@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-# Installing Omnia
-## TL;DR
+## TL;DR Installation
### Kubernetes
Install Kubernetes and all dependencies
@@ -12,54 +10,91 @@ Initialize K8s cluster
ansible-playbook -i host_inventory_file kubernetes/kubernetes.yml --tags "init"
### Slurm
ansible-playbook -i host_inventory_file slurm/slurm.yml
-## Build/Install
+# Omnia
Omnia is a collection of [Ansible](https://www.ansible.com/) playbooks which perform:
* Installation of [Slurm](https://slurm.schedmd.com/) and/or [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/) on servers already provisioned with a standard [CentOS](https://www.centos.org/) image.
* Installation of auxiliary scripts for administrator functions such as moving nodes between Slurm and Kubernetes personalities.
-### Kubernetes
-* Add additional repositories:
+Omnia playbooks perform several tasks:
+`common` playbook handles installation of software
+* Add yum repositories:
- Kubernetes (Google)
- - El Repo (nvidia drivers)
- - Nvidia (nvidia-docker)
+ - El Repo (for Nvidia drivers)
- EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux)
-* Install common packages
+* Install Packages from repos:
+ - bash-completion
+ - docker
- gcc
- python-pip
- - docker
- kubelet
- kubeadm
- kubectl
+ - nfs-utils
- nvidia-detect
+ - yum-plugin-versionlock
+* Restart and enable system level services
+ - Docker
+ - Kubelet
+`computeGPU` playbook installs Nvidia drivers and nvidia-container-runtime-hook
+* Add yum repositories:
+ - Nvidia (container runtime)
+* Install Packages from repos:
- kmod-nvidia
- - nvidia-x11-drv
- - nvidia-container-runtime
- - ksonnet (CLI framework for K8S configs)
-* Enable GPU Device Plugins (nvidia-container-runtime-hook)
-* Modify kubeadm config to allow GPUs as schedulable resource
-* Start and enable services
+ - nvidia-container-runtime-hook
+* Restart and enable system level services
+ - Docker
+ - Kubelet
+* Configuration:
+ - Enable GPU Device Plugins (nvidia-container-runtime-hook)
+ - Modify kubeadm config to allow GPUs as schedulable resource
+* Restart and enable system level services
- Docker
- Kubelet
-* Initialize Cluster
+`master` playbook
+* Install Helm v3
+* (optional) add firewall rules for Slurm and kubernetes
+Everything from this point on can be called by using the `init` tag
+ansible-playbook -i host_inventory_file kubernetes/kubernetes.yml --tags "init"
+`startmaster` playbook
+* turn off swap
+*Initialize Kubernetes
* Head/master
- Start K8S pass startup token to compute/slaves
- - Initialize networking (Currently using WeaveNet)
- - Setup K8S Dashboard
- - Create dynamic/persistent volumes
- * Compute/slaves
- - Join k8s cluster
+ - Initialize software defined networking (Calico)
+`startworkers` playbook
+* turn off swap
+* Join k8s cluster
+`startservices` playbook
+* Setup K8S Dashboard
+* Add `stable` repo to helm
+* Add `jupyterhub` repo to helm
+* Update helm repos
+* Deploy NFS client Provisioner
+* Deploy Jupyterhub
+* Deploy Prometheus
+* Install MPI Operator
### Slurm
-* Download and build Slurm source
-* Install necessary dependencies
+* Downloads and builds Slurm from source
+* Install package dependencies
- Python3
- munge
- MariaDB
- MariaDB development libraries
* Build Slurm configuration files