Browse Source

Create parallel-coordinate.json

Signed-off-by: Zipexpo <>
Zipexpo 3 years ago
1 changed files with 321 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 321 0

+ 321 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
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+          "rawSql": "SELECT $__timeGroupAlias(\"time\",$__interval),\navg(CAST(value AS decimal)) as \"memory_power\",\nCONCAT('| ',system) AS name\nFROM timeseries_metrics\nWHERE  \n$__timeFilter(time) AND \nlabel= 'PowerMetrics TotalMemoryPower' AND \nsystem IN ($ServiceTag)\nGROUP BY\ntime, name\nORDER BY time;",
+          "refId": "memory_power",
+          "select": [
+            [
+              {
+                "params": [
+                  "value"
+                ],
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+              }
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+          "metricColumn": "none",
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+          "rawSql": "SELECT $__timeGroupAlias(\"time\",$__interval),\navg(CAST(value AS decimal)) as \"power_consumption\",\nCONCAT('| ',system) AS name\nFROM timeseries_metrics\nWHERE  \n$__timeFilter(time) AND \nlabel= 'PowerMetrics SystemPowerConsumption' AND \nsystem IN ($ServiceTag)\nGROUP BY\ntime, name\nORDER BY time;",
+          "refId": "power_consumption",
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+          "rawSql": "SELECT $__timeGroupAlias(\"time\",$__interval),\navg(CAST(value AS decimal)) as \"cpu_power\",\nCONCAT('| ',system) AS name\nFROM timeseries_metrics\nWHERE  \n$__timeFilter(time) AND \nlabel= 'PowerMetrics TotalCPUPower' AND \nsystem IN ($ServiceTag)\nGROUP BY\ntime, name\nORDER BY time;",
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+          "rawSql": "SELECT $__timeGroupAlias(\"time\",$__interval),\navg(CAST(value AS decimal)) as \"cpu1_temp\",\nCONCAT('| ',system) AS name\nFROM timeseries_metrics\nWHERE  \n$__timeFilter(time) AND \nlabel= 'CPU1 Temp TemperatureReading' AND \nsystem IN ($ServiceTag)\nGROUP BY\ntime, name\nORDER BY time;",
+          "refId": "cpu1_temp",
+          "select": [
+            [
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+                "params": [
+                  "value"
+                ],
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+              }
+            ]
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+          },
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+          "rawSql": "SELECT $__timeGroupAlias(\"time\",$__interval),\navg(CAST(value AS decimal)) as \"cpu2_temp\",\nCONCAT('| ',system) AS name\nFROM timeseries_metrics\nWHERE  \n$__timeFilter(time) AND \nlabel= 'CPU2 Temp TemperatureReading' AND \nsystem IN ($ServiceTag)\nGROUP BY\ntime, name\nORDER BY time;",
+          "refId": "cpu2_temp",
+          "select": [
+            [
+              {
+                "params": [
+                  "value"
+                ],
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+              }
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+            {
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+          },
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+          "rawSql": "SELECT $__timeGroupAlias(\"time\",$__interval),\navg(CAST(value AS decimal)) as \"NIC1_temp\",\nCONCAT('| ',system) AS name\nFROM timeseries_metrics\nWHERE  \n$__timeFilter(time) AND \nlabel= 'Embedded NIC 1 Port 1 Partition 1 TemperatureReading' AND \nsystem IN ($ServiceTag)\nGROUP BY\ntime, name\nORDER BY time;",
+          "refId": "nic1_temp",
+          "select": [
+            [
+              {
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+                  "value"
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+              }
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+          "rawSql": "SELECT $__timeGroupAlias(\"time\",$__interval),\navg(CAST(value AS decimal)) as \"Fan1_speed\",\nCONCAT('| ',system) AS name\nFROM timeseries_metrics\nWHERE  \n$__timeFilter(time) AND \nlabel= 'Fan 1A RPMReading' AND \nsystem IN ($ServiceTag)\nGROUP BY\ntime, name\nORDER BY time;",
+          "refId": "fan1_speed",
+          "select": [
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+                "params": [
+                  "value"
+                ],
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+              }
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+          "type": "postgres",
+          "uid": "telemetry-postgres"
+        },
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+        "multi": true,
+        "name": "ServiceTag",
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+      }
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+    "to": "now"
+  },
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+  "title": "iDRAC-and-Slurm-Telemetry",
+  "uid": "pArBHUtnk",
+  "version": 6,
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