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How to Create a user using Freeipa


  1. Make sure the server and client are installed
  2. The admin user has to be initialized using kerberos authentication.

kinit admin (When prompted provide the password)

Adding the New User

  1. ssh to manager node

    ssh xxxxx@

  2. Use the command below to create a user:

    ipa user-add '<new username>' --first='<User's first name>' --last='<User's last name>' --homedir='Home Directory path (optional)' --random

  3. The output will display the random password set. ``` "----------------------",

        "Added user \"omniauser\"",
        "  User login: omniauser",
        "  First name: omnia",
        "  Last name: user",
        "  Full name: omnia user",
        "  Display name: omnia user",
        "  Initials: ou",
        "  Home directory: /home/omniauser",
        "  GECOS: omnia user",
        "  Login shell: /bin/sh",
        "  Principal name: omniauser@MYIPA.TEST",
        "  Principal alias: omniauser@MYIPA.TEST",
        "  User password expiration: 20210804180355Z",
        "  Email address: omniauser@myipa.test",
        "  Random password: 0Qr:Ir;:q_vFKP+*b|0)0D",
        "  UID: 893800014",
        "  GID: 893800014",
        "  Password: True",
        "  Member of groups: ipausers",
        "  Kerberos keys available: True"			


  1. The random password displayed can be used to login to the login node using the newly created user.

    ssh omniauser@

  2. Change the password on first login and then login with the new password.

  3. To assign permissions to the newly created user to execute slurm jobs run the command:

usermod -a -G slurm 'new_login_user'

  1. The user has been assigned appropriate permissions to execute slurm jobs. Jobs can be executed

    srun --nodes 1 --ntasks-per-node 1 --partition normal hostname