# Copyright 2020 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. --- # OMNIA_DIO_US_NDOD_TC_013 # Execute provison role in management station and PXE boot one compute node - name: OMNIA_DIO_US_NDOD_TC_013 hosts: localhost connection: local gather_subset: - 'min' vars_files: - test_vars/test_provision_vars.yml tasks: - name: Set ip address of the compute node set_fact: single_node_ip_address: "{{ groups[cobbler_groupname][0] }}" tags: TC_013 - name: Delete inventory if exists file: path: inventory state: absent tags: TC_013 - name: Create inventory file lineinfile: path: inventory line: "{{ single_node_ip_address }} ansible_user=root ansible_password={{ boundary_password }} ansible_ssh_common_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'" create: yes mode: '{{ file_permission }}' tags: TC_013 - meta: refresh_inventory tags: TC_013 - name: Validate authentication of username and password command: ansible {{ single_node_ip_address }} -m ping -i inventory register: validate_login changed_when: false ignore_errors: yes tags: TC_013 - name: Validate the authentication output assert: that: - "'pong' in validate_login.stdout" - "'SUCCESS' in validate_login.stdout" - "'UNREACHABLE' not in validate_login.stdout" fail_msg: "{{ authentication_fail_msg }}" success_msg: "{{ authentication_success_msg }}" tags: TC_013 - name: Check hostname command: ansible {{ single_node_ip_address }} -m shell -a hostname -i inventory register: validate_hostname changed_when: false ignore_errors: yes tags: TC_013 - name: Validate the hostname assert: that: "'localhost' not in validate_hostname.stdout" fail_msg: "{{ hostname_fail_msg }}" success_msg: "{{ hostname_success_msg }}" tags: TC_013 - name: Delete inventory if exists file: path: inventory state: absent tags: TC_013 # OMNIA_DIO_US_NDOD_TC_014 # Execute provison role in management station and PXE boot two compute node - name: OMNIA_DIO_US_NDOD_TC_014 hosts: localhost connection: local gather_subset: - 'min' vars_files: - test_vars/test_provision_vars.yml - ../roles/provision/vars/main.yml tasks: - name: Delete inventory if exists file: path: inventory state: absent tags: TC_014 - name: Create inventory file lineinfile: path: inventory line: "[nodes]" create: yes mode: '{{ file_permission }}' tags: TC_014 - name: Edit inventory file lineinfile: path: inventory line: "{{ item }} ansible_user=root ansible_password={{ boundary_password }} ansible_ssh_common_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'" with_items: - "{{ groups[cobbler_groupname] }}" tags: TC_014 - meta: refresh_inventory tags: TC_014 - name: Validate ip address is different for both servers assert: that: groups[cobbler_groupname][0] != groups[cobbler_groupname][1] fail_msg: "{{ ip_address_fail_msg }}" success_msg: "{{ ip_address_success_msg }}" delegate_to: localhost run_once: yes tags: TC_014 - name: Check hostname of both servers command: ansible nodes -m shell -a hostname -i inventory register: node_hostname changed_when: false ignore_errors: yes tags: TC_014 - name: Validate hostname is different for both servers assert: that: - node_hostname.stdout_lines[1] != node_hostname.stdout_lines[3] - "'localhost' not in node_hostname.stdout_lines[1]" - "'localhost' not in node_hostname.stdout_lines[3]" fail_msg: "{{ hostname_fail_msg }}" success_msg: "{{ hostname_success_msg }}" delegate_to: localhost run_once: yes tags: TC_014 - name: Delete inventory if exists file: path: inventory state: absent delegate_to: localhost run_once: yes tags: TC_014 # OMNIA_DIO_US_NDOD_TC_015 # Validate passwordless ssh connection established or not with compute nodes - name: OMNIA_DIO_US_NDOD_TC_015 hosts: localhost gather_subset: - 'min' vars_files: - test_vars/test_provision_vars.yml - ../roles/provision/vars/main.yml tasks: - name: Validate authentication of username and password command: "ansible {{ cobbler_groupname }} -m ping -i cobbler_inventory" register: validate_login changed_when: false ignore_errors: yes tags: TC_015 - name: Validate the passwordless SSH connection assert: that: - "'pong' in validate_login.stdout" - "'SUCCESS' in validate_login.stdout" - "'UNREACHABLE' not in validate_login.stdout" success_msg: "{{ authentication_success_msg }}" fail_msg: "{{ authentication_fail_msg }}" tags: TC_015 # OMNIA_DIO_US_NDOD_TC_016 # Execute provison role in management station and reboot compute node after os provision again - name: OMNIA_DIO_US_NDOD_TC_016 hosts: localhost connection: local gather_subset: - 'min' vars_files: - test_vars/test_provision_vars.yml tasks: - name: Set ip address of the compute node set_fact: single_node_ip_address: "{{ groups[cobbler_groupname][0] }}" tags: TC_016 - name: Delete inventory if exists file: path: inventory state: absent tags: TC_016 - name: Create inventory file lineinfile: path: inventory line: "[nodes]" create: yes mode: '{{ file_permission }}' tags: TC_016 - name: Edit inventory file lineinfile: path: inventory line: "{{ single_node_ip_address }} ansible_user=root ansible_password={{ boundary_password }} ansible_ssh_common_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'" tags: TC_016 - meta: refresh_inventory tags: TC_016 - name: Reboot servers command: ansible nodes -m command -a reboot -i inventory ignore_errors: yes changed_when: true tags: TC_016 - name: Wait for 10 minutes pause: minutes: 10 tags: TC_016 - name: Check ip address of servers command: ansible nodes -m command -a 'ip a' -i inventory ignore_errors: yes changed_when: false register: ip_address_after_reboot tags: TC_016 - name: Validate ip address is same after reboot assert: that: "'{{ single_node_ip_address }}' in ip_address_after_reboot.stdout" fail_msg: "{{ ip_address_fail_msg }}" success_msg: "{{ ip_address_success_msg }}" tags: TC_016