# Copyright 2020 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. --- # Testcase OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_006 # Test case to validate whether the proper error message is displayed when slurm and kubernetes tags are skipped - name: OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_006 hosts: localhost connection: local vars_files: - ../roles/web_ui/vars/main.yml - ../roles/common/vars/main.yml - test_vars/test_omnia_vars.yml tasks: - name: Check input config file is encrypted command: cat {{ test_input_config_filename }} changed_when: false register: config_content tags: TC_006 - name: Decrpyt input_config.yml command: ansible-vault decrypt {{ test_input_config_filename }} --vault-password-file {{ vault_filename }} changed_when: false when: "'$ANSIBLE_VAULT;' in config_content.stdout" tags: TC_006 - name: Include variable file input_config.yml include_vars: "{{ test_input_config_filename }}" tags: TC_006 - name: Creating inventory file with hosts associated to the groups copy: dest: "testinventory.yml" mode: '{{ file_permission }}' content: | --- manager: hosts: {{ host1 }} compute: hosts: {{ host2 }} tags: TC_006 - name: Push the inventory to AWX shell: | set -o pipefail docker exec awx_task awx-manage inventory_import --inventory-name {{ omnia_inventory_name }} --source "{{ inventory_path }}/testinventory.yml" changed_when: false tags: TC_006 - block: - name: Launch the job template command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure job_templates launch "{{ omnia_template_name }}" --credentials "{{ credential_name }}" --skip_tags slurm,kubernetes --monitor -f human changed_when: false register: command_output rescue: - name: Validate error message assert: that: "'FAILED!' in command_output.stdout" success_msg: "{{ test_case_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ test_case_failure_msg }}" tags: TC_006 - name: Delete the hosts command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host1 }} --monitor -f human awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host2 }} --monitor -f human changed_when: false tags: TC_006 - name: Delete the inventory file ignore_errors: yes file: state: absent path: testinventory.yml tags: TC_006 - name: Create inventory file if it doesn't exist ignore_errors: yes file: path: "testinventory.yml" state: touch mode: '{{ file_permission }}' tags: TC_006 # Testcase OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_007 # Test case to validate whether the skip tags validation is passed when slurm tag is given - name: OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_007 hosts: localhost connection: local vars_files: - ../roles/web_ui/vars/main.yml - ../roles/common/vars/main.yml - test_vars/test_omnia_vars.yml tasks: - name: Check input config file is encrypted command: cat {{ test_input_config_filename }} changed_when: false register: config_content tags: TC_007 - name: Decrpyt input_config.yml command: ansible-vault decrypt {{ test_input_config_filename }} --vault-password-file {{ vault_filename }} changed_when: false when: "'$ANSIBLE_VAULT;' in config_content.stdout" tags: TC_007 - name: Include variable file input_config.yml include_vars: "{{ test_input_config_filename }}" tags: TC_007 - name: Creating inventory file with hosts associated to the groups copy: dest: "testinventory.yml" mode: '{{ file_permission }}' content: | --- manager: hosts: {{ host1 }} compute: hosts: {{ host2 }} tags: TC_007 - name: Push the inventory to AWX shell: | set -o pipefail docker exec awx_task awx-manage inventory_import --inventory-name {{ omnia_inventory_name }} --source "{{ inventory_path }}/testinventory.yml" changed_when: false tags: TC_007 - block: - name: Launch the job template command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure job_templates launch "{{ omnia_template_name }}" --credentials "{{ credential_name }}" --skip_tags slurm --monitor -f human changed_when: false register: command_output - name: Validate success message assert: that: "'FAILED!' not in command_output.stdout" success_msg: "{{ test_case_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ test_case_failure_msg }}" tags: TC_007 - name: Delete the hosts command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host1 }} --monitor -f human awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host2 }} --monitor -f human changed_when: false tags: TC_007 - name: Delete the inventory file ignore_errors: yes file: state: absent path: testinventory.yml tags: TC_007 - name: Create inventory file if it doesn't exist ignore_errors: yes file: path: "testinventory.yml" state: touch mode: '{{ file_permission }}' tags: TC_007 # Testcase OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_008 # Test case to validate whether the skip tags validation is passed when kubernetes tag is given - name: OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_008 hosts: localhost connection: local vars_files: - ../roles/web_ui/vars/main.yml - ../roles/common/vars/main.yml - test_vars/test_omnia_vars.yml tasks: - name: Check input config file is encrypted command: cat {{ test_input_config_filename }} changed_when: false register: config_content tags: TC_008 - name: Decrpyt input_config.yml command: ansible-vault decrypt {{ test_input_config_filename }} --vault-password-file {{ vault_filename }} changed_when: false when: "'$ANSIBLE_VAULT;' in config_content.stdout" tags: TC_008 - name: Include variable file input_config.yml include_vars: "{{ test_input_config_filename }}" tags: TC_008 - name: Creating inventory file with hosts associated to the groups copy: dest: "testinventory.yml" mode: '{{ file_permission }}' content: | --- manager: hosts: {{ host1 }} compute: hosts: {{ host2 }} tags: TC_008 - name: Push the inventory to AWX shell: | set -o pipefail docker exec awx_task awx-manage inventory_import --inventory-name {{ omnia_inventory_name }} --source "{{ inventory_path }}/testinventory.yml" changed_when: false tags: TC_008 - block: - name: Launch the job template command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure job_templates launch "{{ omnia_template_name }}" --credentials "{{ credential_name }}" --skip_tags kubernetes --monitor -f human changed_when: false register: command_output - name: Validate success message assert: that: "'FAILED!' not in command_output.stdout" success_msg: "{{ test_case_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ test_case_failure_msg }}" tags: TC_008 - name: Delete the hosts command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host1 }} --monitor -f human awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host2 }} --monitor -f human changed_when: false tags: TC_008 - name: Delete the inventory file ignore_errors: yes file: state: absent path: testinventory.yml tags: TC_008 - name: Create inventory file if it doesn't exist ignore_errors: yes file: path: "testinventory.yml" state: touch mode: '{{ file_permission }}' tags: TC_008 # Testcase OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_009 # Test case to validate whether the proper error message is displayed when no host is added to manager group - name: OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_009 hosts: localhost connection: local vars_files: - ../roles/web_ui/vars/main.yml - ../roles/common/vars/main.yml - test_vars/test_omnia_vars.yml tasks: - name: Check input config file is encrypted command: cat {{ test_input_config_filename }} changed_when: false register: config_content tags: TC_009 - name: Decrpyt input_config.yml command: ansible-vault decrypt {{ test_input_config_filename }} --vault-password-file {{ vault_filename }} changed_when: false when: "'$ANSIBLE_VAULT;' in config_content.stdout" tags: TC_009 - name: Include variable file input_config.yml include_vars: "{{ test_input_config_filename }}" tags: TC_009 - name: Creating inventory file with hosts associated to the groups copy: dest: "testinventory.yml" mode: '{{ file_permission }}' content: | --- manager: hosts: compute: hosts: {{ host2 }} tags: TC_009 - name: Push the inventory to AWX shell: | set -o pipefail docker exec awx_task awx-manage inventory_import --inventory-name {{ omnia_inventory_name }} --source "{{ inventory_path }}/testinventory.yml" changed_when: false tags: TC_009 - block: - name: Launch the job template command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure job_templates launch "{{ omnia_template_name }}" --credentials "{{ credential_name }}" --monitor -f human changed_when: false register: command_output rescue: - name: Validate error message assert: that: "'FAILED!' in command_output.stdout" success_msg: "{{ test_case_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ test_case_failure_msg }}" tags: TC_009 - name: Delete the hosts command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host2 }} --monitor -f human changed_when: false tags: TC_009 - name: Delete the inventory file ignore_errors: yes file: state: absent path: testinventory.yml tags: TC_009 - name: Create inventory file if it doesn't exist ignore_errors: yes file: path: "testinventory.yml" state: touch mode: '{{ file_permission }}' tags: TC_009 # Testcase OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_010 # Test case to verify whether the manger group validation is passed when single host is present - name: OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_010 hosts: localhost connection: local vars_files: - ../roles/web_ui/vars/main.yml - ../roles/common/vars/main.yml - test_vars/test_omnia_vars.yml tasks: - name: Check input config file is encrypted command: cat {{ test_input_config_filename }} changed_when: false register: config_content tags: TC_010 - name: Decrpyt input_config.yml command: ansible-vault decrypt {{ test_input_config_filename }} --vault-password-file {{ vault_filename }} changed_when: false when: "'$ANSIBLE_VAULT;' in config_content.stdout" tags: TC_010 - name: Include variable file input_config.yml include_vars: "{{ test_input_config_filename }}" tags: TC_010 - name: Creating inventory file with hosts associated to the groups copy: dest: "testinventory.yml" mode: '{{ file_permission }}' content: | --- manager: hosts: {{ host1 }} compute: hosts: {{ host2 }} tags: TC_010 - name: Push the inventory to AWX shell: | set -o pipefail docker exec awx_task awx-manage inventory_import --inventory-name {{ omnia_inventory_name }} --source "{{ inventory_path }}/testinventory.yml" changed_when: false tags: TC_010 - block: - name: Launch the job template command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure job_templates launch "{{ omnia_template_name }}" --credentials "{{ credential_name }}" --monitor -f human changed_when: false register: command_output tags: TC_010 - name: Validate success message assert: that: "'FAILED!' not in command_output.stdout" success_msg: "{{ test_case_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ test_case_failure_msg }}" tags: TC_010 - name: Delete the hosts command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host1 }} --monitor -f human awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host2 }} --monitor -f human changed_when: false tags: TC_010 - name: Delete the inventory file ignore_errors: yes file: state: absent path: testinventory.yml tags: TC_010 - name: Create inventory file if it doesn't exist ignore_errors: yes file: path: "testinventory.yml" state: touch mode: '{{ file_permission }}' tags: TC_010 # Testcase OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_011 # Test case to validate whether the proper error message is displayed when no host is added to compute group - name: OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_011 hosts: localhost connection: local vars_files: - ../roles/web_ui/vars/main.yml - ../roles/common/vars/main.yml - test_vars/test_omnia_vars.yml tasks: - name: Check input config file is encrypted command: cat {{ test_input_config_filename }} changed_when: false register: config_content tags: TC_011 - name: Decrpyt input_config.yml command: ansible-vault decrypt {{ test_input_config_filename }} --vault-password-file {{ vault_filename }} changed_when: false when: "'$ANSIBLE_VAULT;' in config_content.stdout" tags: TC_011 - name: Include variable file input_config.yml include_vars: "{{ test_input_config_filename }}" tags: TC_011 - name: Creating inventory file with hosts associated to the groups copy: dest: "testinventory.yml" mode: '{{ file_permission }}' content: | --- manager: hosts: {{ host3 }} compute: hosts: tags: TC_011 - name: Push the inventory to AWX shell: | set -o pipefail docker exec awx_task awx-manage inventory_import --inventory-name {{ omnia_inventory_name }} --source "{{ inventory_path }}/testinventory.yml" changed_when: false tags: TC_011 - block: - name: Launch the job template command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure job_templates launch "{{ omnia_template_name }}" --credentials "{{ credential_name }}" --monitor -f human changed_when: false register: command_output rescue: - name: Validate error message assert: that: "'FAILED!' in command_output.stdout" success_msg: "{{ test_case_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ test_case_failure_msg }}" tags: TC_011 - name: Delete the hosts command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host3 }} --monitor -f human changed_when: false tags: TC_011 - name: Delete the inventory file file: state: absent path: testinventory.yml ignore_errors: yes tags: TC_011 - name: Create inventory file if it doesn't exist file: path: "testinventory.yml" mode: '{{ file_permission }}' state: touch ignore_errors: yes tags: TC_011 # Testcase OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_012 # Test case to verify whether the compute group validation is passed when more than 1 host is present - name: OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_012 hosts: localhost connection: local vars_files: - ../roles/web_ui/vars/main.yml - ../roles/common/vars/main.yml - test_vars/test_omnia_vars.yml tasks: - name: Check input config file is encrypted command: cat {{ test_input_config_filename }} changed_when: false register: config_content tags: TC_012 - name: Decrpyt input_config.yml command: ansible-vault decrypt {{ test_input_config_filename }} --vault-password-file {{ vault_filename }} changed_when: false when: "'$ANSIBLE_VAULT;' in config_content.stdout" tags: TC_012 - name: Include variable file input_config.yml include_vars: "{{ test_input_config_filename }}" tags: TC_012 - name: Creating inventory file with hosts associated to the groups copy: dest: "testinventory.yml" mode: '{{ file_permission }}' content: | --- manager: hosts: {{ host1 }} compute: hosts: {{ host2 }} hosts: {{ host3 }} tags: TC_012 - name: Push the inventory to AWX shell: | set -o pipefail docker exec awx_task awx-manage inventory_import --inventory-name {{ omnia_inventory_name }} --source "{{ inventory_path }}/testinventory.yml" changed_when: false tags: TC_012 - block: - name: Launch the job template command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure job_templates launch "{{ omnia_template_name }}" --credentials "{{ credential_name }}" --monitor -f human changed_when: false register: command_output - name: Validate success message assert: that: "'FAILED!' not in command_output.stdout" success_msg: "{{ test_case_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ test_case_failure_msg }}" tags: TC_012 - name: Delete the hosts command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host1 }} --monitor -f human awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host2 }} --monitor -f human awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host3 }} --monitor -f human changed_when: false tags: TC_012 - name: Delete the inventory file ignore_errors: yes file: state: absent path: testinventory.yml tags: TC_012 - name: Create inventory file if it doesn't exist ignore_errors: yes file: path: "testinventory.yml" state: touch mode: '{{ file_permission }}' tags: TC_012 # Testcase OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_013 # Test case to validate the error meesage when a host is present in both manager and compute groups - name: OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_013 hosts: localhost connection: local vars_files: - ../roles/web_ui/vars/main.yml - ../roles/common/vars/main.yml - test_vars/test_omnia_vars.yml tasks: - name: Check input config file is encrypted command: cat {{ test_input_config_filename }} changed_when: false register: config_content tags: TC_013 - name: Decrpyt input_config.yml command: ansible-vault decrypt {{ test_input_config_filename }} --vault-password-file {{ vault_filename }} changed_when: false when: "'$ANSIBLE_VAULT;' in config_content.stdout" tags: TC_013 - name: Include variable file input_config.yml include_vars: "{{ test_input_config_filename }}" tags: TC_013 - name: Creating inventory file with hosts associated to the groups copy: dest: "testinventory.yml" mode: '{{ file_permission }}' content: | --- manager: hosts: {{ host1 }} compute: hosts: {{ host1 }} tags: TC_013 - name: Push the inventory to AWX shell: | set -o pipefail docker exec awx_task awx-manage inventory_import --inventory-name {{ omnia_inventory_name }} --source "{{ inventory_path }}/testinventory.yml" changed_when: false tags: TC_013 - block: - name: Launch the job template command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure job_templates launch "{{ omnia_template_name }}" --credentials "{{ credential_name }}" --monitor -f human changed_when: false register: command_output rescue: - name: Validate error message assert: that: "'FAILED!' in command_output.stdout" success_msg: "{{ test_case_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ test_case_failure_msg }}" tags: TC_013 - name: Delete the hosts command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host1 }} --monitor -f human changed_when: false tags: TC_013 - name: Delete the inventory file ignore_errors: yes file: state: absent path: testinventory.yml tags: TC_013 - name: Create inventory file if it doesn't exist ignore_errors: yes file: path: "testinventory.yml" state: touch mode: '{{ file_permission }}' tags: TC_013 # Testcase OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_014 # Test case to verify the disjunction validation when the hosts are disjoint - name: OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_014 hosts: localhost connection: local vars_files: - ../roles/web_ui/vars/main.yml - ../roles/common/vars/main.yml - test_vars/test_omnia_vars.yml tasks: - name: Check input config file is encrypted command: cat {{ test_input_config_filename }} changed_when: false register: config_content tags: TC_014 - name: Decrpyt input_config.yml command: ansible-vault decrypt {{ test_input_config_filename }} --vault-password-file {{ vault_filename }} changed_when: false when: "'$ANSIBLE_VAULT;' in config_content.stdout" tags: TC_014 - name: Include variable file input_config.yml include_vars: "{{ test_input_config_filename }}" tags: TC_014 - name: Creating inventory file with hosts associated to the groups copy: dest: "testinventory.yml" mode: '{{ file_permission }}' content: | --- manager: hosts: {{ host1 }} compute: hosts: {{ host2 }} tags: TC_014 - name: Push the inventory to AWX shell: | set -o pipefail docker exec awx_task awx-manage inventory_import --inventory-name {{ omnia_inventory_name }} --source "{{ inventory_path }}/testinventory.yml" changed_when: false tags: TC_014 - block: - name: Launch the job template command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure job_templates launch "{{ omnia_template_name }}" --credentials "{{ credential_name }}" --monitor -f human changed_when: false register: command_output - name: Validate success message assert: that: "'FAILED!' not in command_output.stdout" success_msg: "{{ test_case_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ test_case_failure_msg }}" tags: TC_014 - name: Delete the hosts command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host1 }} --monitor -f human awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host2 }} --monitor -f human changed_when: false tags: TC_014 - name: Delete the inventory file ignore_errors: yes file: state: absent path: testinventory.yml tags: TC_014 - name: Create inventory file if it doesn't exist ignore_errors: yes file: path: "testinventory.yml" state: touch mode: '{{ file_permission }}' tags: TC_014 # Testcase OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_015 # Test case to validate whether the proper error message is displayed when more than one host is added to manager group - name: OMNIA_CRM_US_AWXD_TC_015 hosts: localhost connection: local vars_files: - ../roles/web_ui/vars/main.yml - ../roles/common/vars/main.yml - test_vars/test_omnia_vars.yml tasks: - name: Check input config file is encrypted command: cat {{ test_input_config_filename }} changed_when: false register: config_content tags: TC_015 - name: Decrpyt input_config.yml command: ansible-vault decrypt {{ test_input_config_filename }} --vault-password-file {{ vault_filename }} changed_when: false when: "'$ANSIBLE_VAULT;' in config_content.stdout" tags: TC_015 - name: Include variable file input_config.yml include_vars: "{{ test_input_config_filename }}" tags: TC_015 - name: Creating inventory file with hosts associated to the groups copy: dest: "testinventory.yml" mode: '{{ file_permission }}' content: | --- compute: hosts: {{ host1 }} manager: hosts: {{ host2 }} hosts: {{ host3 }} tags: TC_015 - name: Push the inventory to AWX shell: | set -o pipefail docker exec awx_task awx-manage inventory_import --inventory-name {{ omnia_inventory_name }} --source "{{ inventory_path }}/testinventory.yml" changed_when: false tags: TC_015 - block: - name: Launch the job template command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure job_templates launch "{{ omnia_template_name }}" --credentials "{{ credential_name }}" --monitor -f human changed_when: false register: command_output rescue: - name: Validate error message assert: that: "'FAILED!' in command_output.stdout" success_msg: "{{ test_case_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ test_case_failure_msg }}" tags: TC_015 - name: Delete the hosts command: >- awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host1 }} --monitor -f human awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host2 }} --monitor -f human awx --conf.host "{{ awx_ip }}" --conf.username "{{ awx_user }}" --conf.password "{{ awx_password }}" --conf.insecure hosts delete {{ host3 }} --monitor -f human changed_when: false tags: TC_015 - name: Delete the inventory file ignore_errors: yes file: state: absent path: testinventory.yml tags: TC_015 - name: Create inventory file if it doesn't exist ignore_errors: yes file: path: "testinventory.yml" state: touch mode: '{{ file_permission }}' tags: TC_015