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Update main.yml

Signed-off-by: Shubhangi-dell <>
Shubhangi-dell 3 years ago
1 changed files with 19 additions and 17 deletions
  1. 19 17

+ 19 - 17

@@ -103,10 +103,8 @@ fail_msg_directory_manager_password: "Failed. Incorrect format provided for dire
 success_msg_ipa_admin_password: "ipa_admin_password successfully validated"
 fail_msg_ipa_admin_password: "Failed. Incorrect format provided for ipa_admin_password"
 omnia_input_config_failure_msg: "Failed. Please provide all the required parameters in omnia_config.yml for for login_node"
-login_node_required_success_msg: "login_node_required successfully validated"
-login_node_required_fail_msg: "Failed. login_node_required should be either true or false"
-secure_login_node_success_msg: "enable_secure_login_node successfully validated"
-secure_login_node_fail_msg: "Failed. enable_secure_login_node should be either true or false"
+login_node_required_success_msg: "Login_node_required successfully validated"
+login_node_required_fail_msg: "Failed. login_node_required can be either true or false"
 # Usage: fetch_base_inputs.yml
 base_vars_filename: "input_params/base_vars.yml"
@@ -148,8 +146,6 @@ success_msg_different_nics: "The nics of different containers and public nic are
 fail_msg_different_nics: "Failed. Incorrect nic information. public nic, management network nic and host network nic should not be the same"
 success_msg_different_nics_ib: "The nics of different containers and public nic are not the same as infiniband nic- Validated"
 fail_msg_different_nics_ib: "Failed. Infiniband nic cannot be the same as other nics"
-success_msg_ib: "Infiniband variables validated"
-fail_msg_ib: "Failed. Please provide all the InfiniBand related parameters in base_vars.yml"
 success_msg_lease_time: "Default lease time validated"
 fail_msg_lease_time: "Failed. Please provide a valid default lease time"
 provision_os_success_msg: "provision_os validated"
@@ -158,23 +154,24 @@ provision_state_success_msg: "provision_state validated"
 provision_state_fail_msg: "Failed. Incorrect provision_state selected. Supported only stateful"
 enable_security_support_success_msg: "enable_security_support validated"
 enable_security_support_fail_msg: "Failed. enable_security_support only accepts boolean values true or false"
-dns_empty_warning_msg: "[WARNING] primary_dns and secondary_dns is empty. DHCP routing in compute nodes for internet access won't be configured. Stop and re-run control_plane.yml, if DHCP routing is required."
-primary_dns_empty_msg: "primary_dns is empty and secondary_dns provided. If one dns entry present, provide primary_dns only."
-primary_dns_success_msg: "primary_dns successfully validated"
-primary_dns_fail_msg: "Failed. Incorrect primary_dns provided in base_vars.yml"
-primary_dns_not_reachable_msg: "Failed. primary_dns is not reachable. Provide valid dns"
-secondary_dns_success_msg: "secondary_dns successfully validated"
-secondary_dns_fail_msg: "Failed. Incorrect secondary_dns provided in base_vars.yml"
-secondary_dns_not_reachable_msg: "[WARNING] secondary_dns is not reachable"
-ping_search_key: "100% packet loss"
+success_device_config: " Success. Device_config_support has valid values"
+fail_device_config: "Failed. Give a valid value in device_config_support"
+device_ip_list_not_supported: "[Warning] Device_ip_list is invalid as minimum idrac_support should be true"
+mgmnt_device_fail: "Failed. Container already present. Either delete the container or make device_config_support as true"
+# Usage: device_config_validations
+success_msg_ib: "Infiniband variables validated"
+fail_msg_ib: "Failed. Please provide all the InfiniBand related parameters in base_vars.yml"
+ethernet_device_config: " Ethernet_switch_support will be set to false only since device_config_support is set to false"
+ib_device_config: " Ib_switch_support will be set to false only since device_config_support is set to false"
+pv_device_config: " Powervault_support will be set to false only since device_config_support is set to false"
+idrac_support_valid: "Idrac support is initiated."
+failed_idrac_support: " Failed. Atleast idrac_support should be true."
 # Usage: fetch_sm_inputs.yml
 ib_config_file: "{{ role_path }}/../../input_params/ib_vars.yml"
 opensm_conf_file: "{{ role_path }}/../../input_params/opensm.conf"
 fail_msg_config_file: ib_vars.yml file doesn't exist.
 fail_msg_opensm_config_file: opensm.conf file doesn't exist.
 fail_msg_ib_input_definition: Infiniband config directories must be defined.
 fail_msg_ib_input: Infiniband config directories can't be left empty.
@@ -265,3 +262,8 @@ firmware_update_success_msg: "firmware_update_required validated"
 firmware_update_fail_msg: "Failed. firmware_update_required accepts only true or false in idrac_vars.yml"
 poweredge_model_success_msg: "poweredge_model validated"
 poweredge_model_fail_msg: "Failed. poweredge_model is incorrect or unsupported. Please update the list with the supported models in the correct format"
+# Usage: validate_device_ip_file.yml
+fail_device_ip_format: "Failed.Incorrect file format. File should only contain IPs"
+success_device_ip_format: "File is correct"
+mgmnt_ip_path: "{{ role_path}}/../collect_device_info/files/mgmt_provisioned_hosts.yml"