When using as system with an Nvidia GPU, the nvidia-smi
utility will likely be
installed. This program can be used to monitor and manage for Nvidia devices.
By default (i.e. with no arguments) the command will display a summary of
devices, driver and CUDA version and GPU processes.
By using the dmon
command nvidia-smi
can also be used to periodically print
selected metrics, include GPU utilisation, GPU temperature and GPU memory
utilisation, at regular intervals.
$ nvidia-smi dmon
# gpu pwr gtemp mtemp sm mem enc dec mclk pclk
# Idx W C C % % % % MHz MHz
0 32 49 - 1 1 0 0 4006 974
0 32 49 - 2 2 0 0 4006 974
The columns displayed, format and interval can all be configured. The manpage of
gives full details (man nvidia-smi
Here is an example which could be incorporated into a Slurm script. This will display
Every 300 seconds this information will be saved to a file named using the Slurm array job and task IDs as discussed in the Slurm section
This job is sent to the background and stopped after the $COMMAND
has run.
nvidia-smi dmon -o TD -s puct -d 300 > "dmon-${Slurm_ARRAY_JOB_ID}_${Slurm_ARRAY_TASK_ID}".txt &
When running these workflows on HPC you will most likely use the Slurm scheduler to submit, monitor and manage your jobs.
The Slurm website provide a users tutorial and documentation which have comprehensive detail of Slurm and its commands.
In particular interest to users are
This section does not aim to be a comprehensive guide to Slurm, or even a brief introduction. Instead, it is intended to provide suggestions and a template for running this projects workflows on a cluster with Slurm.
To request GPUs for a job in Slurm you may use the Generic Resource
(GRES) plugin. The precise
details of this will depend on the cluster you are using (for example
requesting a particular model of GPU), however in most cases you will be able
to request n
GPUs with the flag --gres=gpu:n
. For example
$ srun --gres=gpu:1 my_program
Submitted batch job 42
$ sbatch --gres=gpu:4 script.sh
Submitted batch job 43
Or in a batch script
##Slurm --gres=gpu:1
A rudimentary way to monitor performance is to measure how long a given task
takes to complete. One way to do achieve this, if the software you are running
provides no other way, is to run the date
command before and after your
date --iso-8601=seconds --utc
date --iso-8601=seconds --utc
The flag and parameter --iso-8601=seconds
ensures the output is in the ISO
8601 format with precision up to and including seconds. The --utc
flag means
that the time will be printed in Coordinated Universal Time.
The programs start and end times will then be recorded in the STDOUT file.
If you are assessing a systems performance you will likely want to repeat the same calculation a number of times until you are satisfied with you estimate of mean performance. It would be possible to simply repeatedly submit the same job and many people are tempted to engineer their own scripts to do so. However, Slurm provides a way to submit groups of jobs that you will most likely find more convenient.
When submitting a job with sbatch
you can specify the size of your job array
with the --array=
flag using a range of numbers e.g 0-9
or a comma
separated list e.g. 1,2,3
. You can use :
with a range to specify a stride,
for example 1-5:2
is equivalent to 1,3,5
. You may also specify the maximum
number of jobs from an array that may run simultaneously using %
Here are some examples
# Submit 10 jobs with indices 1,2,3,..,10
sbatch --array=1-10 script.sh
# Submit 5 jobs with indices 1, 4, 8, 12, 16 and at most two of these running
# simultaneously
sbatch --array=1-16:4%2 script.sh
One particularly powerful way to use job arrays is through parametrising the individual tasks. For example, this could be used to sweep over a set of input parameters or data sets. As with using job array for repeating jobs, this will likely be more convenient than implementing your own solution.
Within your batch script you will have access to the following environment variables
environment variable | value |
job id of the first task |
current task index |
total number of tasks |
the highest index value |
the lowest index value |
For example, if you submitted a job array with the command
$ sbatch --array=0-12:4 script.sh
Submitted batch job 42
then the job id of the first task is 42
and the four jobs will have
pairs of
The environment variables can be used in your commands. For example
my_program -n $Slurm_ARRAY_TASK_ID -o output_${Slurm_ARRAY_JOB_ID}_${Slurm_ARRAY_TASK_ID}
with the same sbatch
command as before, the following commands would be
executed in your jobs (one in each job)
my_program -n 0 -o output_42_0
my_program -n 4 -o output_42_4
my_program -n 8 -o output_42_8
my_program -n 12 -o output_42_12
Most HPC systems will offer some sort of fast, temporal and typically on-node, storage such as NVMe SSDs. In calculations where reading or writing data is a bottleneck, using this storage will be key to optimising performance.
The details of this scratch space will differ between HPC system and changes will need to be made when transferring workflows between systems. However, a combination of templating and singularity binds can make these adjustments less tedious and more robust.
The following snippet shows how this may be done.
# Path to scratch disk on host
# Path to input data on host
# Get name of input data directory
# Path to place output data on host
# Create a directory on scratch disk for this job
# Copy input data to scratch directory
# Make output data directory
mkdir -p $JOB_SCRATCH_PATH/output
# Run the application
singularity run --bind $JOB_SCRATCH_PATH:/scratch_mount --nv my_container.sif --input /scratch_mount/$INPUT_DIR --output /scratch_mount/output/
# Copy output from scratch
cp -r $JOB_SCRATCH_PATH/output $OUTPUT_DIR/output_${Slurm_ARRAY_JOB_ID}_${Slurm_ARRAY_TASK_ID}
# Clean up
This example uses array job id and array task id to reduce the possibility of a name clash when creating a directory on the scratch disk and when copying outputs back. Ideally each job will be given a scratch directory in a unique namespace so there is no possibility of file or directory names clashing between different jobs.
Collecting the above tips, here is a template batch script that can be adapted to run these (or other) calculations on clusters with the Slurm scheduler.
# Slurm parameters
# set the number of nodes
#SBATCH --nodes=...
# set max wallclock time
#SBATCH --time=...
# set name of job
#SBATCH --job-name=...
# set number of GPUs
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:...
# Job parameters
# Path to scratch disk on host
# Path to input data on host
# Get name of input data directory
# Path to place output data on host
# Define command to run
COMMAND=singularity exec --nv --bind $JOB_SCRATCH_PATH:/scratch_mount ...
# Prepare data and directories in scratch space
# Create a directory on scratch disk for this job
# Copy input data to scratch directory
# Make output data directory
mkdir -p $JOB_SCRATCH_PATH/output
# Monitor and run the job
# load modules (will be system dependent, may not be necessary)
module purge
module load singularity
# Monitor GPU usage
nvidia-smi dmon -o TD -s puct -d 300 > "dmon-${Slurm_ARRAY_JOB_ID}_${Slurm_ARRAY_TASK_ID}".txt &
# Run command
date --iso-8601=seconds --utc
date --iso-8601=seconds --utc
# Post job clean up
# Stop nvidia-smi dmon process
# Copy output from scratch
cp -r $JOB_SCRATCH_PATH/output $OUTPUT_DIR/output_${Slurm_ARRAY_JOB_ID}_${Slurm_ARRAY_TASK_ID}
# Clean up