Dell EMC PowerSwitches

Update the input parameters

Under the control_plane/input_params directory, edit the following files:

  1. base_vars.yml file: Update the following variable to enable or disable Ethernet switch configurations in the cluster.

    Variable Default, choices Description
    • false
    • true
    Set the variable to "true" to enable Ethernet switch configurations.
  2. login_vars.yml file: Enter the following details to configure Ethernet switches.
    a. ethernet_switch_username- username for Ethernet switches.
    NOTE: The username must not contain the following characters: -, \, "", and \'
    b. ethernet_switch_password- password for Ethernet switches.
    NOTE: Minimum length of the password must be eight characters and the maximum limit is 30 characters. Do not use these characters while entering a password: -, \, "", and \'

  3. ethernet_vars.yml file: If ethernet_switch_support is set to "true" in the base_vars.yml file, then update the following variables.

    The interfaces are from ethernet 1/1/1 to ethernet 1/1/30. For more information about the interfaces, see the Supported interface keys of PowerSwitch S3048-ON (ToR Switch) section in the README file. NOTE: The playbooks will fail if any invalid configurations are entered.WARNING: When set to "true", the startup configuration file is updated. If incorrect configurations or commands are entered, the Ethernet switches may not operate as expected.
    Variables Default, choices Description
    • "interface vlan1"
    • "exit"
    Global configurations for the switch.
    os10_interface By default:
    • Port description is provided.
    • Each interface is set to "up" state.
    Update the individual interfaces of the PowerSwitch S3048-ON (ToR Switch).
    • false
    • true
    Change it to "true" only when you are certain that the updated configurations and commands are valid.

Deploy Omnia Control Plane

Before you configure the Dell EMC PowerSwitches, you must complete the deployment of Omnia control plane. Go to Step 8 in the Steps to install the Omnia Control Plane file to run the ansible-playbook control_plane.yml file.