@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ If hosts are listed, then an IP address has been assigned to them by DHCP. Howev
* **Issue**: Decomissioned compute nodes do not get deleted automatically from the awx UI.
**Resolution**: Once a node is decommisioned, ensure that the user manually deletes decomissioned hosts from the awx UI.
# [Frequently asked questions](FAQ.md)
# Limitations
@@ -208,6 +209,9 @@ If hosts are listed, then an IP address has been assigned to them by DHCP. Howev
* In a single node cluster, the login node and Slurm functionalities are not applicable. However, Omnia installs FreeIPA Server and Slurm on the single node.
* To change the Kubernetes version from 1.16 to 1.19 or 1.19 to 1.16, you must redeploy the entire cluster.
* The Kubernetes pods will not be able to access the Internet or start when firewalld is enabled on the node. This is a limitation in Kubernetes. So, the firewalld daemon will be disabled on all the nodes as part of omnia.yml execution.
+* Only one storage instance (Powervault) is currently supported in the HPC cluster.
+* With the latest `catalog.xml` file, firmware updates of a few components might fail for server models: R640 and R740. Note that Omnia doesn't halt or get interrupted despite these failures. (Fix Expected by 17th December 2021)
# Contributing to Omnia
The Omnia project was started to give members of the [Dell Technologies HPC Community](https://dellhpc.org) a way to easily set up clusters of Dell EMC servers, and to contribute useful tools, fixes, and functionality back to the HPC Community.