lukehare 4659da7372 Start README 3 سال پیش
def_files eb462cc2a1 Fix base image typo 3 سال پیش
sciml-bench @ 2c5035d4ea bac90b4dfc Add sciml-bench submodule to workflows 3 سال پیش 4659da7372 Start README 3 سال پیش



Singularity is used to run these benchmarks. See the docs for steps to install Singularity on Linux.

This repository contains various Singularity def files that define different versions of the containers used to run the sciml-bench benchmarks. Unless otherwise stated, the code for the benchmarks remains the same in each case.

The differences between the containers produced by each of the def files are outlined below. In all cases, the def files found in the sciml-bench repository were used as a starting point, with only minor changes made.

| def file name | container description | |-|-| | | | | | |

Building containers with Singularity

sudo singularity build <container_name>.sif def_files/<container_name>.def

Running containers