Browse Source

Create device_config_validations.yml

Signed-off-by: Shubhangi-dell <>
Shubhangi-dell 3 years ago

+ 96 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
+#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+- name: Initialize variables
+  set_fact:
+    mngmnt_network_container_status: false
+- name: Check mngmnt_network_container status on the machine
+  command: kubectl get pods -n network-config
+  register: mngmnt_network_container_result
+  failed_when: false
+  changed_when: false
+- name: Validate if mngmnt_network is present if device_config is false
+  set_fact:
+    mngmnt_network_container_status: true
+  when: "'mngmnt-network-container' in mngmnt_network_container_result.stdout"
+- name: Validate if mngmnt_network is present if device_config is false
+  assert:
+    that: device_config_support != false
+    success_msg: "{{ mgmnt_device_fail }}"
+    fail_msg: "{{ mgmnt_device_fail }}"
+  when: mngmnt_network_container_status
+- name: Assert value of idrac_support if mngmnt_network container needed
+  assert:
+    that: idrac_support == true
+    success_msg: "{{ idrac_support_valid }}"
+    fail_msg: " {{ failed_idrac_support }}"
+  when: device_config_support
+- block:
+    - name: Assert ethernet_switch_support
+      assert:
+        that: ethernet_switch_support == true or ethernet_switch_support == false
+        success_msg: "{{ ethernet_switch_support_success_msg }}"
+        fail_msg: "{{ ethernet_switch_support_fail_msg }}"
+    - name: Assert ib_switch_support
+      assert:
+        that:  ib_switch_support == true or ib_switch_support == false
+        success_msg: "{{ ib_switch_support_success_msg }}"
+        fail_msg: "{{ ib_switch_support_fail_msg }}"
+    - name: Assert powervault_support
+      assert:
+        that: powervault_support == true or powervault_support == false
+        success_msg: "{{ powervault_support_success_msg }}"
+        fail_msg: "{{ powervault_support_fail_msg }}"
+  when: device_support_status
+- block:
+  - name: Check value of ethernet_switch_support when not device_config_support
+    assert:
+      that: ethernet_switch_support == true
+      success_msg: "{{ ethernet_device_config }}"
+    failed_when: false
+  - name: Set ethernet_switch_support when not device_config_support
+    set_fact:
+      ethernet_switch_support: false
+  - name: Check value of ib_switch_support when not device_config_support
+    assert:
+      that: ib_switch_support == true
+      success_msg: "{{ ib_device_config }}"
+    failed_when: false
+  - name: Set ib_switch_support when not device_config_support
+    set_fact:
+      ib_switch_support: false
+  - name: Check value of powervault_support when not device_config_support
+    assert:
+      that: powervault_support == true
+      success_msg: "{{ pv_device_config }}"
+    failed_when: false
+  - name: Set powervault_support when not device_config_support
+    set_fact:
+      powervault_support: false
+  when: not device_support_status