@@ -31,9 +31,6 @@
timezone | length < 1 or
language | length < 1 or
iso_file_path | length < 1 or
- mngmnt_network_nic | length < 1 or
- mngmnt_network_dhcp_start_range | length < 1 or
- mngmnt_network_dhcp_end_range | length < 1 or
host_network_nic | length < 1 or
host_network_dhcp_start_range | length < 1 or
host_network_dhcp_end_range | length < 1 or
@@ -43,6 +40,66 @@
provision_state | length < 1 or
mount_location | length < 1
+- name: Validate management network nic
+ assert:
+ that: mngmnt_network_nic | length < 1
+ fail_msg: "{{ input_base_failure_msg }}"
+ when: device_config_support
+- name: Validate the value of device config support
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - device_config_support | lower == "true" or device_config_support | lower == "false"
+ success_msg: "{{ success_device_config }}"
+ fail_msg: "{{ fail_device_config }}"
+ tags: init
+- name: Set fact for device_ip_list_path
+ set_fact:
+ device_config_ip_file: false
+ tags: init
+- name: Set the mapping file value for device network
+ set_fact:
+ device_config_ip_file: true
+ when:
+ - device_ip_list_path | length > 0
+ - '"/" in device_ip_list_path'
+ - idrac_support
+ tags: init
+- name: Warning msg if idrac_support is false and device_ip_list is given
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - '"/" in device_ip_list_path'
+ success_msg: "{{ device_ip_list_not_supported }}"
+ when: not idrac_support
+ failed_when: false
+- name: Set status for device_config_support
+ set_fact:
+ device_support_status: false
+ tags: init
+- name: Validate contents of device_ip_list
+ set_fact:
+ device_support_status: true
+ when: (device_config_support) or (idrac_support and device_config_ip_file)
+ tags: init
+- name: Assert valid mngmnt_mapping_file_path
+ stat:
+ path: "{{ device_ip_list_path }}"
+ when: device_config_ip_file
+ register: result_device_ip_file
+ tags: init
+- name : Valid device_ip_list
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ invalid_mapping_file_path }} for configurations"
+ when: device_config_ip_file and not result_device_ip_file.stat.exists
+ tags: init
- name: Validate default lease time
@@ -58,21 +115,9 @@
max_lease_time: "{{ default_lease_time|int + 10000 }}"
tags: init
-- name: Validate infiniband base_vars are not empty
- assert:
- that:
- - ib_network_nic | length > 2
- - ib_network_dhcp_start_range | length > 6
- - ib_network_dhcp_end_range | length > 6
- success_msg: "{{ success_msg_ib }}"
- fail_msg: "{{ fail_msg_ib }}"
- register: ib_check
- when: ib_switch_support
- tags: [ validate, network-ib ]
- name: Set facts to validate snmp support
- snmp_enabled: false
+ snmp_enabled: false
mngmnt_mapping_file: false
host_mapping_file: false
tags: init
@@ -80,9 +125,11 @@
- name: Verify snmp_trap_destination IP address
snmp_enabled: true
- when: snmp_trap_destination | length > 1
+ when:
+ - device_support_status
+ - snmp_trap_destination | length > 1
tags: init
- name: Assert snmp trap destination address
@@ -129,29 +176,17 @@
when: not ansible_conf_exists.stat.exists
tags: init
-- name: Assert ethernet_switch_support
- assert:
- that:
- - ethernet_switch_support == true or ethernet_switch_support == false
- success_msg: "{{ ethernet_switch_support_success_msg }}"
- fail_msg: "{{ ethernet_switch_support_fail_msg }}"
- tags: [ validate, init ]
-- name: Assert ib_switch_support
- assert:
- that:
- - ib_switch_support == true or ib_switch_support == false
- success_msg: "{{ ib_switch_support_success_msg }}"
- fail_msg: "{{ ib_switch_support_fail_msg }}"
- tags: [ validate, init ]
-- name: Assert powervault_support
+- name: Validate infiniband base_vars are not empty
- - powervault_support == true or powervault_support == false
- success_msg: "{{ powervault_support_success_msg }}"
- fail_msg: "{{ powervault_support_fail_msg }}"
- tags: [ validate, init ]
+ - ib_network_nic | length > 2
+ - ib_network_dhcp_start_range | length > 6
+ - ib_network_dhcp_end_range | length > 6
+ success_msg: "{{ success_msg_ib }}"
+ fail_msg: "{{ fail_msg_ib }}"
+ register: ib_check
+ when: ib_switch_support
+ tags: [ validate, network-ib ]
- name: Assert enable_security_support
@@ -160,7 +195,7 @@
success_msg: "{{ enable_security_support_success_msg }}"
fail_msg: "{{ enable_security_support_fail_msg }}"
tags: [ validate, init ]
- name: Assert kubernetes pod network CIDR
@@ -197,5 +232,14 @@
import_tasks: validate_provision_vars.yml
tags: [ validate, idrac, pxe ]
+- name: Validate device_config_support
+ import_tasks: device_config_validations.yml
+ tags: [ validate, init ]
+- name: Validate device_config_support
+ import_tasks: validate_device_ip_file.yml
+ when: device_config_ip_file
+ tags: [ validate, init ]
- name: Validate NIC parameters
import_tasks: validate_nic_vars.yml