@@ -13,27 +13,30 @@
# limitations under the License.
-- name: Add ports of manager and login node to firewall
- include_tasks: firewall_settings.yml
- when:
- - enable_security_support
+- block:
+ - name: Check freeipa installed or not
+ include_tasks: check_prerequisites.yml
-- name: Enable module idm in Rocky or Centos >= 8.0
- include_tasks: enable_dnf_module.yml
- when:
- - enable_security_support
+ - block:
+ - name: Add ports of manager and login node to firewall
+ include_tasks: firewall_settings.yml
-- name: Update Packages
- include_tasks: update_package.yml
- when:
- - enable_security_support
+ - name: Enable module idm in Rocky or Centos >= 8.0
+ include_tasks: enable_dnf_module.yml
-- name: Install required packages
- include_tasks: install_packages.yml
- when:
- - enable_security_support
+ - name: Install required packages
+ include_tasks: install_packages.yml
+ - name: Install FreeIPA server
+ include_tasks: install_ipa_server.yml
+ when: not freeipa_status
+ - name: FreeIPA configuration
+ include_tasks: ipa_configuration.yml
-- name: Install free-ipa server
- include_tasks: install_ipa_server.yml
- when:
- - enable_security_support
+ - name: Session timeout configuration
+ include_tasks: session_timeout.yml
+ when:
+ - enable_security_support
+ - ( os_supported_centos in mgmt_os ) or
+ ( os_supported_rocky in mgmt_os )