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+# Sciml-bench
+## Usage
+[Singularity](https://sylabs.io/singularity/) is used to run these benchmarks.
+[See the docs](https://sylabs.io/guides/latest/user-guide/quick_start.html#quick-installation-steps) for steps to install Singularity on Linux.
+This repository contains various Singularity `def` files that define different versions of the containers used to run the [sciml-bench](https://github.com/stfc-sciml/sciml-bench) benchmarks.
+Unless otherwise stated, the code for the benchmarks remains the same in each case.
+The differences between the containers produced by each of the def files are outlined below.
+In all cases, the def files found in the sciml-bench repository were used as a starting point, with only minor changes made.
+| def file name | container description |
+| | |
+| | |
+### Building containers with Singularity
+sudo singularity build <container_name>.sif def_files/<container_name>.def
+### Running containers