Heatmap assembly
After prediction, each patch from a WSI image has one prediction matrix (for example, 14x14). This script is
used to put all these small matrix into a big map corresponding to a rectangle tissue region of a
WSI image.

How to use
The following variables needed to be set:

: param Folder_Prediction_Results: the location of the prediction for individual patches
: type Folder_Prediction_results: str
: param slide_category: the category of the slide, for example, 'tumor', 'normal', 'test'
: type slide_category: str
: param Folder_Heatmap: the folder to stoe the stitched heatmap
: type Folder_Heatmap: str
: param Stride: the skipped pixels when prediction, for example, 16, 64 
: type Stride: int

The following files are necessary to perform the task:

These files store the dimension of the heatmap and location of the heatmap in the WSI image.

import os
import os.path as osp
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import glob
#import multiprocess as mlp
import re

def pred_collect(pred_folder):
    files = glob.glob(osp.join(pred_folder, '*.npy'))
    files.sort(key=lambda f: int(f.split('_t')[1].split('.')[0]))
    # create a empty list to store all the small heatmap files (160, 14, 14) list. 
    heat_map = []
    for file in files:
        regions = np.load(file)

    heat_map_array = np.array(heat_map)
    return heat_map_array

def stitch_preded_patches(dim, index, pred_folder, Folder_Heatmap, Stride):
    stitching the prediction based on each small patches to a big heatmap
    :param dimension_files: a list of all the dimension files for one category of slides, foe example, 'tumor' 
    :type dimension_files: list
    :param pred_folder: the folder having all the patch prediction results for a single WSI image.
    :type pred_folder: str
    :param Folder_Heatmap: the folder to store the big stitched heatmap.
    :type Folder_Heatmap: str
    :param stride: the stride during prediction
    :type stride: int
    :return: no return
    :note: two files will saved to the Folder_Heatmap:
            1. the stitched heatmap in npy format
            2. the heatmap picture in png format
    num_of_pred_per_patch = int(224/Stride)

    # heat_map_big = np.zeros([dim[7]*num_of_pred_per_patch, dim[8]*num_of_pred_per_patch], dtype=np.float32)
    # generate a list of all npy files inside one folder.

    heat_map_array = pred_collect(pred_folder)
    heat_map_array_iter = iter(heat_map_array)
    # construct the full heat_map array
    no_tissue_region = np.zeros([int(224/Stride), int(224/Stride)], dtype = np.float32)
    # no_tissue_region = np.zeros([12, 12], dtype=np.float32)
    heat_map_all = []
    for _, item in index.iterrows():
        if item.is_tissue:
            patch_pred = next(heat_map_array_iter)

    heat_map_all = np.array(heat_map_all)
    # These are critical steps to construct heatmap in a time saving manner. 
    heat_map_reshape = heat_map_all.reshape(dim[7], dim[8], num_of_pred_per_patch, num_of_pred_per_patch)
    b = heat_map_reshape.transpose((0, 2, 1, 3))

    # c = b.reshape(heat_map_big.shape[0], heat_map_big.shape[1])
    # c = b.reshape(heat_map_big.shape[0], heat_map_big.shape[1])
    c = b.reshape(dim[7]*num_of_pred_per_patch, dim[8]*num_of_pred_per_patch)
    np.save('%s/%s_oldmodel_test_001n' % (Folder_Heatmap, osp.basename(pred_folder)), c)

    matplotlib.image.imsave('%s/%s_oldmodel_test_001n.png' % (Folder_Heatmap, osp.basename(pred_folder)), c)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    taskid = int(os.environ['SGE_TASK_ID'])
    # Here is the folder for prediction results.The prediction results are organized into folders. Each folder corresponds to a WSI image.
    # Folder_Prediction_Results = '/scratch/mikem/UserSupport/weizhe.li/runs_process_cn_True/normal_wnorm_448_400_7690666'
    Folder_Prediction_Results = os.environ['Folder_Prediction_Results']

    Folder_dimension = os.environ['Folder_dimension']
    index_path = os.environ['index_path']

    dimension_files = glob.glob(osp.join(Folder_dimension, '*.npy'))

    index_files = glob.glob(osp.join(index_path, '*.pkl'))

    # Folder_Heatmap = '/scratch/weizhe.li/heat_map/HPC/test'
    Folder_Heatmap = os.environ['Folder_Heatmap']
    Stride = 16

    i = taskid - 1
    dir = os.environ['dir']
    pred_folder = osp.join(Folder_Prediction_Results, dir, 'preds')
    dimension_file = dimension_files[i]
    dimension = np.load(dimension_file)
    index_file = index_files[i]
    index = np.load(index_file)

    stitch_preded_patches(dimension, index, pred_folder, Folder_Heatmap, Stride)