Pārlūkot izejas kodu

Merge pull request #784 from Lakshmi-Patneedi/devel

Changes for control_plane_common
Sujit Jadhav 3 gadi atpakaļ

+ 6 - 8

@@ -12,20 +12,18 @@
 #  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 #  limitations under the License.
-- name: Install packages - leap
-  zypper:
-    name: "{{ common_packages_leap }}"
+- name: Install packages
+  package:
+    name: "{{ common_packages }}"
     state: present
-  when: ( os_supported_leap in mgmt_os ) and ( ansible_distribution_version >= os_supported_leap_version )
 - name: Install packages - rocky
-    name: "{{ common_packages }}"
+    name: "{{ common_packages_rocky }}"
     state: present
-    - ( mgmt_os == os_supported_centos ) and ( ansible_distribution_version >= os_supported_centos_version ) or
-      ( mgmt_os == os_supported_rocky ) and ( ansible_distribution_version >= os_supported_rocky_version )
+    - os_supported_leap not in mgmt_os
 - name: Install netaddr
   command: pip3 install netaddr
-  changed_when: false
+  changed_when: false

+ 16 - 15

@@ -32,13 +32,6 @@
     mount_path: "{{ role_path + '/../../..'  }}"
   tags: init
-- name: Collecting ansible python version
-  shell:
-    cmd: ansible --version | grep "python version" | cut -d ' ' -f 6
-  register: ansible_python_version
-  changed_when: false
-  tags: init
 - name: Saving management station os
@@ -49,9 +42,18 @@
     msg: "{{ ansible_python_version_status }}"
   tags: init
-  when:
-    - ansible_python_version.stdout != python_version_leap
-    - ansible_python_version.stdout != python_version_support
+  when: 
+    - ansible_python_version < python_version_support 
+    - os_supported_leap not in mgmt_os
+- name: Verify the ansible and python versions installed
+  fail:
+    msg: "{{ ansible_python_version_status }}"
+  tags: init
+  when: 
+    - ansible_python_version < python_version_leap
+    - os_supported_leap in mgmt_os
+    - ansible_distribution_version >= os_supported_leap_version
 - name: Verify whether ansible configuration file exists
@@ -70,13 +72,13 @@
 - name: Check OS support
-      - ( mgmt_os == os_supported_centos ) and ( ansible_distribution_version >= os_supported_centos_version ) or
-        ( mgmt_os == os_supported_rocky ) and ( ansible_distribution_version >= os_supported_rocky_version ) or
+      - ( os_supported_centos in mgmt_os ) and ( ansible_distribution_version >= os_supported_centos_version ) or
+        ( os_supported_rocky in mgmt_os ) and ( ansible_distribution_version >= os_supported_rocky_version ) or
         ( os_supported_leap in mgmt_os ) and ( ansible_distribution_version >= os_supported_leap_version )
     fail_msg: "{{ fail_os_status }}"
     success_msg: "{{ success_os_status }}"
   register: os_value
-  tags: init
+  tags: [ init, validate ]
 - block:
     - name: Fetch SElinux mode
@@ -98,8 +100,7 @@
       register: selinux_value
   tags: init
-    - ( mgmt_os == os_supported_centos ) and ( ansible_distribution_version >= os_supported_centos_version ) or
-      ( mgmt_os == os_supported_rocky ) and ( ansible_distribution_version >= os_supported_rocky_version )
+    - os_supported_leap not in mgmt_os
 - name: State of firewall

+ 6 - 21

@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 # vars file for control_plane_common
 # Usage: package_installation.yml
   - git
   - gcc
   - gcc-c++
@@ -30,30 +30,15 @@ common_packages_leap:
   - net-tools
   - python3-netaddr
   - dos2unix
-  - cri-o
   - make
 os_supported_leap: "leap"
 os_supported_leap_version: "15.3"
-python_version_leap: '3.6.15'
+python_version_leap: '3.6.13'
   - epel-release
   - yum-utils
-  - git
-  - gcc
-  - gcc-c++
-  - nodejs
   - device-mapper-persistent-data
-  - bzip2
-  - python2-pip
-  - python3-pip
-  - nano
-  - lvm2
-  - gettext
-  - net-tools
-  - python3-netaddr
   - yum-plugin-versionlock
-  - dos2unix
-  - make
 # Usage: pre_requisite.yml
 internet_delay: 0
@@ -64,11 +49,11 @@ os_supported_centos: "centos"
 os_supported_rocky: "rocky"
 os_supported_centos_version: "8.3"
 os_supported_rocky_version: "8.4"
-fail_os_status: "Unsupported OS or OS version. OS should be {{ os_supported_centos }} {{ os_supported_centos_version }} or {{ os_supported_rocky }} {{ os_supported_rocky_version }}"
+fail_os_status: "Unsupported OS or OS version. OS should be {{ os_supported_centos }} {{ os_supported_centos_version }} or {{ os_supported_rocky }} {{ os_supported_rocky_version }} or {{ os_supported_leap }} {{ os_supported_leap_version }}"
 success_os_status: "Management Station OS validated"
 internet_status: "Failed. No Internet connection. Make sure network is up."
 selinux_status: "SElinux is not disabled. Disable it in /etc/sysconfig/selinux and reboot the system"
-ansible_python_version_status: "For CentOS 8.3, python bindings of firewalld, dnf, selinux are not available if python is installed from source and not from dnf. So please make sure python3.6 is installed using dnf. And ansible uses the python version 3.6 installed using dnf"
+ansible_python_version_status: "For {{ mgmt_os }} {{ ansible_distribution_version }}, python bindings of firewalld, dnf, selinux are not available if python is installed from source and not from dnf or zypper. So please make sure python3.6 is installed using dnf or zypper. And ansible uses the python version 3.6 installed using dnf or zypper"
 python_version_support: '3.6.8'
 default_ansible_config_file_path: /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
 invalid_run_tag_msg: "Failed. init tag should be used with run tags"
@@ -255,4 +240,4 @@ idrac_input_filename: input_params/idrac_vars.yml
 firmware_update_success_msg: "firmware_update_required validated"
 firmware_update_fail_msg: "Failed. firmware_update_required accepts only true or false in idrac_vars.yml"
 poweredge_model_success_msg: "poweredge_model validated"
-poweredge_model_fail_msg: "Failed. poweredge_model is incorrect or unsupported. Please update the list with the supported models in the correct format"
+poweredge_model_fail_msg: "Failed. poweredge_model is incorrect or unsupported. Please update the list with the supported models in the correct format"