Omnia provides playbooks to configure additional software components for Kubernetes such as JupyterHub and Kubeflow. For workload management (submitting, conrolling, and managing jobs) of HPC, AI, and Data Analytics clusters, you can access Kubernetes and Slurm dashboards and other supported applications.
Note: To access the below dashboards, user has to login to the manager node and open the installed web browser.
Note: If you are connecting remotely make sure your putty or any other similar client supports X11 forwarding. If you are using mobaxterm version 8 and above, follow the below mentioned steps:
ssh -x root@<ip>
(where ip is the private ip of manager node)yum install firefox -y
yum install xorg-x11-xauth
export DISPLAY=:10.0
logout and login back
Note: Everytime user logouts, the user have to run export DISPLAY=:10.0 command.
kubectl get pods --namespace kubernetes-dashboard
kubectl proxy
kubectl get secrets
kubectl describe secret __<copied token name>__
Note: Use only port number between 8000-8999 Note: Suggested port number : 8085
netstat -an
kubectl port-forward -n kubeflow service/centraldashboard __selected_port_number__:80
If you have installed the JupyterHub application for Kubernetes, you can access the dashboard by following these actions:
kubectl get pods --namespace default
kubectl get services
If Prometheus is installed as part of k8s role, run the following commands before starting the Prometheus UI:
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "app=prometheus,component=server" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
echo $POD_NAME
kubectl --namespace default port-forward $POD_NAME 9090
Note: If Prometheus is installed on the host, start the Prometheus web server with the following command:
Go to http://localhost:9090 to launch the Prometheus UI in the browser.
Note: Prometheus instance on the host (if already installed through slurm without Kubernetes) will be removed when Kubernetes is installed as Prometheus would be running as a pod. Note: The user can use a single instance of Prometheus when both k8s and slurm is installed.