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Setting Up Telemetry

Using Grafana, users can poll multiple devices and create graphs/visualizations of key statistics.


  1. To set up Grafana, ensure that control_plane/input_params/login_vars.yml is updated with the Grafana Username and Password.
  2. All parameters in telemetry/input_params/login_vars.yml need to be filled in:
Parameter Name Default Value Information
timescaledb_user postgres Username used for connecting to timescale db. Minimum Legth: 2 characters.
timescaledb_password postgres Password used for connecting to timescale db. Minimum Legth: 2 characters.
mysqldb_user mysql Username used for connecting to mysql db. Minimum Legth: 2 characters.
mysqldb_password mysql Password used for connecting to mysql db. Minimum Legth: 2 characters.
mysqldb_root_password mysql Password used for connecting to mysql db for root user. Minimum Legth: 2 characters.
  1. All parameters in telemetry/input_params/base_vars.yml need to be filled in:
Parameter Name Default Value Information
mount_location /mnt/omnia Sets the location all telemetry related files will be stored and both timescale and mysql databases will be mounted.
idrac_telemetry_support true This variable is used to enable iDRAC telemetry support and visualizations. Accepted Values: true/false
slurm_telemetry_support true This variable is used to enable slurm telemetry support and visualizations. Slurm Telemetry support can only be activated when idrac_telemetry_support is set to true. Accepted Values: True/False.
timescaledb_name telemetry_metrics Postgres DB with timescale extension is used for storing iDRAC and slurm telemetry metrics.
myscaledb_name mysql MySQL DB is used to store IPs and credentials of iDRACs having datacenter license
  1. Find the IP of the Grafana UI using:

kubectl get svc -n grafana

Logging into Grafana

Use any one of the following browsers to access the Grafana UI (https://< Grafana UI IP >:5000):

  • Chrome/Chromium
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Microsoft Edge

Note: Always enable JavaScript in your browser. Running Grafana without JavaScript enabled in the browser is not supported.

Prerequisites to Enabling Slurm Telemetry

  • Slurm Telemetry cannot be executed without iDRAC support
  • Omnia control plane should be executed and node_inventory should be created in awx.
  • The slurm manager and compute nodes are fetched at run time from node_inventory.
  • Slurm should be installed on the nodes, if not there is no point in executing slurm telemetry.