@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+Heatmap assembly
+After prediction, each patch from a WSI image has one prediction matrix (for example, 14x14). This script is
+used to put all these small matrix into a big map corresponding to a rectangle tissue region of a
+WSI image.
+How to use
+The following variables needed to be set:
+: param Folder_Prediction_Results: the location of the prediction for individual patches
+: type Folder_Prediction_results: str
+: param slide_category: the category of the slide, for example, 'tumor', 'normal', 'test'
+: type slide_category: str
+: param Folder_Heatmap: the folder to stoe the stitched heatmap
+: type Folder_Heatmap: str
+: param Stride: the skipped pixels when prediction, for example, 16, 64
+: type Stride: int
+The following files are necessary to perform the task:
+These files store the dimension of the heatmap and location of the heatmap in the WSI image.
+import os
+import os.path as osp
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import glob
+#import multiprocess as mlp
+import re
+def pred_collect(pred_folder):
+ files = glob.glob(osp.join(pred_folder, '*.npy'))
+ files.sort(key=lambda f: int(f.split('_t')[1].split('.')[0]))
+ # create a empty list to store all the small heatmap files (160, 14, 14) list.
+ heat_map = []
+ for file in files:
+ regions = np.load(file)
+ heat_map.extend(regions)
+ heat_map_array = np.array(heat_map)
+ return heat_map_array
+def stitch_preded_patches(dim, index, pred_folder, Folder_Heatmap, Stride):
+ """
+ stitching the prediction based on each small patches to a big heatmap
+ :param dimension_files: a list of all the dimension files for one category of slides, foe example, 'tumor'
+ :type dimension_files: list
+ :param pred_folder: the folder having all the patch prediction results for a single WSI image.
+ :type pred_folder: str
+ :param Folder_Heatmap: the folder to store the big stitched heatmap.
+ :type Folder_Heatmap: str
+ :param stride: the stride during prediction
+ :type stride: int
+ :return: no return
+ :note: two files will saved to the Folder_Heatmap:
+ 1. the stitched heatmap in npy format
+ 2. the heatmap picture in png format
+ """
+ num_of_pred_per_patch = int(224/Stride)
+ # heat_map_big = np.zeros([dim[7]*num_of_pred_per_patch, dim[8]*num_of_pred_per_patch], dtype=np.float32)
+ # generate a list of all npy files inside one folder.
+ heat_map_array = pred_collect(pred_folder)
+ heat_map_array_iter = iter(heat_map_array)
+ # construct the full heat_map array
+ no_tissue_region = np.zeros([int(224/Stride), int(224/Stride)], dtype = np.float32)
+ # no_tissue_region = np.zeros([12, 12], dtype=np.float32)
+ heat_map_all = []
+ for _, item in index.iterrows():
+ if item.is_tissue:
+ patch_pred = next(heat_map_array_iter)
+ heat_map_all.extend(patch_pred)
+ #print(patch_pred)
+ else:
+ heat_map_all.extend(no_tissue_region)
+ heat_map_all = np.array(heat_map_all)
+ print(heat_map_all.shape)
+ # These are critical steps to construct heatmap in a time saving manner.
+ heat_map_reshape = heat_map_all.reshape(dim[7], dim[8], num_of_pred_per_patch, num_of_pred_per_patch)
+ b = heat_map_reshape.transpose((0, 2, 1, 3))
+ # c = b.reshape(heat_map_big.shape[0], heat_map_big.shape[1])
+ # c = b.reshape(heat_map_big.shape[0], heat_map_big.shape[1])
+ c = b.reshape(dim[7]*num_of_pred_per_patch, dim[8]*num_of_pred_per_patch)
+ np.save('%s/%s_oldmodel_test_001n' % (Folder_Heatmap, osp.basename(pred_folder)), c)
+ matplotlib.image.imsave('%s/%s_oldmodel_test_001n.png' % (Folder_Heatmap, osp.basename(pred_folder)), c)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ taskid = int(os.environ['SGE_TASK_ID'])
+ # Here is the folder for prediction results.The prediction results are organized into folders. Each folder corresponds to a WSI image.
+ # Folder_Prediction_Results = '/scratch/mikem/UserSupport/weizhe.li/runs_process_cn_True/normal_wnorm_448_400_7690666'
+ Folder_Prediction_Results = os.environ['Folder_Prediction_Results']
+ Folder_dimension = os.environ['Folder_dimension']
+ index_path = os.environ['index_path']
+ dimension_files = glob.glob(osp.join(Folder_dimension, '*.npy'))
+ dimension_files.sort()
+ print(dimension_files)
+ index_files = glob.glob(osp.join(index_path, '*.pkl'))
+ index_files.sort()
+ # Folder_Heatmap = '/scratch/weizhe.li/heat_map/HPC/test'
+ Folder_Heatmap = os.environ['Folder_Heatmap']
+ Stride = 16
+ i = taskid - 1
+ dir = os.environ['dir']
+ pred_folder = osp.join(Folder_Prediction_Results, dir, 'preds')
+ dimension_file = dimension_files[i]
+ dimension = np.load(dimension_file)
+ print(dimension[7])
+ index_file = index_files[i]
+ index = np.load(index_file)
+ print(pred_folder)
+ stitch_preded_patches(dimension, index, pred_folder, Folder_Heatmap, Stride)