123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 |
- ---
- - name: Wait for timescale pod to come to ready state
- command: kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=10m -n "{{ namespace }}" pod -l app="{{ timescaledb_k8s_name }}"
- changed_when: false
- - name: Get timescaledb pod name
- command: kubectl get pod -n "{{ namespace }}" -l app="{{ timescaledb_k8s_name }}" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}"
- register: timescaledb_pod_name
- changed_when: false
- - name: Initialize database
- command: kubectl exec -it "{{ timescaledb_pod_name.stdout }}" -n "{{ namespace }}" ./cmd/initialize_timescaledb.sh
- changed_when: false
- register: status
- until: status is not failed
- retries: "{{ retries }}"
- delay: "{{ delay }}"