@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2020 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
+# Copyright 2021 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -13,272 +13,120 @@
# limitations under the License.
-# Get Current AWX configuration
-- name: Waiting for 30 seconds for UI components to be accessible
- wait_for:
- timeout: 30
-- name: Organization list
- block:
- - name: Get organization list
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- organizations list -f human
- register: organizations_list
- changed_when: no
- no_log: True
- rescue:
- - name: Message
- fail:
- msg: "{{ organizations_list.stdout | regex_replace(awx_user) | regex_replace(admin_password) }}"
-- name: Project list
- block:
- - name: Get project list
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- projects list -f human
- register: projects_list
- changed_when: no
- no_log: True
- rescue:
- - name: Message
- fail:
- msg: "{{ projects_list.stdout | regex_replace(awx_user) | regex_replace(admin_password) }}"
-- name: Inventory list
- block:
- - name: Get inventory list
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- inventory list -f human
- register: inventory_list
- changed_when: no
- no_log: True
- rescue:
- - name: Message
- fail:
- msg: "{{ inventory_list.stdout | regex_replace(awx_user) | regex_replace(admin_password) }}"
-- name: Credential list
- block:
- - name: Get credentials list
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- credentials list -f human
- register: credentials_list
- changed_when: no
- no_log: True
- rescue:
- - name: Message
- fail:
- msg: "{{ credentials_list.stdout | regex_replace(awx_user) | regex_replace(admin_password) }}"
-- name: Template List
- block:
- - name: Get template list
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- job_templates list -f human
- register: job_templates_list
- changed_when: no
- no_log: True
- rescue:
- - name: Message
- fail:
- msg: "{{ job_templates_list.stdout | regex_replace(awx_user) | regex_replace(admin_password) }}"
-- name: Group names
- block:
- - name: If omnia-inventory exists, fetch group names in the inventory
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- groups list --inventory "{{ omnia_inventory_name }}" -f human
- register: groups_list
- when: omnia_inventory_name in inventory_list.stdout
- no_log: True
- rescue:
- - name: Message
- fail:
- msg: "{{ groups_list.stdout | regex_replace(awx_user) | regex_replace(admin_password) }}"
-- name: Schedules list
- block:
- - name: Get schedules list
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- schedules list -f human
- register: schedules_list
- changed_when: no
- no_log: True
- rescue:
- - name: Message
- fail:
- msg: "{{ schedules_list.stdout | regex_replace(awx_user) | regex_replace(admin_password) }}"
-# Delete Default Configurations
-- name: Delete default configurations
- block:
- - name: Delete default organization
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- organizations delete "{{ default_org }}"
- when: default_org in organizations_list.stdout
- register: register_error
- no_log: True
- - name: Delete default job template
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- job_templates delete "{{ default_template }}"
- when: default_template in job_templates_list.stdout
- register: register_error
- no_log: True
- - name: Delete default project
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- projects delete "{{ default_projects }}"
- when: default_projects in projects_list.stdout
- register: register_error
- no_log: True
- - name: Delete default credential
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- credentials delete "{{ default_credentials }}"
- when: default_credentials in credentials_list.stdout
- register: register_error
- no_log: True
- rescue:
- - name: Message
- fail:
- msg: "{{ register_error.stdout | regex_replace(awx_user) | regex_replace(admin_password) }}"
-# Create required configuration if not present
-- name: Create required configurations
- block:
- - name: Create organisation
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- organizations create --name "{{ organization_name }}"
- when: organization_name not in organizations_list.stdout
- register: register_error
- no_log: True
- - name: Create new project
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- projects create --name "{{ project_name }}" --organization "{{ organization_name }}"
- --local_path "{{ role_path.split('/')[-4] }}"
- when: project_name not in projects_list.stdout
- register: register_error
- no_log: True
- - name: Create new omnia inventory
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- inventory create --name "{{ omnia_inventory_name }}" --organization "{{ organization_name }}"
- when: omnia_inventory_name not in inventory_list.stdout
- register: register_error
- no_log: True
- - name: Create groups in omnia inventory
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- groups create --name "{{ item }}" --inventory "{{ omnia_inventory_name }}"
- when: omnia_inventory_name not in inventory_list.stdout or item not in groups_list.stdout
- register: register_error
- no_log: True
- loop: "{{ group_names }}"
- - name: Create credentials for omnia
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- credentials create --name "{{ credential_name }}" --organization "{{ organization_name }}"
- --credential_type "{{ credential_type }}"
- --inputs '{"username": "{{ cobbler_username }}", "password": "{{ cobbler_password }}"}'
- when: credential_name not in credentials_list.stdout
- register: register_error
- no_log: True
- - name: DeployOmnia Template
- block:
- - name: Create template to deploy omnia
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- job_templates create
- --name "{{ omnia_template_name }}"
- --job_type run
- --inventory "{{ omnia_inventory_name }}"
- --project "{{ project_name }}"
- --playbook "{{ omnia_playbook }}"
- --verbosity "{{ playbooks_verbosity }}"
- --ask_skip_tags_on_launch true
- register: register_error
- no_log: True
- - name: Associate credential
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- job_templates associate "{{ omnia_template_name }}"
- --credential ""{{ credential_name }}""
- register: register_error
- no_log: True
- when: omnia_template_name not in job_templates_list.stdout
- - name: DynamicInventory template
- block:
- - name: Create template to fetch dynamic inventory
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- job_templates create
- --name "{{ inventory_template_name }}"
- --job_type run
- --inventory "{{ omnia_inventory_name }}"
- --project "{{ project_name }}"
- --playbook "{{ inventory_playbook }}"
- --verbosity "{{ playbooks_verbosity }}"
- --use_fact_cache true
- register: register_error
- no_log: True
- - name: Associate credential
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- job_templates associate "{{ inventory_template_name }}"
- --credential ""{{ credential_name }}""
- register: register_error
- no_log: True
- when: inventory_template_name not in job_templates_list.stdout
- - name: Schedule dynamic inventory template
- block:
- - name: Get unified job template list
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- unified_job_templates list --name "{{ inventory_template_name }}" -f human
- no_log: True
- register: unified_job_template_list
- - name: Get job ID
- set_fact:
- job_id: "{{ unified_job_template_list.stdout | regex_search('[0-9]+') }}"
- - name: Schedule dynamic inventory job
- command: >-
- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}"
- schedules create --name "{{ schedule_name }}"
- --unified_job_template="{{ job_id }}" --rrule="{{ schedule_rule }}"
- register: register_error
- no_log: True
- when: schedule_name not in schedules_list.stdout
- rescue:
- - name: Message
- fail:
- msg: "{{ register_error.stdout | regex_replace(awx_user) | regex_replace(admin_password) }}"
+# Deleting the defaults
+- name: Delete machine credential
+ awx.awx.tower_credential:
+ name: "{{ default_credential }}"
+ credential_type: "{{ default_credential_type }}"
+ state: absent
+ tower_config_file: "~/.tower_cli.cfg"
+- name: Delete job template
+ awx.awx.tower_job_template:
+ name: "{{ default_template }}"
+ state: absent
+ tower_config_file: "~/.tower_cli.cfg"
+- name: Delete project
+ awx.awx.tower_project:
+ name: "{{ default_project }}"
+ state: absent
+ tower_config_file: "~/.tower_cli.cfg"
+- name: Delete organization
+ awx.awx.tower_organization:
+ name: "{{ default_org }}"
+ state: absent
+ tower_config_file: "~/.tower_cli.cfg"
+# Configuration begins
+- name: Create organization
+ awx.awx.tower_organization:
+ name: "{{ awx_organization }}"
+ description: "Name of organization using this product"
+ state: present
+ tower_config_file: "~/.tower_cli.cfg"
+- name: Create awx inventories
+ awx.awx.tower_inventory:
+ name: "{{ item.name }}"
+ description: "{{ item.description }}"
+ organization: "{{ awx_organization }}"
+ state: present
+ tower_config_file: "~/.tower_cli.cfg"
+ loop: "{{ inventory_names }}"
+ when: item.flag
+- name: Add groups to node_inventory
+ awx.awx.tower_group:
+ name: "{{ item.name }}"
+ description: "{{ item.description }}"
+ inventory: "node_inventory"
+ state: present
+ tower_config_file: "~/.tower_cli.cfg"
+ loop: "{{ group_names }}"
+- name: Add project
+ awx.awx.tower_project:
+ name: "{{ project_name }}"
+ description: "{{ project_description }}"
+ organization: "{{ awx_organization }}"
+ scm_type: manual
+ local_path: "{{ role_path.split('/')[-4] }}"
+ default_environment: "custom-awx-ee"
+ state: present
+ tower_config_file: "~/.tower_cli.cfg"
+- name: Add awx credentials
+ awx.awx.tower_credential:
+ name: "{{ item.name }}"
+ organization: "{{ awx_organization }}"
+ credential_type: "{{ item.type }}"
+ inputs:
+ username: "{{ item.username }}"
+ password: "{{ item.password }}"
+ state: present
+ tower_config_file: "~/.tower_cli.cfg"
+ loop: "{{ credential_details }}"
+ changed_when: true
+ when: item.flag
+- name: Create awx job templates
+ awx.awx.tower_job_template:
+ name: "{{ item.name }}"
+ job_type: "run"
+ organization: "{{ awx_organization }}"
+ inventory: "{{ item.inventory }}"
+ project: "{{ project_name }}"
+ playbook: "{{ item.playbook }}"
+ credentials:
+ - "{{ item.credential }}"
+ state: present
+ tower_config_file: "~/.tower_cli.cfg"
+ loop: "{{ job_template_details }}"
+ when: item.flag
+- name: Create deploy_omnia_template
+ awx.awx.tower_job_template:
+ name: "{{ item.name }}"
+ job_type: "run"
+ organization: "{{ awx_organization }}"
+ inventory: "{{ item.inventory }}"
+ project: "{{ project_name }}"
+ playbook: "{{ item.playbook }}"
+ credentials:
+ - "{{ item.credential }}"
+ ask_skip_tags_on_launch: true
+ state: present
+ tower_config_file: "~/.tower_cli.cfg"
+ loop: "{{ deploy_omnia_details }}"
+- name: Build a schedule for idrac job template
+ awx.awx.tower_schedule:
+ name: "{{ item.name }}"
+ unified_job_template: "{{ item.template }}"
+ rrule: "{{ schedule_rule }}"
+ state: present
+ tower_config_file: "~/.tower_cli.cfg"
+ register: result
+ loop: "{{ scheduled_templates}}"