# Copyright 2020 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. --- # vars file for common # Usage: package_installation.yml common_packages: - epel-release - yum-utils - git - gcc - gcc-c++ - nodejs - device-mapper-persistent-data - bzip2 - python2-pip - python3-pip - nano - lvm2 - gettext - net-tools - python3-netaddr - yum-plugin-versionlock # Usage: pre_requisite.yml internet_delay: 0 internet_timeout: 10 hostname: github.com port_no: 22 os_name: CentOS os_version: '8.3' internet_status: "Failed. No Internet connection. Make sure network is up." os_status: "Unsupported OS or OS version. OS should be {{ os_name }} and Version should be {{ os_version }} or more" selinux_status: "SElinux is not disabled. Disable it in /etc/sysconfig/selinux and reboot the system" iso_name: CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-2009.iso iso_fail: "Iso file not found. Download and copy the iso file to omnia/appliance/roles/provision/files" ansible_python_version_status: "For CentOS 8.3, python bindings of firewalld, dnf, selinux are not available if python is installed from source and not from dnf. So please make sure python3.6 is installed using dnf. And ansible uses the python version 3.6 installed using dnf" python_version_support: '3.6.8' default_ansible_config_file_path: /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg # Usage: docker_installation.yml docker_repo_url: https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo docker_repo_dest: /etc/yum.repos.d/docker-ce.repo success: '0' container_type: docker container_repo_install: - docker-ce-cli-20.10.2 - docker-ce-20.10.2 docker_compose: docker-compose daemon_dest: /etc/docker/ # Usage: docker_volume.yml docker_volume_name: omnia-storage # Usage: password_config.yml input_config_filename: "appliance_config.yml" fail_msg_provision_password: "Failed. Incorrect provision_password format provided in appliance_config.yml file" success_msg_provision_password: "provision_password validated" fail_msg_awx_password: "Failed. Incorrect awx_password format provided in appliance_config.yml file" success_msg_awx_password: "awx_password validated" fail_msg_hpc_nic: "Failed. Incorrect hpc_nic format provided in appliance_config.yml file" success_msg_hpc_nic: "hpc_nic validated" fail_msg_public_nic: "Failed. Incorrect public_nic format provided in appliance_config.yml file" success_msg_public_nic: "public_nic validated" success_mapping_file: "mapping_file_exists validated" fail_mapping_file: "Failed. Incorrect mapping_file_exists value in appliance_config.yml. It should be either true or false" input_config_failure_msg: "Please provide all the required parameters in appliance_config.yml" success_dhcp_range: "Dhcp_range validated" fail_dhcp_range: "Failed. Incorrect range assigned for dhcp" success_hpc_ip: "IP validated" fail_hpc_ip: "Failed. Nic should be configured" fail_mapping_file_path: "Failed. Mapping_file_path input is empty in appliance_config.yml. Either set mapping_file_exists to false or provide a path for a valid mapping file." invalid_mapping_file_path: "Incorrect mapping_file_path provided in appliance_config.yml" invalid_iso_file_path: "Incorrect iso_file_path provided in appliance_config.yml." min_length: 8 max_length: 30 nic_min_length: 3 vault_filename: .vault_key config_filename: "omnia_config.yml" config_vaultname: .omnia_vault_key fail_msg_mariadb_password: "Failed. Incorrect mariadb_password format provided in omnia_config.yml file" success_msg_mariadb_password: "mariadb_password validated" success_msg_k8s_cni: "Kubernetes CNI Validated" fail_msg_k8s_cni: "Failed. Kubernetes CNI is incorrect in omnia_config.yml" success_timezone: "timezone validated" fail_timezone: "Failed. Incorrect timezone provided. Please check the file timezone.txt in appliance/roles/common/files/ folder" file_perm: '0755'