@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ success_msg_k8s_pod_network_cidr: "Appliance k8s pod network cidr validated"
fail_msg_k8s_pod_network_cidr: "Failed. Incorrect appliance k8s pod network cidr provided in base_vars.yml"
success_awx_organization: "awx organization validated"
fail_awx_organization: "Failed. Incorrect format in awx organization"
+success_provision_method: "Provision method validated"
+fail_provision_method: "Failed. Provision method can either be set to idrac or pxe"
success_timezone_msg: "timezone validated"
fail_timezone_msg: "Failed. Incorrect timezone provided. Please check the file timezone.txt in control_plane/roles/control_plane_common/files/ folder"
fail_language: "Failed. Only en-US(english) language supported"
@@ -137,4 +139,4 @@ exports_file_path: /etc/exports
- mountd
- rpc-bind
- - nfs
+ - nfs