@@ -40,167 +40,140 @@
idrac_username | length < 1 or
idrac_password | length < 1
-- name: Assert provision_password
- assert:
- that:
- - provision_password | length > min_length | int - 1
- - provision_password | length < max_length | int + 1
- - '"-" not in provision_password '
- - '"\\" not in provision_password '
- - '"\"" not in provision_password '
- - " \"'\" not in provision_password "
- success_msg: "{{ success_msg_provision_password }}"
- fail_msg: "{{ fail_msg_provision_password }}"
- register: provision_password_check
-- name: Assert cobbler_password
- assert:
- that:
- - cobbler_password | length > min_length | int - 1
- - cobbler_password | length < max_length | int + 1
- - '"-" not in cobbler_password '
- - '"\\" not in cobbler_password '
- - '"\"" not in cobbler_password '
- - " \"'\" not in cobbler_password "
- success_msg: "{{ success_msg_cobbler_password }}"
- fail_msg: "{{ fail_msg_cobbler_password }}"
- register: cobbler_password_check
-- name: Assert idrac_username
- assert:
- that:
- - idrac_username | length >= min_username_length
- - idrac_username | length < max_length
- - '"-" not in idrac_username '
- - '"\\" not in idrac_username '
- - '"\"" not in idrac_username '
- - " \"'\" not in idrac_username "
- success_msg: "{{ success_idrac_username }}"
- fail_msg: "{{ fail_idrac_username }}"
-- name: Assert idrac_password
- assert:
- that:
- - idrac_password | length > min_username_length | int - 1
- - idrac_password | length < max_length | int + 1
- - '"-" not in idrac_password '
- - '"\\" not in idrac_password '
- - '"\"" not in idrac_password '
- - " \"'\" not in idrac_password "
- success_msg: "{{ success_msg_idrac_password }}"
- fail_msg: "{{ fail_msg_idrac_password }}"
- register: idrac_password_check
-- name: Verify ethernet_switch_username and ethernet_switch_password are not empty
- assert:
- that:
- - ethernet_switch_username | length > 0
- - ethernet_switch_password | length > 0
- success_msg: "{{ ethernet_params_success_msg }}"
- fail_msg: "{{ ethernet_params_empty_fail_msg }}"
- when: ethernet_switch_support
-- name: Assert ethernet_switch_username
- assert:
- that:
- - ethernet_switch_username | length >= min_username_length
- - ethernet_switch_username | length < max_length
- - '"-" not in ethernet_switch_username '
- - '"\\" not in ethernet_switch_username '
- - '"\"" not in ethernet_switch_username '
- - " \"'\" not in ethernet_switch_username "
- success_msg: "{{ success_ethernet_switch_username }}"
- fail_msg: "{{ fail_ethernet_switch_username }}"
- when: ethernet_switch_support
-- name: Assert ethernet_switch_password
- assert:
- that:
- - ethernet_switch_password | length > min_username_length | int - 1
- - ethernet_switch_password | length < max_length | int + 1
- - '"-" not in ethernet_switch_password '
- - '"\\" not in ethernet_switch_password '
- - '"\"" not in ethernet_switch_password '
- - " \"'\" not in ethernet_switch_password "
- success_msg: "{{ success_msg_ethernet_switch_password }}"
- fail_msg: "{{ fail_msg_ethernet_switch_password }}"
+- name: Assert provision credentials
+ block:
+ - name: Assert provision_password
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - provision_password | length > min_length | int - 1
+ - provision_password | length < max_length | int + 1
+ - '"-" not in provision_password '
+ - '"\\" not in provision_password '
+ - '"\"" not in provision_password '
+ - " \"'\" not in provision_password "
+ no_log: true
+ rescue:
+ - name: Provision password validation check
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ fail_msg_provision_password }}"
+- name: Assert cobbler credentials
+ block:
+ - name: Assert cobbler_password
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - cobbler_password | length > min_length | int - 1
+ - cobbler_password | length < max_length | int + 1
+ - '"-" not in cobbler_password '
+ - '"\\" not in cobbler_password '
+ - '"\"" not in cobbler_password '
+ - " \"'\" not in cobbler_password "
+ no_log: true
+ rescue:
+ - name: Cobbler password validation check
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ fail_msg_cobbler_password }}"
+- name: Assert idrac credentials
+ block:
+ - name: Assert idrac_username and idrac_password
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - idrac_username | length >= min_username_length
+ - idrac_username | length < max_length
+ - '"-" not in idrac_username '
+ - '"\\" not in idrac_username '
+ - '"\"" not in idrac_username '
+ - " \"'\" not in idrac_username "
+ - idrac_password | length > min_username_length | int - 1
+ - idrac_password | length < max_length | int + 1
+ - '"-" not in idrac_password '
+ - '"\\" not in idrac_password '
+ - '"\"" not in idrac_password '
+ - " \"'\" not in idrac_password "
+ no_log: true
+ rescue:
+ - name: idrac credentials validation check
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ fail_msg_idrac_credentials }}"
+- name: Assert username and password for ethernet switches
+ block:
+ - name: Verify ethernet_switch_username and ethernet_switch_password are not empty
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - ethernet_switch_username | length >= min_username_length
+ - ethernet_switch_username | length < max_length
+ - '"-" not in ethernet_switch_username '
+ - '"\\" not in ethernet_switch_username '
+ - '"\"" not in ethernet_switch_username '
+ - " \"'\" not in ethernet_switch_username "
+ - ethernet_switch_password | length > min_username_length | int - 1
+ - ethernet_switch_password | length < max_length | int + 1
+ - '"-" not in ethernet_switch_password '
+ - '"\\" not in ethernet_switch_password '
+ - '"\"" not in ethernet_switch_password '
+ - " \"'\" not in ethernet_switch_password "
+ no_log: true
+ rescue:
+ - name: ethernet switch credentials validation check
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ fail_msg_ethernet_credentials }}"
when: ethernet_switch_support
-- name: Verify ib_username and ib_password are not empty
- assert:
- that:
- - ib_username | length > 0
- - ib_password | length > 0
- success_msg: "{{ ib_params_success_msg }}"
- fail_msg: "{{ ib_params_empty_fail_msg }}"
+- name: Assert username and password for IB switches
+ block:
+ - name: Assert ib_username and ib_password
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - ib_username | length >= min_username_length
+ - ib_username | length < max_length
+ - '"-" not in ib_username '
+ - '"\\" not in ib_username '
+ - '"\"" not in ib_username '
+ - " \"'\" not in ib_username "
+ - ib_password | length > min_username_length | int - 1
+ - ib_password | length < max_length | int + 1
+ - '"-" not in ib_password '
+ - '"\\" not in ib_password '
+ - '"\"" not in ib_password '
+ - " \"'\" not in ib_password "
+ no_log: true
+ rescue:
+ - name: IB switch credentials validation check
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ fail_msg_ib_credentials }}"
when: ib_switch_support
-- name: Assert ib_username
- assert:
- that:
- - ib_username | length >= min_username_length
- - ib_username | length < max_length
- - '"-" not in ib_username '
- - '"\\" not in ib_username '
- - '"\"" not in ib_username '
- - " \"'\" not in ib_username "
- success_msg: "{{ success_ib_username }}"
- fail_msg: "{{ fail_ib_username }}"
- when: ib_switch_support
-- name: Assert ib_password
- assert:
- that:
- - ib_password | length > min_username_length | int - 1
- - ib_password | length < max_length | int + 1
- - '"-" not in ib_password '
- - '"\\" not in ib_password '
- - '"\"" not in ib_password '
- - " \"'\" not in ib_password "
- success_msg: "{{ success_msg_ib_password }}"
- fail_msg: "{{ fail_msg_ib_password }}"
- when: ib_switch_support
-- name: Verify powervault_me4_username and powervault_me4_password are not empty
- assert:
- that:
- - powervault_me4_username | length > 0
- - powervault_me4_password | length > 0
- success_msg: "{{ pv_params_success_msg }}"
- fail_msg: "{{ pv_params_empty_fail_msg }}"
- when: powervault_support
-- name: Assert powervault_me4_username
- assert:
- that:
- - powervault_me4_username | length >= min_username_length
- - powervault_me4_username | length < max_length
- - '"-" not in powervault_me4_username '
- - '"\\" not in powervault_me4_username '
- - '"\"" not in powervault_me4_username '
- - " \"'\" not in powervault_me4_username "
- success_msg: "{{ success_powervault_me4_username }}"
- fail_msg: "{{ fail_powervault_me4_username }}"
- when: powervault_support
-- name: Assert powervault_me4_password
- assert:
- that:
- - powervault_me4_password | length > min_length | int - 1
- - powervault_me4_password | length < max_length | int + 1
- - '"-" not in powervault_me4_password '
- - '"," not in powervault_me4_password '
- - '"." not in powervault_me4_password '
- - '"<" not in powervault_me4_password '
- - '"\\" not in powervault_me4_password '
- - '"\"" not in powervault_me4_password '
- - " \"'\" not in powervault_me4_password "
- - powervault_me4_password | regex_search('^(?=.*[a-z]).+$')
- - powervault_me4_password | regex_search('^(?=.*[A-Z]).+$')
- - powervault_me4_password | regex_search('^(?=.*\\d).+$')
- - powervault_me4_password | regex_search('^(?=.*[!#$%&()*+/:;=>?@^_`{} ~]).+$')
- success_msg: "{{ success_msg_powervault_me4_password }}"
- fail_msg: "{{ fail_msg_powervault_me4_password }}"
+- name: Assert username and password for powervault me4
+ block:
+ - name: Assert powervault_me4_username and powervault_me4_password
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - powervault_me4_username | length >= min_username_length
+ - powervault_me4_username | length < max_length
+ - '"-" not in powervault_me4_username '
+ - '"\\" not in powervault_me4_username '
+ - '"\"" not in powervault_me4_username '
+ - " \"'\" not in powervault_me4_username "
+ - powervault_me4_password | length > min_length | int - 1
+ - powervault_me4_password | length < max_length | int + 1
+ - '"-" not in powervault_me4_password '
+ - '"," not in powervault_me4_password '
+ - '"." not in powervault_me4_password '
+ - '"<" not in powervault_me4_password '
+ - '"\\" not in powervault_me4_password '
+ - '"\"" not in powervault_me4_password '
+ - " \"'\" not in powervault_me4_password "
+ - powervault_me4_password | regex_search('^(?=.*[a-z]).+$')
+ - powervault_me4_password | regex_search('^(?=.*[A-Z]).+$')
+ - powervault_me4_password | regex_search('^(?=.*\\d).+$')
+ - powervault_me4_password | regex_search('^(?=.*[!#$%&()*+/:;=>?@^_`{} ~]).+$')
+ no_log: true
+ rescue:
+ - name: Powervault me4 credentials validation check
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ fail_msg_me4_credentials }}"
when: powervault_support
- name: Create ansible vault key