# Copyright 2020 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. --- - name: Get hostname command: hostname register: host_name changed_when: true - name: Add host name in file replace: dest: "{{ hostname_dest }}" regexp: localhost.localdomain replace: "{{ host_name.stdout }}" backup: yes mode: "{{ common_mode }}" - name: Enable powertools repo in Rocky 8.4 command: dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools -y when: - ( ansible_distribution | lower == os_centos ) or ( ansible_distribution | lower == os_rocky ) - ( ansible_distribution_version >= os_version ) - name: Add python dependent packages for CentOS 7.9 package: name: "{{ common_python2_packages }}" state: present tags: install when: - ( ansible_distribution | lower == os_centos ) - ( ansible_distribution_version < os_version ) - name: Add python dependent packages for CentOS version > 8 and Rocky 8.4 package: name: "{{ common_python3_packages }}" state: present tags: install when: - ( ansible_distribution | lower == os_centos ) or ( ansible_distribution | lower == os_rocky ) - ( ansible_distribution_version >= os_version ) - name: Install packages for slurm package: name: "{{ common_packages }}" state: present tags: install - name: Create munge key command: "{{ munge_cmd }}" changed_when: true - name: Copy munge key copy: src: munge.key dest: "{{ munge_dest }}" owner: munge group: munge mode: "{{ munge_mode }}" tags: install - name: Slurm configuration - slurm.conf copy: src: slurm.conf dest: "{{ slurm_dest }}" mode: "{{ slurm_mode }}" tags: install - name: Add cluster name lineinfile: path: "{{ slurm_confpth }}" regexp: "ClusterName=" line: "ClusterName={{ cluster_name }}" - name: Add slurm user name lineinfile: path: "{{ slurm_confpth }}" regexp: "SlurmUser=" line: "SlurmUser={{ slurm_user }}" - name: Add slurmctld port no lineinfile: path: "{{ slurm_confpth }}" regexp: "SlurmctldPort=" line: "SlurmctldPort={{ slurmctld_port }}" - name: Add slurmd port no lineinfile: path: "{{ slurm_confpth }}" regexp: "SlurmdPort=" line: "SlurmdPort={{ slurmd_port }}" - name: Add srun port range lineinfile: path: "{{ slurm_confpth }}" regexp: "SrunPortRange=" line: "SrunPortRange={{ srun_port_range }}" - name: Add spool path lineinfile: path: "{{ slurm_confpth }}" regexp: "SlurmdSpoolDir=" line: "SlurmdSpoolDir={{ spool_pth }}" - name: Add slurmctld pid file path lineinfile: path: "{{ slurm_confpth }}" regexp: "SlurmctldPidFile=" line: "SlurmctldPidFile={{ slurmctld_pid }}" - name: Add slurmd pid file path lineinfile: path: "{{ slurm_confpth }}" regexp: "SlurmdPidFile=" line: "SlurmdPidFile={{ slurmd_pid }}" - name: Add slurmctld log file path lineinfile: path: "{{ slurm_confpth }}" regexp: "SlurmctldLogFile=" line: "SlurmctldLogFile={{ slurmctld_log }}" - name: Add slurmd log file path lineinfile: path: "{{ slurm_confpth }}" regexp: "SlurmdLogFile=" line: "SlurmdLogFile={{ slurmd_log }}" - name: Add accounting storage port no lineinfile: path: "{{ slurm_confpth }}" regexp: "AccountingStoragePort=" line: "AccountingStoragePort={{ acct_port }}" - name: Create slurm group group: name: slurm state: present tags: install - name: Add the user 'slurm' with uid 6001 and a primary group of 'slurm' user: name: slurm comment: Slurm User Account uid: "{{ slurm_uid }}" group: slurm tags: install - name: Create slurm log directory file: path: "{{ slurm_logpth }}" state: directory owner: slurm group: slurm mode: "{{ gen_mode }}" recurse: yes tags: install - name: Give slurm user permission to spool file: path: "{{ spool_pth }}" owner: slurm group: slurm state: directory mode: "{{ gen_mode }}" recurse: yes - name: Give slurm user permission to spool directory file: path: "{{ spool_dir }}" owner: slurm group: slurm state: directory mode: "{{ common_mode }}" recurse: yes - name: Create slurm pid directory file: path: "{{ slurm_pidpth }}" state: directory owner: slurm group: slurm mode: "{{ gen_mode }}" recurse: yes tags: install - name: Give slurm user permission to slurmctld file: path: "{{ slurmctld_pid }}" owner: slurm group: slurm mode: "{{ gen_mode }}" state: touch - name: Give slurm user permission to slurmd file: path: "{{ slurmd_pid }}" owner: slurm group: slurm mode: "{{ gen_mode }}" state: touch - name: Start munge service systemd: name: munge state: restarted enabled: yes tags: install failed_when: false