# Copyright 2021 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

### Usage: provision_idrac ###

# This indicates the system profile name used for BIOS configuration of the server
# The values supported are - "Performance", "PerformancePerWatt(DAPC)", "PerformancePerWatt(OS)", "WorkstationPerformance".
# The default value is "Performance"
idrac_system_profile: "Performance"

# Boolean value indicating whether OMNIA should perform firmware update or not
# It takes values "true" or "false" indicating required and not required cases respectively.
# Default value is "true"
# firmware_update_required should be 'false' now as there is bug in DSU & OMAM modules and firmware updates dependent on that.
# It will be updated to 'true' once DSU and OMAM fix the bugs
firmware_update_required: false

# This is the list of poweredge server models
# The firmware updates will be downloaded only for the below list of models
# Update the list in the format given below
# poweredge_model: R640,R740,C4140
# supported models: C4140,C6420,C6520,R240,R340,R440,R540,R640,R650,R740,R740xd,R740xd2,R750,R750xa,R840,R940,R940xa
poweredge_model: C6420

#****Security Requirements Configuration****#
###Enable the security parameters listed below only if you want to configure the security settings in idrac###
###This feature will be enabled in all the servers (hpc nodes) listed in the idrac inventory###
###To apply these settings please execute appropriate files in control_plane/tools directory###

### Usage: idrac_secure_boot ###

# Specify whether the secure boot mode to be enabled
# By default secure boot will be "disabled"
# If required it can be "enabled"
uefi_secure_boot: "disabled"

### Usage: idrac_system_lockdown ###

# Specify whether the system lockdown to be enabled
# By default system lockdown will be "disabled"
# If required it can be "enabled"
# Make sure system_lockdown is enabled only after OS provisioning is completed
system_lockdown: "disabled"

### Usage: idrac_2fa ###

# Specify whether the two factor authentication to be enabled
# By default two factor authentication will be "disabled"
# If required it can be "enabled"
# [WARNING] Once 2FA is enabled, user has to disable 2FA manually. Other iDRAC playbooks won't run if 2FA is enabled
# Update 2FA input parameters in idrac_tools_vars.yml if two_factor_authentication is enabled
# Command to edit idrac_tools_vars.yml: ansible-vault edit idrac_tools_vars.yml --vault-password-file .idrac_vault_key
two_factor_authentication: "disabled"

### Usage: idrac_ldap ###

# Specify whether the LDAP directory services to be enabled
# By default LDAP directory services will be disabled
# If required it can be "enabled"
# Update 2FA input parameters in idrac_tools_vars.yml if two_factor_authentication is enabled
# Command to edit idrac_tools_vars.yml: ansible-vault edit idrac_tools_vars.yml --vault-password-file .idrac_vault_key
ldap_directory_services: "disabled"