proxy: secretToken: "1c8572f630701e8792bede122ec9c4179d9087f801e1a85ed32cce69887aec1b" hub: cookieSecret: "1c8572f630701e8792bede122ec9c4179d9087f801e1a85ed32cce69887aec1b" service: type: LoadBalancer db: type: sqlite-pvc extraConfig: jupyterlab: | c.Spawner.cmd = ['jupyter-labhub'] singleuser: image: name: jupyter/minimal-notebook tag: 2343e33dec46 profileList: - display_name: "Minimal environment" description: "Short and sweet, no bells or whistles, vanilla: Python." default: true - display_name: "Datascience environment" description: "Some additional bells and whistles: Python, R, and Julia." kubespawner_override: image: jupyter/datascience-notebook:2343e33dec46 - display_name: "Spark environment" description: "The Jupyter Stacks with Spark" kubespawner_override: image: jupyter/all-spark-notebook:2343e33dec46 - display_name: "Learning Data Science" description: "Datascience Environment with Sample Notebooks" kubespawner_override: image: jupyter/datascience-notebook:2343e33dec46 lifecycle_hooks: postStart: exec: command: - "sh" - "-c" - > gitpuller master materials-fa; - display_name: "GPU Environment" description: "1 GPU for intro folks" kubespawner_override: image: jupyter/datascience-notebook:2343e33dec46 extra_resource_limits: "1" storage: dynamic: storageClass: nfs-client cpu: limit: 1 memory: limit: 100G guarantee: 1G defaultUrl: "/lab" prePuller: continuous: enabled: true