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Issue #286: Updated Preinstall .md Files of Omnia Core and Appliance

Signed-off-by: avinashvishwanath <>
Lucas A. Wilson 4 years ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ The following __kubernetes__ roles are provided by Omnia when __omnia.yml__ file
 - **k8s_manager** role: 
 	- __helm__ package for Kubernetes is installed.
 - **k8s_firewalld** role: This role is used to enable the required ports to be used by Kubernetes. 
-	- For __head-node-ports__: 6443, 2379-2380,10251,10252
+	- For __head-node-ports__: 6443,2379-2380,10251,10250,10252
 	- For __compute-node-ports__: 10250,30000-32767
 	- For __calico-udp-ports__: 4789
 	- For __calico-tcp-ports__: 5473,179

+ 1 - 1

@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ The following __kubernetes__ roles are provided by Omnia when __omnia.yml__ file
 - **k8s_manager** role: 
 	- __helm__ package for Kubernetes is installed.
 - **k8s_firewalld** role: This role is used to enable the required ports to be used by Kubernetes. 
-	- For __head-node-ports__: 6443, 2379-2380,10251,10252
+	- For __head-node-ports__: 6443, 2379-2380,10251,10250,10252
 	- For __compute-node-ports__: 10250,30000-32767
 	- For __calico-udp-ports__: 4789
 	- For __calico-tcp-ports__: 5473,179

+ 10 - 6

@@ -36,14 +36,18 @@ __Note:__ Kuberenetes and Slurm job can be scheduled only for users with __sudo_
 ## Access Kubeflow Dashboard
-It is recommended that use port numbers between __8000-8999__ and suggested port number is __8085__.
+It is recommended that you use port numbers between __8000-8999__ and the suggested port number is __8085__.
-1. To see which are the ports are in use, use the following command:
+1. To view the ports which are in use, run the following command:
    `netstat -an`
-2. Choose a port number between __8000-8999__ which is not in use.
-3. To run the __kubeflow__ dashboard at selected port number, run the following command:
-   `kubectl port-forward -n kubeflow service/centraldashboard __selected_port_number__:80`
-4. On a web browser installed on the __manager node__, go to http://localhost:selected-port-number/ to launch the kubeflow central navigation dashboard.
+2. Select a port number between __8000-8999__ which is not in use.
+3. To run the **Kubeflow Dashboard** at selected port number, run one of the following commands:  
+	`kubectl port-forward -n kubeflow service/centraldashboard __selected_port_number__:80`  
+	(Or)  
+	`kubectl port-forward -n istio-system svc/istio-ingressgateway __selected_port_number__:80`
+4. On a web browser installed on the manager node, go to http://localhost:selected-port-number/ to launch the Kubeflow Central Dashboard.  
+For more information about the Kubeflow Central Dashboard, see
 ## Access JupyterHub Dashboard

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@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
 * SSH Keys for root have been installed on all nodes to allow for password-less SSH.
 * On the manager node, install Ansible and Git using the following commands:
 	* `yum install epel-release -y`
-	* `yum install ansible-2.9.17 git -y`  
+	* `yum install ansible-2.9.18 git -y`  
 __Note:__ Ansible must be installed using __yum__. If Ansible is installed using __pip3__, re-install it using the __yum__ command again.

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@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 Ensure that the following prequisites are met before installing the Omnia appliance:
 * On the management node, install Ansible and Git using the following commands:
 	* `yum install epel-release -y`
-	* `yum install ansible-2.9.17 git -y` 
+	* `yum install ansible-2.9.18 git -y`  
 	__Note:__ Ansible must be installed using __yum__. If Ansible is installed using __pip3__, re-install it using the __yum__ command again.
 * Ensure a stable Internet connection is available on management node and target nodes. 
 * CentOS 7.9 2009 is installed on the management node.
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Ensure that the following prequisites are met before installing the Omnia applia
 * For DHCP configuration, you can provide a mapping file. The provided details must be in the format: MAC, Hostname, IP. For example, `xx:xx:4B:C4:xx:44,validation01,` and  `xx:xx:4B:C5:xx:52,validation02,` are valid entries.  
 __Note:__ A template for mapping file is present in the `omnia/examples`, named `mapping_file.csv`. The header in the template file must not be deleted before saving the file.  
 __Note:__ Ensure that duplicate values are not provided for MAC, Hostname, and IP in the mapping file. The Hostname should not contain the following characters: , (comma), \. (period), and - (hyphen).
-* Connect one of the Ethernet cards on the management node to the HPC switch and the other ethernet card connected to the lobal network.
+* Connect one of the Ethernet cards on the management node to the HPC switch and the other ethernet card connected to the global network.
 * If SELinux is not disabled on the management node, disable it from `/etc/sysconfig/selinux` and restart the management node.
 * The default mode of PXE is __UEFI__, and the BIOS Legacy Mode is not supported.
 * The default boot order for the bare metal servers must be __PXE__.