@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+import sys
+import time
+from matplotlib import cm
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
+from keras.models import load_model
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import os.path as osp
+import openslide
+from pathlib import Path
+from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
+import glob
+import math
+# before importing HDFStore, make sure 'tables' is installed by pip3 install tables
+from pandas import HDFStore
+from openslide.deepzoom import DeepZoomGenerator
+from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedShuffleSplit
+import cv2
+from keras.utils.np_utils import to_categorical
+import os.path as osp
+import os
+import openslide
+from pathlib import Path
+from keras.models import Sequential
+from keras.layers import Lambda, Dropout
+from keras.layers.convolutional import Convolution2D, Conv2DTranspose
+from keras.layers.pooling import MaxPooling2D
+from keras.models import model_from_json
+import numpy as np
+import sys
+import skimage.io as io
+import skimage.transform as trans
+import numpy as np
+from keras.models import *
+from keras.layers import *
+from keras.optimizers import *
+from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint, LearningRateScheduler
+from keras import backend as keras
+import re
+import staintools
+import h5py
+from keras.utils import HDF5Matrix
+import stain_utils as utils
+import stainNorm_Reinhard
+import stainNorm_Macenko
+import stainNorm_Vahadane
+from datetime import datetime
+cores = int(os.environ['NSLOTS'])
+keras.set_session(keras.tf.Session(config=keras.tf.ConfigProto(intra_op_parallelism_threads=cores, inter_op_parallelism_threads=cores)))
+pred_size = int(os.environ['PRED_SIZE'])
+stride = 16
+mcn = os.environ['MCN']
+model = load_model(mcn, compile=False)
+ # '/home/weizhe.li/Training/googlenetmainmodel1119HNM-02-0.92.hdf5')
+ # '/home/weizhe.li/Training/googlenetmainmodel1119HNM-02-0.92.hdf5', compile=False)
+# '/home/weizhe.li/Training/HNM_models/no_noise_no_norm/googlenetv1_no_noise_no_norm_0210_hnm_transfer_learn_02.10.20_09:31_original_256_patches-03-0.91.hdf5', compile=False)
+# /home/weizhe.li/Training/googlenetmainmodel1119HNM-02-0.92.hdf5
+def main():
+ ''' Four command line arguments:
+ - $DIR Directory where HDF5 is located
+ - $HDF5_FILE HDF5 file name, like test_001.h5
+ - $BASENAME subgroup suffix, like 1, 2, ...
+ - $HEATMAP_DIR heatmap directory name
+ '''
+ # print command line arguments
+ for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
+ print (arg)
+ print (os.environ['HOSTNAME'])
+ print (os.environ['SGE_TASK_ID'])
+ x = int(os.environ['SGE_TASK_ID'])
+ print ("x = ", x)
+ dir = sys.argv[1]
+ hdf5_file = sys.argv[2]
+ grp_suffix = sys.argv[3]
+ heatmap_dir = sys.argv[4]
+ print ("dir = " + dir)
+ print ("hdf5_file = " + hdf5_file)
+ print ("grp_suffix = " + grp_suffix)
+ print ("heatmap_dir = " + heatmap_dir)
+ # patches, coords = [], []
+ start_time = time.time()
+ # patches, coords = get_patches( dir,
+ get_patches( dir, hdf5_file, grp_suffix, heatmap_dir, verbose=True)
+ print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
+# end of main ()
+# HDF5-specific helper functions #
+def get_patches(db_location, file_name, grp_suffix, heatmap_dir, verbose=False):
+ """ Loads the numpy patches from HDF5 files.
+ """
+ patches, coords = [], []
+ # Now load the images from H5 file.
+ file = h5py.File(db_location + "/" + file_name,'r+')
+ grp='t'+grp_suffix
+ # dataset = file['/' + ds]
+ group = file['/' + grp]
+ for key, value in group.items():
+ if key == 'img':
+ dataset=value
+ if key == 'coord':
+ dataset2=value
+ new_patches = np.array(dataset).astype('uint8')
+ # for patch in new_patches:
+ # patches.append(patch)
+ print ("COLOR_NORM on line # 133 is: ", color_norm)
+ output_preds_final_grp = []
+ for patch in new_patches:
+ ################################################color normalization##############################
+ if color_norm:
+ patch_normalized = color_norm_pred(patch, fit, log_file, current_time)
+ else:
+ patch_normalized = patch
+ output_preds_final = patch_pred_collect_from_slide_window(pred_size, patch_normalized, model, stride)
+ output_preds_final_grp.append(output_preds_final)
+ output_preds_final_grp = np.array(output_preds_final_grp)
+ np.save(osp.join(heatmap_dir, '%s_%s' % (file_name[:-3], grp)), output_preds_final_grp)
+ print ("Group " + grp)
+ # dataset2 = group['/' + "coord"]
+ new_coords = np.array(dataset2).astype('int64')
+ for coord in new_coords:
+ coords.append(coord)
+ file.close()
+ # output_preds_final_160 = []
+ # for i in range(len(patches)):
+ # output_preds_final = patch_pred_collect_from_slide_window(pred_size, patches[i], model, stride)
+ # output_preds_final_160.append(output_preds_final)
+ # output_preds_final_160 = np.array(output_preds_final_160)
+ # np.save(osp.join(heatmap_dir, '%s_%s' % (file_name[:-3], grp)), output_preds_final_160)
+ if verbose:
+ print("[py-wsi] loaded from", file_name, grp)
+ # return patches, coords
+# end of get_patches ()
+def patch_pred_collect_from_slide_window(pred_size, fullimage, model, stride):
+ """
+ create a nxn matrix that includes all the patches extracted from one big patch by slide window sampling.
+ :param integer pred_size: the size of patches to be extracted and predicted as tumor or normal patch.
+ :param nxn matrix fullimage: the image used for slide window prediction, which is larger than the patch to be predicted to avoid side effect.
+ :param object model: the trained network to predict the patches.
+ :return a nxn matrix for one patch to be predicted by slide window method
+ """
+ output_preds_final = []
+ for x in tqdm(range(0, pred_size, stride)):
+ patchforprediction_batch = []
+ for y in range(0, pred_size, stride):
+ patchforprediction = fullimage[x:x+pred_size, y:y+pred_size]
+ patchforprediction_batch.append(patchforprediction)
+ X_train = np.array(patchforprediction_batch)
+ preds = predict_batch_from_model(X_train, model)
+ output_preds_final.append(preds)
+ output_preds_final = np.array(output_preds_final)
+ return output_preds_final
+# end of patch_pred_collect_from_slide_window
+def predict_batch_from_model(patches, model):
+ """
+ There are two values for each prediction: one is for the score of normal patches.
+ ; the other one is for the score of tumor patches. The function is used to select
+ the score of tumor patches
+ :param array patches: a list of image patches to be predicted.
+ :param object model: the trained neural network.
+ :return lsit predictions: a list of scores for each predicted image patch.
+ The score here is the probability of the image as a tumor
+ image.
+ """
+ predictions = model.predict(patches)
+ predictions = predictions[:, 1]
+ return predictions
+# end of predict_batch_from_model
+def color_normalization(template_image_path, color_norm_method):
+ """
+ The function put all the color normalization methods together.
+ :param string template_image_path: the path of the image used as a template
+ :param string color_norm_method: one of the three methods: vahadane, macenko, reinhard.
+ :return object
+ """
+ template_image = staintools.read_image(template_image_path)
+ standardizer = staintools.LuminosityStandardizer.standardize(
+ template_image)
+ if color_norm_method == 'Reinhard':
+ color_normalizer = stainNorm_Reinhard.Normalizer()
+ color_normalizer.fit(standardizer)
+ elif color_norm_method == 'Macenko':
+ color_normalizer = stainNorm_Macenko.Normalizer()
+ color_normalizer.fit(standardizer)
+ elif color_norm_method == 'Vahadane':
+ color_normalizer = staintools.StainNormalizer(method='vahadane')
+ color_normalizer.fit(standardizer)
+ return color_normalizer
+def color_norm_pred(image_patch, fit, log_file, current_time):
+ """
+ To perform color normalization based on the method used.
+ :param matrix img: the image to be color normalized
+ :param object fit: the initialized method for normalization
+ :return matrix img_norm: the normalized images
+ :note if the color normalization fails, the original image patches
+ will be used. But this event will be written in the log file.
+ """
+ img = image_patch
+ img_norm = img
+ try:
+ img_standard = staintools.LuminosityStandardizer.standardize(img)
+ img_norm = fit.transform(img_standard)
+ except Exception as e:
+ log_file.write(str(image_patch) + ';' + str(e) + ';' + current_time)
+ #print(img_norm)
+ return img_norm
+# end of color_norm_pred
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ current_time = datetime.now().strftime("%d-%m-%Y_%I-%M-%S_%p")
+ color_norm_methods = ['Vahadane', 'Reinhard', 'Macenko']
+ template_image_path = '/home/weizhe.li/tumor_st.png'
+ # log_path = '/home/weizhe.li/log_files'
+ # color_norm = True
+ cn = os.environ['COLOR_NORM']
+ if (cn == "True"):
+ color_norm = True
+ else:
+ color_norm = False
+ if color_norm:
+ print ("COLOR_NORM on line # 276 is: ", color_norm)
+ color_norm_method = color_norm_methods[0]
+ fit = color_normalization(template_image_path, color_norm_method)
+ else:
+ print ("COLOR_NORM on Line # 280 is: ", color_norm)
+ color_norm_method = 'baseline'
+ fit = None
+ log_path = os.environ['LOG_DIR']
+ log_file = open('%s/%s.txt' % (log_path, color_norm_method), 'w')
+ main()