# Copyright 2020 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. --- # Testcase OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_008 # Test case to validate the AWX configuration - name: OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_008 hosts: localhost connection: local gather_subset: - 'min' vars_files: - ../roles/web_ui/vars/main.yml - ../roles/common/vars/main.yml - test_vars/test_web_ui_vars.yml tasks: - block: - name: Call the role to be tested include_role: name: ../roles/web_ui tags: TC_008 - name: Get the package facts package_facts: manager: auto tags: TC_008 - name: Check if ansible-tower-cli is already installed assert: that: "'{{ tower_cli_package_name }}' in ansible_facts.packages" success_msg: "{{ resource_exists_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ resource_exists_fail_msg }}" tags: TC_008 - name: Get the existing organizations command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}" organizations list -f human register: organizations_array changed_when: False tags: TC_008 - name: Check for organization assert: that: organization_name in organizations_array.stdout success_msg: "{{ resource_exists_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ resource_exists_fail_msg }}" tags: TC_008 - name: Get the existing projects command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}" projects list -f human changed_when: False register: projects_array tags: TC_008 - name: Check for project assert: that: project_name in projects_array.stdout success_msg: "{{ resource_exists_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ resource_exists_fail_msg }}" tags: TC_008 - name: Get the existing inventories command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}" inventory list -f human changed_when: False register: inventory_array tags: TC_008 - name: Check for inventories assert: that: omnia_inventory_name in inventory_array.stdout success_msg: "{{ resource_exists_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ resource_exists_fail_msg }}" tags: TC_008 - name: Get the existing groups if omnia-inventory exists command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}" groups list --inventory "{{ omnia_inventory_name }}" -f human changed_when: False register: groups_array when: omnia_inventory_name in inventory_array.stdout tags: TC_008 - name: Check for manager and compute groups assert: that: manager_group_name and compute_group_name in groups_array.stdout success_msg: "{{ resource_exists_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ resource_exists_fail_msg }}" tags: TC_008 - name: Get the existing job templates command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}" job_templates list -f human changed_when: False register: templates_array tags: TC_008 - name: Check for templates assert: that: omnia_template_name and inventory_template_name in templates_array.stdout success_msg: "{{ resource_exists_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ resource_exists_fail_msg }}" tags: TC_008 - name: Get the existing schedules for job templates command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ admin_password }}" schedules list -f human changed_when: False register: schedules_array tags: TC_008 - name: Check for schedules to job template assert: that: schedule_name in schedules_array.stdout success_msg: "{{ resource_exists_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ resource_exists_fail_msg }}" tags: TC_008 # Testcase OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_009 # Execute common role in management station without internet connectivity - name: OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_009 hosts: localhost connection: local gather_subset: - 'min' vars_files: - test_vars/test_common_vars.yml - ../roles/common/vars/main.yml tasks: - name: Down internet connectivity lineinfile: path: /etc/hosts line: " github.com" state: present backup: yes tags: TC_009 - block: - name: Call common role include_role: name: ../roles/web_ui rescue: - name: Validate internet connectivity failure message assert: that: internet_status in internet_value.msg success_msg: "{{ internet_check_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ internet_check_fail_msg }}" tags: TC_009 - name: Up internet connectivity lineinfile: path: /etc/hosts line: " github.com" state: absent tags: TC_009 # Testcase OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_010 # Execute provision role in management station and reboot management station - name: OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_010 hosts: localhost connection: local vars_files: - test_vars/test_web_ui_vars.yml tasks: - name: Check last uptime of the server shell: | current_time=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H") uptime -s | grep "$current_time" register: uptime_status changed_when: false ignore_errors: yes tags: TC_010 - block: - name: Call web_ui role include_role: name: ../roles/web_ui vars: no_prompt: true tags: TC_010 - name: Reboot localhost command: reboot when: uptime_status.stdout|length < 1 tags: TC_010 - name: Inspect AWX web container docker_container_info: name: "{{ docker_container_name }}" register: awx_container_status tags: TC_010 - name: Verify AWX container is running after reboot assert: that: - "'running' in awx_container_status.container.State.Status" tags: TC_010