './style_{}.pth')
  200. trainer.train()