@@ -13,14 +13,24 @@
# limitations under the License.
# limitations under the License.
-- name: Add ports to firewall to run slurm jobs
- include_tasks: firewall_settings.yml
- when:
- - hostvars['']['login_node_required']
- - hostvars[groups['manager'][0]] != hostvars[groups['login_node'][0]]
+- block:
+ - name: Add ports to firewall to run slurm jobs
+ include_tasks: firewall_settings.yml
+ - name: Install ipa client
+ include_tasks: install_ipa_client.yml
-- name: Install ipa client
- include_tasks: install_ipa_client.yml
+ - block:
+ - name: FreeIPA configuration
+ include_tasks: ipa_configuration.yml
+ - name: Alert configuration
+ include_tasks: configure_alerting.yml
+ when: hostvars['']['alert_email_address'] | length > 1
+ - name: Session timeout configuration
+ include_tasks: session_timeout.yml
+ when: hostvars['']['enable_secure_login_node']
- hostvars['']['login_node_required']
- hostvars['']['login_node_required']
- - hostvars[groups['manager'][0]] != hostvars[groups['login_node'][0]]
+ - hostvars[groups['manager'][0]] != hostvars[groups['login_node'][0]]