main.yml 3.0 KB

  1. # Copyright 2020 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
  2. #
  3. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  4. # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  5. # You may obtain a copy of the License at
  6. #
  7. #
  8. #
  9. # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  10. # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  11. # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  12. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  13. # limitations under the License.
  14. ---
  15. # vars file for web_ui
  16. # Usage: awx_password.yml
  17. awx_git_repo: ""
  18. min_length: 8
  19. retries: 3
  20. confirm_retries: 1
  21. retry_delay: 0.01
  22. prompt_password: "Enter AWX password.( Min. Length of Password should be {{ min_length| int }}. Dont use chars: - \' \\ \" )"
  23. confirm_password: "Confirm AWX Password"
  24. msg_incorrect_password_format: "Failed. Password format not correct."
  25. msg_failed_password_confirm: "Failed. Passwords did not match"
  26. docker_volume: "/var/lib/docker/volumes/{{ docker_volume_name }}"
  27. awx_repo_path: "{{ docker_volume }}/awx/"
  28. awx_installer_path: "{{ awx_repo_path }}/installer/"
  29. vault_file: .vault_key
  30. awx_password_file: .password.yml
  31. success_msg_pwd_format: "admin_password validated"
  32. fail_msg_pwd_format: "admin_password validation failed"
  33. success_msg_pwd_confirm: "admin_password confirmed"
  34. fail_msg_pwd_confirm: "admin_password confirmation failed"
  35. # Usage: install_awx.yml
  36. awx_inventory_path: "{{ awx_repo_path }}/installer/inventory"
  37. pgdocker_dir_path: /var/lib/pgdocker
  38. project_data_dir_old: "#project_data_dir=/var/lib/awx/projects"
  39. project_data_dir_new: "project_data_dir= {{ role_path + '/../../../..' }} "
  40. awx_alternate_dns_servers_old: '#awx_alternate_dns_servers=","'
  41. awx_alternate_dns_servers_new: 'awx_alternate_dns_servers=","'
  42. admin_password_old: "admin_password=password"
  43. admin_password_new: "#admin_password=password"
  44. # Usage: main.yml
  45. message_skipped: "Installation Skipped: AWX instance is already running on your system"
  46. message_installed: "Installation Successful"
  47. # Usage: install_awx_cli.yml
  48. awx_cli_repo: ""
  49. awx_cli_repo_path: "/etc/yum.repos.d/ansible-tower-cli-centos8.repo"
  50. # Usage: awx_configuration.yml
  51. awx_ip: http://localhost
  52. awx_user: admin #Don't change it. It is set as admin while installing AWX
  53. default_org: Default
  54. default_template: 'Demo Job Template'
  55. default_projects: 'Demo Project'
  56. dir_name: omnia
  57. organization_name: DellEMC
  58. project_name: omnia
  59. omnia_inventory_name: omnia_inventory
  60. group_names:
  61. - manager
  62. - compute
  63. omnia_template_name: DeployOmnia
  64. omnia_playbook: omnia.yml
  65. inventory_template_name: DynamicInventory
  66. inventory_playbook: appliance/inventory.yml
  67. playbooks_verbosity: 0
  68. schedule_name: DynamicInventorySchedule
  69. schedule_rule: "DTSTART:20201201T000000Z RRULE:FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=10"