#  Copyright 2021 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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#usage: test_control_plane_validation.yml

port_no: 22
os_name: CentOS
os_version: '8.4'
internet_status: "Failed. No Internet connection. Make sure network is up."
check_os_success_msg: "OS and Version are supported"
check_os_fail_msg: "Unsupported OS or OS version. OS should be {{ os_name }} and Version should be {{ os_version }} or more"

input_params_folder: "../input_params/"
control_plane_dir: "../"
control_plane_validation_script_path: test_control_plane_validation.yml

  - "test_vars/base_vars.yml"
  - "test_vars/login_vars.yml"

  - "test_vars/login_vars.yml"

input_config_check_success_msg: "control_plane.yml validation passed"
input_config_check_fail_msg: "control_plane.yml validation failed"

install_package_success_msg: "{{item}} is installed"
install_package_fail_msg: "{{item}} is not installed"
login_vars_filename: "../input_params/login_vars.yml"
login_vars_fail_msg: "Login vars is not encrypted"
login_vars_success_msg: "Login vars is encrypted"

fw_update_false: "firmware_update_required: false"
fw_update_true: "firmware_update_required: true"
fw_success_validation: "Validation Success for firmware update"
fw_fail_validation: "Validation Failed for firmware update"
docker_success_validation: "Docker Validated successfully"
docker_fail_validation: "Docker not validated"

test_package: 'jq'
check_pods_success_msg: "Pod is running"
check_pods_fail_msg: "Pods is not running"
nfs_share_success_msg: "NFS Server is running"
nfs_share_fail_msg: "NFS Server is not running"

nfs_mount_Path: "/var/nfs_repo"
nfs_mount_success_msg: "NFS repo is mounted"
nfs_mount_fail_msg: "NFS repo is not mounted"
check_iso_path: '/var/nfs_repo/unattended_centos7.iso'
check_iso_success_msg: "ISO is present in the NFS repo"
check_iso_fail_msg: "ISO is not present in the NFS repo"

pod_service_check_fail_msg: "Service is not running"
pod_service_check_success_msg: "Service is up and running"
network_config_pod_success_msg: "Network-Config Pod is running"
network_config_pod_fail_msg: "Network-Config Pod is not running"
awx_pod_success_msg: "awx pod is up and running."
awx_pod_fail_msg: "awx pod is not running"
pvc_stat_success_msg: "pvc stat is running"
pvc_stat_fail_msg: "pvc stat is not running"
svc_stat_success_msg: "svc stat is running"
svc_stat_fail_msg: "svc stat is not running"
svc_conn_success_msg: "Connection to svc is successful at"
svc_conn_fail_msg: "Connection to svc failed at: "
cobbler_pod_success_msg: "Cobbler service is running"
cobbler_pod_fail_msg: "Cobbler service is not running"
subnet_manager_success_msg: "Subnet Manager is running"
subnet_manager_fail_msg: "Subnet Manager is not running"
cron_jobs_success_msg: "Cron jobs are running"
cron_jobs_fail_msg: "Cron jobs are not running"
container_info: "CONTAINER_RUNNING"
ethernet_true: "ethernet_switch_support: true"
ethernet_false: "ethernet_switch_support: false"
powervault_true: "powervault_support: true"
powervault_false: "powervault_support: false"
infiniband_true: "ib_switch_support: true"
infiniband_false: "ib_switch_support: false"
# Update
docker_user: "User"
docker_password: "Password"
valid_docker_creds: "Credentials are valid"
invalid_docker_creds: "Please input valid docker username and password in test_control_plane_vars.yml"