@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+# The port GUID on which the OpenSM is running
+guid 0x0000000000000000
+# M_Key value sent to all ports qualifying all Set(PortInfo)
+m_key 0x0000000000000000
+# The lease period used for the M_Key on this subnet in [sec]
+m_key_lease_period 0
+# The protection level used for the M_Key on this subnet
+m_key_protection_level 0
+# If TRUE, SM tries to determine the m_key of unknown ports from guid2mkey file
+# If FALSE, SM won't try to determine the m_key of unknown ports.
+# Preconfigured m_key will be used instead
+m_key_lookup TRUE
+# SM_Key value of the SM used for SM authentication
+sm_key 0x0000000000000001
+# SM_Key value to qualify rcv SA queries as 'trusted'
+sa_key 0x0000000000000001
+# Note that for both values above (sm_key and sa_key)
+# OpenSM version 3.2.1 and below used the default value '1'
+# in a host byte order, it is fixed now but you may need to
+# change the values to interoperate with old OpenSM running
+# on a little endian machine.
+# Subnet prefix used on this subnet
+subnet_prefix 0xfe80000000000000
+# The LMC value used on this subnet
+lmc 0
+# lmc_esp0 determines whether LMC value used on subnet is used for
+# enhanced switch port 0. If TRUE, LMC value for subnet is used for
+# ESP0. Otherwise, LMC value for ESP0s is 0.
+lmc_esp0 FALSE
+# sm_sl determines SMSL used for SM/SA communication
+sm_sl 0
+# The code of maximal time a packet can live in a switch
+# The actual time is 4.096usec * 2^<packet_life_time>
+# The value 0x14 disables this mechanism
+packet_life_time 0x12
+# The number of sequential packets dropped that cause the port
+# to enter the VLStalled state. The result of setting this value to
+# zero is undefined.
+vl_stall_count 0x07
+# The number of sequential packets dropped that cause the port
+# to enter the VLStalled state. This value is for switch ports
+# driving a CA or router port. The result of setting this value
+# to zero is undefined.
+leaf_vl_stall_count 0x07
+# The code of maximal time a packet can wait at the head of
+# transmission queue.
+# The actual time is 4.096usec * 2^<head_of_queue_lifetime>
+# The value 0x14 disables this mechanism
+head_of_queue_lifetime 0x12
+# The maximal time a packet can wait at the head of queue on
+# switch port connected to a CA or router port
+leaf_head_of_queue_lifetime 0x10
+# Limit the maximal operational VLs
+max_op_vls 5
+# Force PortInfo:LinkSpeedEnabled on switch ports
+# If 0, don't modify PortInfo:LinkSpeedEnabled on switch port
+# Otherwise, use value for PortInfo:LinkSpeedEnabled on switch port
+# Values are (IB Spec 1.2.1, Table 146 "PortInfo")
+# 1: 2.5 Gbps
+# 3: 2.5 or 5.0 Gbps
+# 5: 2.5 or 10.0 Gbps
+# 7: 2.5 or 5.0 or 10.0 Gbps
+# 2,4,6,8-14 Reserved
+# Default 15: set to PortInfo:LinkSpeedSupported
+force_link_speed 15
+# Force PortInfo:LinkSpeedExtEnabled on ports
+# If 0, don't modify PortInfo:LinkSpeedExtEnabled on port
+# Otherwise, use value for PortInfo:LinkSpeedExtEnabled on port
+# Values are (MgtWG RefIDs #4722 and #9366)
+# 1: 14.0625 Gbps
+# 2: 25.78125 Gbps
+# 3: 14.0625 Gbps or 25.78125 Gbps
+# 4: 53.125 Gbps
+# 5: 14.0625 Gbps or 53.125 Gbps
+# 6: 25.78125 Gbps or 53.125 Gbps
+# 7: 14.0625 Gbps, 25.78125 Gbps or 53.125 Gbps
+# 30: Disable extended link speeds
+# Default 31: set to PortInfo:LinkSpeedExtSupported
+force_link_speed_ext 31
+# Force PortInfo:LinkWidthEnabled on switch ports
+# If 0, don't modify PortInfo:LinkWidthEnabled on switch port
+# Otherwise, use value for PortInfo:LinkWidthEnabled on switch port
+# Values are (IB Spec 1.2.1, Table 146 "PortInfo"
+# augmented by MgtWG RefIDs #9306-9309)
+# 1: 1x
+# 2: 4x
+# 3: 1x or 4x
+# 4: 8x
+# 5: 1x or 8x
+# 6: 4x or 8x
+# 7: 1x or 4x or 8x
+# 8: 12x
+# 9: 1x or 12x
+# 10: 4x or 12x
+# 11: 1x or 4x or 12x
+# 12: 8x or 12x
+# 13: 1x or 8x or 12x
+# 14: 4x or 8x or 12x
+# 15: 1x or 4x or 8x or 12x
+# 16: 2x
+# 17: 1x or 2x
+# 18: 2x or 4x
+# 19: 1x or 2x or 4x
+# 20: 2x or 8x
+# 21: 1x or 2x or 8x
+# 22: 2x or 4x or 8x
+# 23: 1x or 2x or 4x or 8x
+# 24: 2x or 12x
+# 25: 1x or 2x or 12x
+# 26: 2x or 4x or 12x
+# 27: 1x or 2x or 4x or 12x
+# 28: 2x or 8x or 12x
+# 29: 1x or 2x or 8x or 12x
+# 30: 2x or 4x or 8x or 12x
+# 31: 1x or 2x or 4x or 8x or 12x
+# 32-254 Reserved
+# Default 255: set to PortInfo:LinkWidthSupported
+force_link_width 255
+# FDR10 on ports on devices that support FDR10
+# Values are:
+# 0: don't use fdr10 (no MLNX ExtendedPortInfo MADs)
+# Default 1: enable fdr10 when supported
+# 2: disable fdr10 when supported
+fdr10 1
+# The subnet_timeout code that will be set for all the ports
+# The actual timeout is 4.096usec * 2^<subnet_timeout>
+subnet_timeout 18
+# Threshold of local phy errors for sending Trap 129
+local_phy_errors_threshold 0x08
+# Threshold of credit overrun errors for sending Trap 130
+overrun_errors_threshold 0x08
+# Use SwitchInfo:MulticastFDBTop if advertised in PortInfo:CapabilityMask
+use_mfttop TRUE
+# Partition configuration file to be used
+partition_config_file /etc/rdma/partitions.conf
+# Disable partition enforcement by switches (DEPRECATED)
+# This option is DEPRECATED. Please use part_enforce instead
+no_partition_enforcement FALSE
+# Partition enforcement type (for switches)
+# Values are both, out, in and off
+# Default is both (outbound and inbound enforcement)
+part_enforce both
+# Allow both full and limited membership on the same partition
+allow_both_pkeys FALSE
+# Keep current and take into account old pkey indexes
+# during calculation of physical ports pkey tables
+keep_pkey_indexes TRUE
+# SM assigned GUID byte where GUID is formed from OpenFabrics OUI
+# followed by 40 bits xy 00 ab cd ef where xy is the SM assigned GUID byte
+# and ab cd ef is an SM autogenerated 24 bits
+# SM assigned GUID byte should be configured as subnet unique
+sm_assigned_guid 0x00
+# The number of seconds between subnet sweeps (0 disables it)
+sweep_interval 10
+# If TRUE cause all lids to be reassigned
+reassign_lids FALSE
+# If TRUE forces every sweep to be a heavy sweep
+force_heavy_sweep FALSE
+# If TRUE every trap 128 and 144 will cause a heavy sweep.
+# NOTE: successive identical traps (>10) are suppressed
+sweep_on_trap TRUE
+# If TRUE count switches as link subscriptions
+port_profile_switch_nodes FALSE
+# Name of file with port guids to be ignored by port profiling
+port_prof_ignore_file (null)
+# The file holding routing weighting factors per output port
+hop_weights_file (null)
+# The file holding non-default port order per switch for routing
+port_search_ordering_file (null)
+# Routing engine
+# Multiple routing engines can be specified separated by
+# commas so that specific ordering of routing algorithms will
+# be tried if earlier routing engines fail.
+# Supported engines: minhop, updn, dnup, file, ftree, lash,
+# dor, torus-2QoS, nue, dfsssp, sssp
+routing_engine (null)
+# Routing engines will avoid throttled switch-to-switch links
+# (supported by: nue, dfsssp, sssp; use FALSE if unsure)
+avoid_throttled_links FALSE
+# Connect roots (use FALSE if unsure)
+connect_roots FALSE
+# Use unicast routing cache (use FALSE if unsure)
+use_ucast_cache FALSE
+# Lid matrix dump file name
+lid_matrix_dump_file (null)
+# LFTs file name
+lfts_file (null)
+# The file holding the root node guids (for fat-tree or Up/Down)
+# One guid in each line
+root_guid_file (null)
+# The file holding the fat-tree compute node guids
+# One guid in each line
+cn_guid_file (null)
+# The file holding the fat-tree I/O node guids
+# One guid in each line.
+# If only io_guid file is provided, the rest of nodes
+# are considered as compute nodes.
+io_guid_file (null)
+# If TRUE enables alternative indexing policy for ftree routing
+# in quasi-ftree topologies that can improve shift-pattern support.
+# The switch indexing starts from root switch and leaf switches
+# are termination points of BFS algorithm
+# If FALSE, the indexing starts from leaf switch (default)
+quasi_ftree_indexing FALSE
+# Number of reverse hops allowed for I/O nodes
+# Used for connectivity between I/O nodes connected to Top Switches
+max_reverse_hops 0
+# The file holding the node ids which will be used by Up/Down algorithm instead
+# of GUIDs (one guid and id in each line)
+ids_guid_file (null)
+# The file holding guid routing order guids (for MinHop and Up/Down)
+guid_routing_order_file (null)
+# Do mesh topology analysis (for LASH algorithm)
+do_mesh_analysis FALSE
+# Starting VL for LASH algorithm
+lash_start_vl 0
+# Maximum number of VLs for Nue routing algorithm (default: 1; to enforce
+# deadlock-freedom even if QoS is not enabled). Set to 0 if Nue should
+# automatically determine and choose maximum supported by the fabric, or
+# any integer >= 1 (then Nue uses min(max_supported,nue_max_num_vls)
+nue_max_num_vls 1
+# If TRUE, then Nue assumes that switches will send/receive
+# data traffic, too, and hence their paths are included in
+# the deadlock-avoidance calculation (use FALSE if unsure)
+nue_include_switches FALSE
+# Port Shifting (use FALSE if unsure)
+port_shifting FALSE
+# Assign ports in a random order instead of round-robin
+# If zero disable (default), otherwise use the value as a random seed
+scatter_ports 0
+# Don't use scatter for ports defined in
+# guid_routing_order file
+guid_routing_order_no_scatter FALSE
+# SA database file name
+sa_db_file (null)
+# If TRUE causes OpenSM to dump SA database at the end of
+# every light sweep, regardless of the verbosity level
+sa_db_dump FALSE
+# Torus-2QoS configuration file name
+torus_config /etc/rdma/torus-2QoS.conf
+# SM priority used for deciding who is the master
+# Range goes from 0 (lowest priority) to 15 (highest).
+sm_priority 0
+# If TRUE other SMs on the subnet should be ignored
+ignore_other_sm FALSE
+# Timeout in [msec] between two polls of active master SM
+sminfo_polling_timeout 10000
+# Number of failing polls of remote SM that declares it dead
+polling_retry_number 4
+# If TRUE honor the guid2lid file when coming out of standby
+# state, if such file exists and is valid
+honor_guid2lid_file FALSE
+# Maximum number of SMPs sent in parallel
+max_wire_smps 4
+# Maximum number of timeout based SMPs allowed to be outstanding
+# A value less than or equal to max_wire_smps disables this mechanism
+max_wire_smps2 4
+# The timeout in [usec] used for sending SMPs above max_wire_smps limit
+# and below max_wire_smps2 limit
+max_smps_timeout 600000
+# The maximum time in [msec] allowed for a transaction to complete
+transaction_timeout 200
+# The maximum number of retries allowed for a transaction to complete
+transaction_retries 3
+# The maximum time in [msec] allowed for a "long" transacrion to complete
+# Currently, long transaction is only set of optimized SL2VLMappingTable
+long_transaction_timeout 500
+# Maximal time in [msec] a message can stay in the incoming message queue.
+# If there is more than one message in the queue and the last message
+# stayed in the queue more than this value, any SA request will be
+# immediately be dropped but BUSY status is not currently returned.
+max_msg_fifo_timeout 10000
+# Use a single thread for handling SA queries
+single_thread FALSE
+# Daemon mode
+daemon FALSE
+# SM Inactive
+sm_inactive FALSE
+# Babbling Port Policy
+babbling_port_policy FALSE
+# Drop event subscriptions (InformInfo and ServiceRecord) on port removal and SM coming out of STANDBY
+drop_event_subscriptions FALSE
+# Validate IPoIB non-broadcast group creation parameters against
+# broadcast group parameters per IETF RFC 4391 (default TRUE)
+ipoib_mcgroup_creation_validation TRUE
+# Validate multicast join parameters against multicast group
+# parameters when MC group already exists
+mcgroup_join_validation TRUE
+# Use original extended SA rates only
+# The original extended SA rates are up through 300 Gbps (12x EDR)
+# Set to TRUE for subnets with old kernels/drivers that don't understand
+# the new SA rates for 2x link width and/or HDR link speed (19-22)
+# default is FALSE
+use_original_extended_sa_rates_only FALSE
+# Use Optimized SLtoVLMapping programming if supported by device
+use_optimized_slvl FALSE
+# Sync in memory files used for high availability with storage
+fsync_high_avail_files TRUE
+# Performance Manager Options
+# perfmgr enable
+# PerfMgr is enabled if TRUE and disabled if FALSE (default FALSE)
+perfmgr FALSE
+# redirection enable
+# Redirection supported if TRUE and not supported if FALSE (default TRUE)
+perfmgr_redir TRUE
+# sweep time in seconds (default 180 seconds)
+perfmgr_sweep_time_s 180
+# Max outstanding queries (default 500)
+perfmgr_max_outstanding_queries 500
+# Ignore CAs on sweep (default FALSE)
+perfmgr_ignore_cas FALSE
+# Remove missing nodes from DB (default TRUE)
+perfmgr_rm_nodes TRUE
+# Log error counters to opensm.log (default TRUE)
+perfmgr_log_errors TRUE
+# Query PerfMgt Get(ClassPortInfo) for extended capabilities
+# Extended capabilities include 64 bit extended counters
+# and transmit wait support (default TRUE)
+perfmgr_query_cpi TRUE
+# Log xmit_wait errors (default FALSE)
+perfmgr_xmit_wait_log FALSE
+# If logging xmit_wait's; set threshold (default 65535)
+perfmgr_xmit_wait_threshold 65535
+# Event DB Options
+# Dump file to dump the events to
+event_db_dump_file (null)
+# Event Plugin Options
+# Event plugin name(s)
+event_plugin_name (null)
+# Options string that would be passed to the plugin(s)
+event_plugin_options (null)
+# Node name map for mapping node's to more descriptive node descriptions
+# (man ibnetdiscover for more information)
+node_name_map_name (null)
+# The log flags used
+log_flags 0x03
+# Force flush of the log file after each log message
+force_log_flush FALSE
+# Log file to be used
+log_file /var/log/opensm.log
+# Limit the size of the log file in MB. If overrun, log is restarted
+log_max_size 0
+# If TRUE will accumulate the log over multiple OpenSM sessions
+accum_log_file TRUE
+# Per module logging configuration file
+# Each line in config file contains <module_name><separator><log_flags>
+# where module_name is file name including .c
+# separator is either = , space, or tab
+# log_flags is the same flags as used in the coarse/overall logging
+per_module_logging_file /etc/rdma/per-module-logging.conf
+# The directory to hold the file OpenSM dumps
+dump_files_dir /var/log/
+# If TRUE enables new high risk options and hardware specific quirks
+enable_quirks FALSE
+# If TRUE disables client reregistration
+no_clients_rereg FALSE
+# If TRUE OpenSM should disable multicast support and
+# no multicast routing is performed if TRUE
+disable_multicast FALSE
+# If TRUE opensm will exit on fatal initialization issues
+exit_on_fatal TRUE
+# console [off|local]
+console off
+# Telnet port for console (default 10000)
+console_port 10000
+# Enable QoS setup
+qos FALSE
+# QoS policy file to be used
+qos_policy_file /etc/rdma/qos-policy.conf
+# Suppress QoS MAD status errors
+suppress_sl2vl_mad_status_errors FALSE
+# QoS default options
+qos_max_vls 0
+qos_high_limit -1
+qos_vlarb_high (null)
+qos_vlarb_low (null)
+qos_sl2vl (null)
+# QoS CA options
+qos_ca_max_vls 0
+qos_ca_high_limit -1
+qos_ca_vlarb_high (null)
+qos_ca_vlarb_low (null)
+qos_ca_sl2vl (null)
+# QoS Switch Port 0 options
+qos_sw0_max_vls 0
+qos_sw0_high_limit -1
+qos_sw0_vlarb_high (null)
+qos_sw0_vlarb_low (null)
+qos_sw0_sl2vl (null)
+# QoS Switch external ports options
+qos_swe_max_vls 0
+qos_swe_high_limit -1
+qos_swe_vlarb_high (null)
+qos_swe_vlarb_low (null)
+qos_swe_sl2vl (null)
+# QoS Router ports options
+qos_rtr_max_vls 0
+qos_rtr_high_limit -1
+qos_rtr_vlarb_high (null)
+qos_rtr_vlarb_low (null)
+qos_rtr_sl2vl (null)
+# Congestion Control OPTIONS (EXPERIMENTAL)
+# Enable Congestion Control Configuration
+congestion_control FALSE
+# CCKey to use when configuring congestion control
+# note that this does not configure a new CCkey, only the CCkey to use
+cc_key 0x0000000000000000
+# Congestion Control Max outstanding MAD
+cc_max_outstanding_mads 500
+# Congestion Control SwitchCongestionSetting options
+# Control Map - bitmask indicating which of the following are to be used
+# bit 0 - victim mask
+# bit 1 - credit mask
+# bit 2 - threshold + packet size
+# bit 3 - credit starvation threshold + return delay valid
+# bit 4 - marking rate valid
+cc_sw_cong_setting_control_map 0x0
+# Victim Mask - 256 bit mask representing switch ports, mark packets with FECN
+# whether they are the source or victim of congestion
+# bit 0 - port 0 (enhanced port)
+# bit 1 - port 1
+# ...
+# bit 254 - port 254
+# bit 255 - reserved
+cc_sw_cong_setting_victim_mask 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+# Credit Mask - 256 bit mask representing switch ports to apply credit starvation
+# bit 0 - port 0 (enhanced port)
+# bit 1 - port 1
+# ...
+# bit 254 - port 254
+# bit 255 - reserved
+cc_sw_cong_setting_credit_mask 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+# Threshold - value indicating aggressiveness of congestion marking
+# 0x0 - none, 0x1 - loose, ..., 0xF - aggressive
+cc_sw_cong_setting_threshold 0x00
+# Packet Size - any packet less than this size will not be marked with a FECN
+# units are in credits
+cc_sw_cong_setting_packet_size 0
+# Credit Starvation Threshold - value indicating aggressiveness of credit starvation
+# 0x0 - none, 0x1 - loose, ..., 0xF - aggressive
+cc_sw_cong_setting_credit_starvation_threshold 0x00
+# Credit Starvation Return Delay - in CCT entry shift:multiplier format, see IB spec
+cc_sw_cong_setting_credit_starvation_return_delay 0:0
+# Marking Rate - mean number of packets between markings
+cc_sw_cong_setting_marking_rate 0
+# Congestion Control CA Congestion Setting options
+# Port Control
+# bit 0 = 0, QP based congestion control
+# bit 0 = 1, SL/port based congestion control
+cc_ca_cong_setting_port_control 0x0000
+# Control Map - 16 bit bitmask indicating which SLs should be configured
+cc_ca_cong_setting_control_map 0x0000
+# CA Congestion Setting Entries
+# Each of congestion control settings below configures the CA Congestion
+# Settings for an individual SL. The SL must be specified before the value.
+# These options may be specified multiple times to configure different values
+# for different SLs.
+# ccti timer - when expires decrements 1 from the CCTI
+# ccti increase - number to be added to the table index on receipt of a BECN
+# trigger threshold - when the ccti is equal to this, an event is logged
+# ccti min - the minimum value for the ccti. This imposes a minimum rate
+# on the injection rate
+# SL = 0
+cc_ca_cong_setting_ccti_timer 0 0
+cc_ca_cong_setting_ccti_increase 0 0
+cc_ca_cong_setting_trigger_threshold 0 0
+cc_ca_cong_setting_ccti_min 0 0
+# Congestion Control Table
+# Comma separated list of CCT entries representing CCT.
+# Format is shift:multipler,shift_multiplier,shift:multiplier,...
+cc_cct (null)
+# Prefix routes file name
+prefix_routes_file /etc/rdma/prefix-routes.conf
+# IPv6 Solicited Node Multicast (SNM) Options
+consolidate_ipv6_snm_req FALSE
+# Log prefix
+log_prefix (null)