* Ensure that a stable Internet connection is available on management station, manager node, login node, and compute nodes.
* Ensure that a stable Internet connection is available on management station, manager node, login node, and compute nodes.
* To provision the bare metal servers, go to http://isoredirect.centos.org/centos/7/isos/x86_64/ and download the **CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-2009** ISO file.
* To provision the bare metal servers, go to http://isoredirect.centos.org/centos/7/isos/x86_64/ and download the **CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-2009** ISO file.
* For DHCP configuration, you can provide a host mapping file. If the mapping file is not provided and the variable is left blank, a default mapping file will be created. The provided details must be in the format: MAC address, Hostname, IP address, Component_role. For example, `10:11:12:13,server1,,compute` and `14:15:16:17,server2,,manager` are valid entries.
* For DHCP configuration, you can provide a host mapping file. If the mapping file is not provided and the variable is left blank, a default mapping file will be created. The provided details must be in the format: MAC address, Hostname, IP address, Component_role. For example, `10:11:12:13,server1,,compute` and `14:15:16:17,server2,,manager` are valid entries.