설명 없음

Mike Mikailov 9be61f61ed Rename dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/prediction/config_testing_cn_true.txt to dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/config_testing_cn_true.txt 5 년 전
heatmap_stitch 740b0b5581 Rename dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/heatmap_main.sh to dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/heatmap_stitch/heatmap_main.sh 5 년 전
image_patch_extract d5fa764ba4 Rename dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/split_main.sh to dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/image_patch_extract/split_main.sh 5 년 전
prediction 9be61f61ed Rename dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/prediction/config_testing_cn_true.txt to dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/config_testing_cn_true.txt 5 년 전
config_generic.txt 3d50886e77 Rename dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/prediction/config_generic.txt to dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/config_generic.txt 5 년 전
config_generic_cn_true.txt ca24aa6239 Rename dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/prediction/config_generic_cn_true.txt to dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/config_generic_cn_true.txt 5 년 전
config_normal.txt 48519fcbe8 Rename dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/prediction/config_normal.txt to dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/config_normal.txt 5 년 전
config_normal_cn_true.txt 3d152e37ba Rename dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/prediction/config_normal_cn_true.txt to dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/config_normal_cn_true.txt 5 년 전
config_testing.txt 5622ed1a35 Rename dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/prediction/config_testing.txt to dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/config_testing.txt 5 년 전
config_testing_cn_true.txt 9be61f61ed Rename dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/prediction/config_testing_cn_true.txt to dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/config_testing_cn_true.txt 5 년 전
readme.md 9fbbf81d18 Update readme.md 5 년 전
set_env.sh 850f3c1906 Rename dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/set_env.sh to dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/set_env.sh 5 년 전
time_all_stats_pred.sh 9fe317c112 Rename dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/time_all_stats_pred.sh to dldp/dldp/heatmap_pred/HPC_SC20/time_all_stats_pred.sh 5 년 전
wall_clock_time_stats_pred.sh 6720e84621 Add files via upload 5 년 전


1 Image patch extraction
2 Prediction
3 Heatmap stitching
4 Retreiving run-time statistics

1 Image patch extraction

  • Adjust configuration parameters in files config_testing.txt, config_normal.txt and config_tumor.txt.
  • Run the commands listed in the following subsections to launch Son of Grid Engine (SGE) jobs to extract, group patches in HDF5 files and create a lookup table for every HDF5 file.

    1.2 Extract and group

  • qsub split_main.sh ./config_testing.txt

  • qsub split_main.sh ./config_normal.txt

  • qsub split_main.sh ./config_tumor.txt

1.3 Creat lookup tables

  • bash create_lookup_grp.sh ./config_testing.txt
  • bash create_lookup_grp.sh ./config_normal.txt
  • bash create_lookup_grp.sh ./config_tumor.txt

The lookup tables are created only once and used at Prediction stage for launching array job tasks. These tasks are run in parallel and scalable manner - if there are not enough resourcs for running all tasks then they are queued up automatically and started as resources become available. Each task processes only one group.

2 Prediction

  • Additionally adjust configuration parameters in files, config_testing_cn_true.txt, config_normal_cn_true.txt, config_tumor_cn_true.txt.
  • Run the below commands to launch SGE jobs to generate prediction matrices.

    2.1 With color normalization

  • qsub process_main.sh ./config_testing_cn_true.txt

  • qsub process_main.sh ./config_normal_cn_true.txt

  • qsub process_main.sh ./config_tumor_cn_true.txt

2.2 Without color normalization

  • qsub process_main.sh ./config_testing.txt
  • qsub process_main.sh ./config_normal.txt
  • qsub process_main.sh ./config_tumor.txt

3 Heatmap stitching

After the predictions matrices have been generated an SGE job using heatmap_main.sh SGE scrip could be launched to genertae heatmaps. Two arguments for this launch are: a) type of the slides (test, normal or tumor); b) the root directory of the results, like in below example run:

  • qsub heatmap_main.sh test /scratch/mikem/UserSupport/weizhe.li/runs_process_cn_True/testing_wnorm_448_400_7690953

4 Retreiving run-time statistics

4.1 CPU time

In time_all_stats_pred.sh file adjust job results root directory, DIR and slides type, PREFIX (normal, test or tumor), like below:

  • DIR=/scratch/mikem/UserSupport/weizhe.li/runs_process_cn_False/normal_wnorm_448_400_7691563
  • PREFIX=normal
    Then run:
  • time bash ./time_all_stats_pred.sh

    4.2 Wall-Clock time

    In wall_clock_time_stats_pred.sh file adjust job results root directory, DIR and slides type, PREFIX (normal, test or tumor), like below:

  • DIR=/scratch/mikem/UserSupport/weizhe.li/runs_process_cn_V2_False/testing_wnorm_448_400_7694088

  • PREFIX=test
    Then run:

  • time bash ./wall_clock_time_stats_pred.sh