# Dell EMC PowerSwitches ## Update the input parameters Under the `control_plane/input_params` directory, edit the following files: 1. `base_vars.yml` file: Update the following variable to enable or disable Ethernet switch configurations in the cluster. Variable | Default, choices | Description ------- | ---------------- | ----------------- ethernet_switch_support | <ul><li>**false**</li><li>true</li></ul> | Set the variable to "true" to enable Ethernet switch configurations. 2. `login_vars.yml` file: Enter the following details to configure Ethernet switches. a. `ethernet_switch_username`- username for Ethernet switches. **NOTE**: The username must not contain the following characters: -, \\, "", and \' b. `ethernet_switch_password`- password for Ethernet switches. **NOTE**: Minimum length of the password must be eight characters and the maximum limit is 30 characters. Do not use these characters while entering a password: -, \\, "", and \' 3. `ethernet_tor_vars.yml` or `ethernet_vars.yml` file: If **ethernet_switch_support** is set to "true" in the *base_vars.yml* file, then update the following variables. a. Edit the *ethernet_tor_vars.yml* file for all S3* and S4* PowerSwitches such as S3048-ON, S4048T-ON, S4112F-ON, S4048-ON, S4048T-ON, S4112F-ON, S4112T-ON, and S4128F-ON. Variables | Default, choices | Description ---------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- os10_config | <ul><li>"interface vlan1"</li><li>"exit"</li></ul> | Global configurations for the switch. os10_interface | By default: <ul><li>Port description is provided.</li> <li>Each interface is set to "up" state.</li> | Update the individual interfaces of the PowerSwitch S3048-ON (ToR Switch). </br>The interfaces are from **ethernet 1/1/1** to **ethernet 1/1/52**. For more information about the interfaces, see the *Supported interface keys of PowerSwitch S3048-ON (ToR Switch)* section in the README file. </br>**NOTE**: The playbooks will fail if any invalid configurations are entered. save_changes_to_startup | <ul><li>**false**</li><li>true</li></ul> | Change it to "true" only when you are certain that the updated configurations and commands are valid. </br>**WARNING**: When set to "true", the startup configuration file is updated. If incorrect configurations or commands are entered, the Ethernet switches may not operate as expected. b. Edit the *ethernet_vars.yml* file for Dell PowerSwitch S5232F-ON and all other PowerSwitches except S3* and S4* switches. Variables | Default, choices | Description ---------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- os10_config | <ul><li>"interface vlan1"</li><li>"exit"</li></ul> | Global configurations for the switch. breakout_value | <ul><li>**10g-4x**</li><li>5g-4x</li><li>40g-1x</li><li>50g-2x</li><li>100g-1x</li></ul> | By default, all ports are configured in the 10g-4x breakout mode in which a QSFP28 or QSFP+ port is split into four 10G interfaces. For more information about the breakout modes, see [Configure breakout mode](https://www.dell.com/support/manuals/en-vc/networking-s5296f-on/smartfabric-os-user-guide-10-5-1/configure-breakout-mode?guid=guid-f47a803b-1a3f-44b9-a887-b1d5b395e0cb&lang=en-us). os10_interface | By default: <ul><li>Port description is provided.</li> <li>Each interface is set to "up" state.</li><li>The *fanout/breakout* mode for 1/1/1 to 1/1/31 is as per the value set in the *breakout_value* variable.</li> | Update the individual interfaces of the Dell PowerSwitch S5232F-ON. </br>The interfaces are from **ethernet 1/1/1** to **ethernet 1/1/34**. By default, the breakout mode is set for 1/1/1 to 1/1/31. </br>**NOTE**: The playbooks will fail if any invalid configurations are entered. save_changes_to_startup | <ul><li>**false**</li><li>true</li></ul> | Change it to "true" only when you are certain that the updated configurations and commands are valid. </br>**WARNING**: When set to "true", the startup configuration file is updated. If incorrect configurations or commands are entered, the Ethernet switches may not operate as expected. ## Deploy Omnia Control Plane Before you configure the Dell EMC PowerSwitches, you must complete the deployment of Omnia control plane. Go to Step 8 in the [Steps to install the Omnia Control Plane](../../INSTALL_OMNIA_CONTROL_PLANE.md#steps-to-deploy-the-omnia-control-plane) file to run the `ansible-playbook control_plane.yml` file.