@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# Copyright 2021 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+- block:
+ - name: Get awx-service Cluster-IP
+ command: "kubectl get svc awx-service -n {{ awx_namespace }} -o jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'"
+ register: awx_cluster_ip
+ changed_when: false
+ - name: Get AWX admin password
+ shell: "kubectl get secret awx-admin-password -n {{ awx_namespace }} -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode"
+ register: awx_admin_password
+ changed_when: false
+ - name: Set IP and password
+ set_fact:
+ awx_ip: 'http://{{ awx_cluster_ip.stdout }}'
+ admin_password: "{{ awx_admin_password.stdout }}"
+ no_log: true
+ - name: Check if {{ tower_config_file_path }} file is encrypted
+ command: cat {{ tower_config_file_path }}
+ changed_when: false
+ no_log: true
+ register: config_content
+ run_once: true
+ - name: Decrpyt {{ tower_config_file_path }}
+ command: >-
+ ansible-vault decrypt {{ tower_config_file_path }}
+ --vault-password-file {{ tower_vault_file_path }}
+ when: "'$ANSIBLE_VAULT;' in config_content.stdout"
+ no_log: true
+ changed_when: false
+ run_once: true
+ - name: Change tower_config file permissions
+ file:
+ path: "{{ tower_config_file_path }}"
+ mode: "{{ file_perm }}"
+ - name: Create an inventory
+ tower_inventory:
+ name: "{{ inventory_name }}"
+ organization: "{{ organization_name }}"
+ tower_config_file: "{{ tower_config_file_path }}"
+ state: present
+ - name: Create a host with inventory_hostname
+ tower_host:
+ name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
+ inventory: "{{ inventory_name }}"
+ state: present
+ tower_config_file: "{{ tower_config_file_path }}"
+ when: inventory_hostname is defined
+ - name: Create a job template
+ awx.awx.tower_job_template:
+ name: "{{ job_template_name }}"
+ job_type: "run"
+ organization: "{{ organization_name }}"
+ inventory: "{{ inventory_name }}"
+ project: "{{ project_name }}"
+ playbook: "{{ playbook_path }}"
+ credentials:
+ - "{{ item.credential }}"
+ state: present
+ tower_config_file: "{{ tower_config_file_path }}"
+ loop: "{{ job_template_details }}"
+ when: item.name == template_name
+ - name: Change file permissions
+ file:
+ path: "../input_params/login_vars.yml"
+ owner: root
+ mode: "{{ file_perm }}"
+ - name: Launch a job
+ awx.awx.tower_job_launch:
+ job_template: "{{ job_template_name }}"
+ wait: yes
+ tower_config_file: "{{ tower_config_file_path }}"
+ failed_when: false
+ register: job_status
+ - name: Delete host created with inventory_hostname
+ tower_host:
+ name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
+ inventory: "{{ inventory_name }}"
+ state: absent
+ tower_config_file: "{{ tower_config_file_path }}"
+ when: inventory_hostname is defined
+ - name: Delete an inventory
+ tower_inventory:
+ name: "{{ inventory_name }}"
+ organization: "{{ organization_name }}"
+ state: absent
+ tower_config_file: "{{ tower_config_file_path }}"
+ when: delete_status
+ - name: Delete a job template
+ awx.awx.tower_job_template:
+ name: "{{ job_template_name }}"
+ state: absent
+ tower_config_file: "{{ tower_config_file_path }}"
+ when: delete_status
+ - name: Encrypt {{ tower_config_file_path }}
+ command: >-
+ ansible-vault encrypt {{ tower_config_file_path }}
+ --vault-password-file {{ tower_vault_file_path }}
+ changed_when: false
+ - name: Change file permissions
+ file:
+ path: "{{ tower_config_file_path }}"
+ owner: root
+ mode: "{{ file_perm }}"
+ rescue:
+ - debug:
+ msg: "{{ failed_msg }}"