@@ -106,19 +106,19 @@ git clone -b release https://github.com/dellhpc/omnia.git
>> **Note**:
>> * Supported values for Kubernetes CNI are calico and flannel. The default value of CNI considered by Omnia is calico.
>> * The default value of Kubernetes Pod Network CIDR is If is already in use within your network, select a different Pod Network CIDR. For more information, see __https://docs.projectcalico.org/getting-started/kubernetes/quickstart__.
->> * The default path of the Ansible configuration file is `/etc/ansible/`. If the file is not present in the default path, then edit the `ansible_config_file_path` variable to update the configuration path.
+>> * The default path of the Ansible configuration file is `/etc/ansible/`. If the file is not present in the default path, then edit the `ansible_conf_file_path` variable to update the configuration path.
5. Change the directory to **control_plane/input_params** using the command: `cd omnia/control_plane/input_params`
6. Edit the *base_vars.yml* file to update the following variables:
| Variables</br> [Required/ Optional] | Default, choices | Description |
| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- |
- ansible_config_file_path | **/etc/ansible** | Directory path with the Ansible configuration file (ansible.cfg). If Ansible is installed using pip, provide the directory path. If the path is not provided, it is set as /etc/ansible, by default. |
+ ansible_conf_file_path | **/etc/ansible** | Directory path with the Ansible configuration file (ansible.cfg). If Ansible is installed using pip, provide the directory path. If the path is not provided, it is set as /etc/ansible, by default. |
public_nic</br> [Required]| **eno2** | The NIC or Ethernet card connected to the public internet. |
appliance_k8s_pod_net_cidr</br> [Required] | **** | Kubernetes pod network CIDR for appliance k8s network. Ensure this value does not overlap with any of the host networks. |
snmp_trap_destination | | Enter an SNMP server IP address to receive SNMP traps from devices in the cluster. If this variable is left blank, SNMP will be disabled. |
snmp_community_name</br> [Required] | **public** | SNMP community name. |
- awx_configuration | **DellEMC** | Organization name configured in AWX. |
+ awx_organization | **DellEMC** | Organization name configured in AWX. |
timezone | **GMT** | Enter a timezone that is set during the provisioning of OS. **GMT** is set as the default time zone. You can set the time zone to **EST**, **CET**, **MST**, **CST6CDT**, or **PST8PDT**. For a list of available time zones, see the `appliance/common/files/timezone.txt` file. |
language | **en-US** | Set the language used during the provisioning of OS. By default, it is set to **en-US**. |
iso_file_path</br> [Required] | | Provide the CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-2009 ISO file path. This ISO file is used by Cobbler to provision the OS on the compute nodes. **Note**: It is recommended that the ISO image file is not renamed. And, you **must not** change the path of this ISO image file as the provisioning of the OS on the compute nodes may be impacted. |