@@ -43,6 +43,67 @@
success_msg: "{{ realm_success_msg }}"
fail_msg: "{{ realm_fail_msg }}"
tags: [ validate, security ]
+- name: Fetch the short hostname
+ command: hostname -s
+ register: short_hostname
+ changed_when: false
+ tags: [ validate, security ]
+- name: Verify the hostname is not blank in hostname
+ fail:
+ msg: " {{ hostname_blank_msg }}"
+ when: short_hostname.stdout | length < 1
+ tags: [ validate, security ]
+- name: Validate the host name
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - short_hostname.stdout is regex(("^(([a-z]|[a-z][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])\.)*([a-z]|[a-z][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])$"))
+ - short_hostname.stdout != "localhost"
+ success_msg: "{{ server_hostname_success }}"
+ fail_msg: "{{ server_hostname_fail }}"
+ tags: [ validate, security ]
+- name: Fetch the domain name
+ command: hostname -d
+ register: domain_name_set
+ changed_when: false
+ tags: [ validate, security ]
+- name: Verify the domain name is not blank in hostname
+ fail:
+ msg: " {{ domain_name_blank_msg }}"
+ when: domain_name_set.stdout | length < 1
+ tags: [ validate, security ]
+- name: Set fact for the domain name in hostname
+ set_fact:
+ ms_domain_name: "{{ domain_name_set.stdout }}"
+ tags: [ validate, security ]
+- name: Validate the domain name set on the host
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - domain_name == ms_domain_name
+ success_msg: "{{ server_domain_name_success }}"
+ fail_msg: "{{ server_domain_name_fail }}"
+ tags: [ validate, security ]
+- name: Get the hostname
+ command: hostname
+ register: machine_hostname
+ changed_when: false
+ tags: [ validate, security ]
+- name: Add host name in hosts file
+ lineinfile:
+ dest: "{{ hosts_file_path }}"
+ line: "{{ public_ip }} {{ machine_hostname.stdout }}"
+ state: present
+ create: yes
+ mode: "{{ hosts_file_mode }}"
+ tags: [ validate, security ]
- name: Validate max_failures
@@ -81,3 +142,19 @@
success_msg: "{{ session_timeout_success_msg }}"
fail_msg: "{{ session_timeout_fail_msg }}"
tags: [ validate, security ]
+- name: Validate alert_email_address
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - email_search_key in alert_email_address
+ - alert_email_address | length < email_max_length
+ success_msg: "{{ alert_email_success_msg }}"
+ fail_msg: "{{ alert_email_fail_msg }}"
+ tags: [ validate, security ]
+ when: alert_email_address | length > 1
+- name: Warning - alert_email_address is empty
+ debug:
+ msg: "{{ alert_email_warning_msg }}"
+ tags: security
+ when: alert_email_address | length < 1