[Image patch extract](Image-patch-extract)
[Image patch extract](#mage patch extract)
2. prediction
3. heatmap stitching
qsub heatmap_main.sh test /scratch/mikem/UserSupport/weizhe.li/runs_process_cn_True/testing_wnorm_448_400_7690953
# For color normalization True
qsub process_main.sh ./config_testing_cn_true.txt
qsub process_main.sh ./config_normal_cn_true.txt
qsub process_main.sh ./config_tumor_cn_true.txt
# For color normalization False
* qsub process_main.sh ./config_testing.txt
qsub process_main.sh ./config_normal.txt
qsub process_main.sh ./config_tumor.txt
qsub split_main.sh ./config_testing.txt
bash create_lookup_grp.sh ./config_testing.txt
qsub process_main.sh ./config_testing.txt
qsub split_main.sh ./config_normal.txt
bash create_lookup_grp.sh ./config_normal.txt
qsub process_main.sh ./config_normal.txt
qsub split_main.sh ./config_tumor.txt
bash create_lookup_grp.sh ./config_tumor.txt
qsub process_main.sh ./config_tumor.txt
#Real Cool Heading
qsub split_main.sh ./config_testing_wc.txt
[mikem@betsy02 split_wsi]$ ls -alsh /scratch/wxc4/CAMELYON16-testing | less
total 206G
[mikem@betsy02 split_wsi]$ ls -1 /scratch/wxc4/CAMELYON16-testing | wc -l
[mikem@betsy02 split_wsi]$ ls -alsh /scratch/wxc4/CAMELYON16-training/tumor | less
total 219G
[mikem@betsy02 split_wsi]$ ls -1 /scratch/wxc4/CAMELYON16-training/tumor | wc -l
[mikem@betsy02 split_wsi]$ ls -alsh /scratch/wxc4/CAMELYON16-training/normal | less
total 278G
[mikem@betsy02 split_wsi]$ ls -1 /scratch/wxc4/CAMELYON16-training/normal | wc -l
# Image patch extract
my tasks
Image patch extract
location of the bouding box
dimensions = {'normal' : '/home/weizhe.li/li-code4hpc/pred_dim_0314/training-updated/normal/dimensions',
'tumor' : '/home/weizhe.li/li-code4hpc/pred_dim_0314/training-updated/tumor/dimensions',
'test' : '/home/weizhe.li/li-code4hpc/pred_dim_0314/testing/dimensions'
A (width, height) tuple for level 0 of the slide.
get_tile_dimensions(level, address)
Return a (pixels_x, pixels_y) tuple for the specified tile.
get_tile_coordinates(level, address)
Return the OpenSlide.read_region() arguments corresponding to the specified tile.
read_region(location, level, size)
Return an RGBA Image containing the contents of the specified region.
•llocation (tuple) – (x, y) tuple giving the top left pixel in the level 0 reference frame
•level (int) – the level number
•size (tuple) – (width, height) tuple giving the region size
>>> crds
((96, 0), 0, (512, 288))
>>> crds[0]
(96, 0)
>>> crds[0][0]
>>> crds[2]
(512, 288)
>>> crds[2][0]
>>> crds[2][1]
>>> crds[1]
The numbers of dimension times 224 is the actually dimension for the highest resolution image.
The dimension from openslide is a coordinate (x, y) x is the width and y is the height.
If the image was read into a numpy array. When you check the numpy array shape, you will get another coordinate (x, y) x is the height, y is the width. Please note that the sequence is reversed. Please use the description of the dimension file in this email.
By the way, the openslide use the top left corner as the (0, 0) point. X axis poinst to right; Y axis points down
The dimension files I mentioned in my last email have their contents as the following:
Each file store a list: [item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8] br: 4256 5152 4256 5152
item1: height of the WSI image
item2: width of the WSI image
item3: number of channels ( equal to 3. We don’t need this item)
item4: x coordinate on left of bounding box;
item5: x coordinate on right of bounding box;
item6: y coordinate on top of bounding box;
item7: y coordinate on bottom of bounding box;
item8: height of the bounding box of bounding box;
item9: width of the bounding box of bounding box.
Each file stores a list of bounding box. The actually coordinate on highest resolution needs to be timed by 224. I will send you a description tomorrow morning.
The dimension files I mentioned in my last email have their contents as the following:
Each file store a list: [item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8]
item1: width of the WSI image
item2: height of the WSI image
item3: number of channels ( equal to 3. We don’t need this item)
item4: x coordinate on left of bounding box;
item5: x coordinate on right of bounding box;
item6: y coordinate on top of bounding box;
item7: y coordinate on bottom of bounding box;
item8: width of the bounding box of bounding box;
item9: height of the bounding box of bounding box.
Level counting
qsub get_levels.sh
cat level_count/* >> all_level_count.csv
sort -k1n all_level_count.csv > all_level_count-sorted.csv
1. Create a list of WSI located under: /scratch/wxc4/CAMELYON16-testing/
cd /projects/mikem/UserSupport/weizhe.li/split_wsi
ls -1 /scratch/wxc4/CAMELYON16-testing > list.txt
2. Run the below job to split TIF files intosmaller HDF5 files
qsub split_grp.sh
3. Geneate look-up table:
bash create_lookup_grp.sh
4. Run below script to process all HDF5 file in parallel.
qsub process_main.sh
At [mikem@betsy02 split_wsi]$:
find $BASEDIR -name "$APP_PREFIX.*" | xargs grep "seconds" > "$RESULT".txt
sort -k2 -n "$RESULT".txt > "$RESULT"_sorted.txt
find /projects/mikem/UserSupport/weizhe.li/split_wsi/sysout_process_images_ds -name "process_images_ds.o7676383.*" | xargs grep "seconds" > ds_timing1.txt
sort -k2 -n ds_timing1.txt > ds_timing1_sorted.txt
find /projects/mikem/UserSupport/weizhe.li/split_wsi/sysout_process_images_ds -name "process_images_ds.o7674135.*" | xargs grep "seconds" > ds_timing.txt
sort -k2 -n ds_timing.txt > ds_timing_sorted.txt
find /projects/mikem/UserSupport/weizhe.li/split_wsi/sysout_process_images -name "process_images.o7673281.*" | xargs grep "seconds" > file_timing.txt
sort -k2 -n file_timing.txt > file_timing_sorted.txt
create_dataset, see: http://docs.h5py.org/en/stable/high/group.html
# for splitting and grouping
find $D -name "split*" | xargs grep "real" > split_timing.txt