@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# Copyright 2021 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# limitations under the License.
+- name: Check that host mapping file exists at mentioned path
+ stat:
+ path: "{{ host_mapping_file_path }}"
+ register: stat_result
+ tags: install
+- name: Fail if config file doesn't exist
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ fail_msg_mapping_file + host_mapping_file_path }}"
+ when: not stat_result.stat.exists
+ tags: install
+- name: Read host mapping file from CSV file and return a dictionary
+ read_csv:
+ path: "{{ host_mapping_file_path }}"
+ key: "{{ mapping_file_key }}"
+ register: mapping_file
+ delegate_to: localhost
+ tags: install
+- name: Initialize variable for role support in mapping file
+ set_fact:
+ component_role_support: false
+ tags: install
+- name: Check if header is present in mapping file
+ shell: set -o pipefail && awk 'NR==1 { print $1}' "{{ host_mapping_file_path }}"
+ register: mngmnt_header
+ changed_when: false
+ tags: install
+- name: Fail if header not in correct format
+ assert:
+ that: (mngmnt_header.stdout == host_mapping_header_format) or (mngmnt_header.stdout == host_mapping_header_with_role_format)
+ fail_msg: "{{ fail_mapping_file_header }}"
+ tags: install
+- name: Check if mapping file is comma seperated
+ shell: awk -F\, '{print NF-1}' "{{ host_mapping_file_path }}"
+ register: mngmnt_comma_seperated
+ changed_when: false
+ tags: install
+- name: Set variable if component roles given in mapping file
+ set_fact:
+ component_role_support: true
+ when: mngmnt_header.stdout == host_mapping_header_with_role_format
+ tags: install
+- name: Fail if not comma seperated or if all fields are not given for MAC,Hostname,IP,Component_role
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ fail_mapping_file_field_seperation }}"
+ when: not(item =="3") and not (item == "-1") and component_role_support
+ with_items: "{{ mngmnt_comma_seperated.stdout_lines }}"
+ tags: install
+- name: Fail if not comma seperated or if all fields are not given for MAC,Hostname,IP
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ fail_mapping_file_field_seperation }}"
+ when: not(item =="2") and not (item == "-1") and not(component_role_support)
+ with_items: "{{ mngmnt_comma_seperated.stdout_lines }}"
+ tags: install
+- name: Initialize count variables
+ set_fact:
+ list_of_ips: []
+ list_of_roles: []
+ list_of_hostnames: []
+ count_of_manager: 0
+ count_of_compute: 0
+ count_of_nfs_node: 0
+ count_of_login: 0
+ count_total_items: "{{ mapping_file.dict |length }}"
+ tags: install
+- name: Create list of IPs and component roles and hostnames defined in mapping file
+ set_fact:
+ list_of_ips: "{{ [ item.value.IP ] + list_of_ips }}"
+ list_of_hostnames: "{{ [ item.value.Hostname ] + list_of_hostnames }}"
+ loop: "{{ mapping_file.dict | dict2items }}"
+ loop_control:
+ label: "{{ item.value.MAC }}"
+ tags: install
+- name: Create list of component roles defined in mapping file
+ set_fact:
+ list_of_roles: "{{ [ item.value.Component_role ] + list_of_roles }}"
+ loop: "{{ mapping_file.dict | dict2items }}"
+ loop_control:
+ label: "{{ item.value.MAC }}"
+ when: component_role_support
+ tags: install
+- name: Assert hostnames
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - '"_" not in item'
+ - '"." not in item'
+ - '" " not in item'
+ quiet: yes
+ fail_msg: "{{ fail_mapping_file_hostname_chars + item }}"
+ with_items: "{{ list_of_hostnames }}"
+ tags: install
+- name: Find count of unique IPs
+ set_fact:
+ count_of_unique_ip : "{{ list_of_ips| unique| length }}"
+ tags: install
+- name: Validation to check if unique IPs are provided for each node
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ fail_mapping_file_duplicate_ip + host_mapping_file_path }}"
+ when: not(count_of_unique_ip|int == count_total_items|int)
+ tags: install
+- name: Find count of unique hostnames
+ set_fact:
+ count_of_unique_hostnames : "{{ list_of_hostnames | unique | length }}"
+ tags: install
+- name: Validation to check if unique hostnames are provided for each node
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ fail_mapping_file_duplicate_hostname }}"
+ when: not(count_of_unique_hostnames|int == count_total_items| int)
+ tags: install
+- name: Find count of each component role defined in mapping file
+ include_tasks: count_component_roles.yml
+ loop: "{{ list_of_roles }}"
+ when: component_role_support
+ tags: install
+- block:
+ - name: Validation to check if component roles for each node is defined
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ fail_mapping_file_roles_error }}"
+ when: not( count_total_items|int == (count_of_manager|int + count_of_compute|int + count_of_login|int + count_of_nfs_node|int))
+ - name: Validation to check number of manager nodes defined
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ fail_mapping_file_manager_role }}"
+ when: not (count_of_manager | int == 1)
+ - name: Validation to check number of compute nodes defined
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ fail_mapping_file_compute_role }}"
+ when: count_of_compute|int < 1
+ - name: Validation to check number of login nodes defined
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ fail_mapping_file_login_role }}"
+ when: not ( count_of_login|int == 1)
+ - name: Validation to check number of nfs nodes defined
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ fail_mapping_file_nfs_role }}"
+ when: powervault_support and not (count_of_nfs_node|int == 1)
+ tags: install
+ rescue:
+ - name: Count of roles defined
+ fail:
+ msg: "{{ count_of_roles_defined }}"
+ tags: install
+ when: component_role_support