Jim Madge 39d129757a Correct commands 3 rokov pred
pytorch_GAN_zoo @ b75dee4091 2b68677374 Add pytorch GAN zoo submodule 3 rokov pred
README.md 39d129757a Correct commands 3 rokov pred
build.sh 26e569e285 Change name of UID environment variable 3 rokov pred
pytorch_GAN_zoo.def 582b91a8fb Add singularity def file 3 rokov pred


PyTorch GAN Zoo

This example builds a singularity container for Facebook Research's PyTorch GAN Zoo.

The singularity container will allow you to call all the scripts from the project and includes are requirements. The container supports CUDA versions 10.1, 10.2 and 11.1 on the host.


To build the singularity container use the build script in this directory.


This script will try to use singularities fakeroot support if you run as a non-root user. If this is not supported on your system you can run the script as root.

When the script is finished you will find the container (pytorch_GAN_zoo.sif) in you current working directory.


The scripts from PyTorch GAN Zoo can be called with singularity exec pytorch_GAN_zoo.sif <script name>, for example

singularity exec pytorch_GAN_zoo.sif eval.py

Any flags or command line arguments can be declared after the script name.

When training, you will need to supply the --nv flag to singularity so that the host GPU may be used. You will also need to select a singularity app, using the --app flag to select the appropriate CUDA version. The available apps are cu101, cu102, and cu111 for CUDA 10.1, 10.2 and 11.1 respectively.

For example, to pre-process the dtd dataset and train a PGAN model on a host with CUDA 10.2 you could run the following commands.

singularity exec pytorch_GAN_zoo.sif datasets.py dtd <path to dtd dataset>/images/
singularity exec pytorch_GAN_zoo.sif --nv --app cu102 train.py PGAN -c config_dtd.json --restart --no_vis -n dtd


Here are examples showing how to use this container to train a PGAN model using the DTD and CIFAR-10 datasets.

See the datasets directory for scripts to fetch these datasets.

In each example the --restart flag is used so that checkpoints are periodically written during the training. The --no_vis flag is used to disable visdom visualisations.

As above, these examples assume the host has CUDA 10.2 installed.


The DTD dataset requires no preprocessing, so the datasets script simply creates a configuration file.

singularity exec pytorch_GAN_zoo.sif datasets.py dtd <path to dtd>/images
singularity exec pytorch_GAN_zoo.sif --nv --app cu102 train.py PGAN -c config_dtd.json --restart --no_vis -n dtd

Where <path to dtd> is the path of the directory extracted from the dtd archive. This directory contains the subdirectories iamges, imdb and labels.


When training a model with the CIFAR-10 dataset some preprocessing is required. A processed dataset will be written to a directory delcared using the -o flag, cifar-10 n this example.

singularity exec pytorch_GAN_zoo.sif datasets.py cifar10 <path to cifar-10> -o cifar10
singularity exec pytorch_GAN_zoo.sif --nv --app cu102 train.py -c config_cifar10.json --restart --no_vis -n cifar10

Where <path to cifar-10> is the path of the directory containing the pickle files named data_batch_{1..5}.