@@ -9,25 +9,24 @@
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-- name: Check availability of mapping file
- stat:
- path: "{{ role_path }}/files/{{ mapping_file_name }}"
- register: mapping_file_status
+- name: Check if file is comma seperated
+ shell: awk -F\, '{print NF-1}' {{ path_for_mapping_file }}
+ register: comma_seperated
+ changed_when: false
tags: install
-- name: Mapping file not present
+- name: Fail if not comma seperated
- msg: "{{ mapping_file_fail }}"
- when: mapping_file_status.stat.exists == false
- register: mapping_file_check
+ msg: "{{ not_comma_seperated }}"
+ when: item != "2"
+ with_items: "{{ comma_seperated.stdout_lines }}"
tags: install
- name: Remove blank lines
- shell: awk -F, 'length>NF+1' {{ role_path }}/files/{{ mapping_file_name }} > {{ role_path }}/files/new_mapping_file.csv
+ shell: awk -F, 'length>NF+1' {{ path_for_mapping_file }} > {{ role_path }}/files/new_mapping_file.csv
changed_when: false
tags: install
@@ -38,22 +37,69 @@
changed_when: false
tags: install
-- name: Count the rows
+- name: Check if header present
+ shell: awk 'NR==1 { print $1}' {{ role_path }}/files/new_mapping_file.csv
+ register: header
+ changed_when: false
+ tags: install
+- name: Fail if header not present
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ header_fail }}"
+ when: header.stdout != valid_header
+- name: Count the hostname
shell: awk -F',' '{print $2}' {{ role_path }}/files/new_mapping_file.csv | wc -l
- register: total_count
+ register: total_hostname
+ changed_when: false
+ tags: install
+- name: Count the ip
+ shell: awk -F',' '{print $3}' {{ role_path }}/files/new_mapping_file.csv | wc -l
+ register: total_ip
+ changed_when: false
+ tags: install
+- name: Count the macs
+ shell: awk -F',' '{print $1}' {{ role_path }}/files/new_mapping_file.csv | wc -l
+ register: total_mac
changed_when: false
tags: install
- name: Check for duplicate hostname
shell: awk -F',' '{print $2}' {{ role_path }}/files/new_mapping_file.csv | uniq | wc -l
- register: count_host
+ register: uniq_hostname
+ changed_when: false
+ tags: install
+- name: Check for duplicate ip
+ shell: awk -F',' '{print $3}' {{ role_path }}/files/new_mapping_file.csv | uniq | wc -l
+ register: uniq_ip
+ changed_when: false
+ tags: install
+- name: Check for duplicate mac
+ shell: awk -F',' '{print $1}' {{ role_path }}/files/new_mapping_file.csv | uniq | wc -l
+ register: uniq_mac
changed_when: false
tags: install
- name: Fail if duplicate hosts exist
msg: "{{ fail_hostname_duplicate }}"
- when: total_count.stdout > count_host.stdout
+ when: total_hostname.stdout > uniq_hostname.stdout
+ tags: install
+- name: Fail if duplicate ips exist
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ fail_ip_duplicate }}"
+ when: total_ip.stdout > uniq_ip.stdout
+ tags: install
+- name: Fail if duplicate mac exist
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ fail_mac_duplicate }}"
+ when: total_mac.stdout > uniq_mac.stdout
tags: install
- name: Check if _ or . or space present in hostname
@@ -69,6 +115,23 @@
when: hostname_result.stdout != ""
tags: install
+- name: Compare the file for new nodes
+ block:
+ - name: difference
+ shell: diff {{ role_path }}/files/new_mapping_file.csv {{role_path}}/files/backup_mapping_file.csv| tr -d \>|tr -d \<| grep -E -- ', & :| '
+ register: diff_output
+ when: backup_map_status == true
+ - name: status of new nodes
+ set_fact:
+ new_node_status: true
+ when: diff_output.stdout!= ""
+ rescue:
+ - name: No new nodes
+ debug:
+ msg: "No new nodes to add"
+ verbosity: 2
- name: Fetch input
path: "{{ role_path }}/files/dhcp.template"
@@ -81,4 +144,23 @@
marker: "# {mark} DHCP BLOCK OF {{ item.split(',')[0] }}"
with_lines: "{{ remove_header }}"
ignore_errors: true
+ when: (not cobbler_image_status) or (new_node_status == true)
tags: install
+- name: Create a backup file
+ copy:
+ src: "{{ role_path }}/files/new_mapping_file.csv"
+ dest: "{{ role_path }}/files/backup_mapping_file.csv"
+- name: Copy the dhcp.template inside container
+ command: docker exec cobbler cp /root/omnia/appliance/roles/provision/files/dhcp.template /etc/cobbler/dhcp.template
+ when: ( cobbler_container_status == true ) and ( new_node_status == true )
+- name: Cobbler sync for adding new nodes
+ command: docker exec cobbler cobbler sync
+ when: ( cobbler_container_status == true ) and ( new_node_status == true )
+- name: Restart dhcpd
+ command: docker exec cobbler systemctl restart dhcpd
+ when: ( cobbler_container_status == true ) and ( new_node_status == true )