Ensure that all the prerequisites listed in the PREINSTALL_OMNIA_APPLIANCE file are met before installing Omnia appliance
Note: Changing the manager node after the installation of Omnia is not supported by Omnia. If you want to change the manager node, you must redeploy the entire cluster.
Note: The user should have root privileges to perform installations and configurations.
Note: If there are errors when any of the following Ansible playbook commands are run, re-run the commands again.
Clone the Omnia repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/dellhpc/omnia.git
Note: After the Omnia repository is cloned, a folder named omnia is created. It is recommended that you do not rename this folder.
Change the directory to omnia/appliance
To provide passwords for Cobbler and AWX, edit the appliance_config.yml
To provide a mapping file for DHCP configuration, go to appliance_config.yml file and set the variable named mapping_file_exits as true, else set it to false.
Omnia considers the following usernames as default:
for Cobbler Serveradmin
for AWXslurm
for MariaDBNote:
file, you can change the NIC for the DHCP server under hpc_nic and the NIC used to connect to the Internet under public_nic. Default values of hpc_nic and public_nic are set to em1 and em2 respectively.appliance_config.yml
file.Note: Supported Kubernetes CNI : calico and flannel. The default CNI is calico.
To view the set passwords of appliance_config.yml
, run the following command under omnia->appliance:
ansible-vault view appliance_config.yml --vault-password-file .vault_key
To view the set passwords of omnia_config.yml
, run the following command:
ansible-vault view omnia_config.yml --vault-password-file .omnia_vault_key
ansible-playbook appliance.yml -e "ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python2"
Omnia creates a log file which is available at: /var/log/omnia.log
Provision operating system on the target nodes
Omnia role used: provision
Ports used by Cobbler:
To create the Cobbler image, Omnia configures the following:
To access the Cobbler dashboard, enter https://<IP>/cobbler_web
where <IP>
is the Global IP address of the management node. For example, enter
to access the Cobbler dashboard.
Note: After the Cobbler Server provisions the operating system on the nodes, IP addresses and host names are assigned by the DHCP service.
Install and configure Ansible AWX
Omnia role used: web_ui
Port used by AWX is 8081.
AWX repository is cloned from the GitHub path: https://github.com/ansible/awx.git
Omnia performs the following configuration on AWX:
To access the AWX dashboard, enter http://<IP>:8081
where <IP> is the Global IP address of the management node. For example, enter
to access the AWX dashboard.
Note: The AWX configurations are automatically performed Omnia and Dell Technologies recommends that you do not change the default configurations provided by Omnia as the functionality may be impacted.
Note: Although AWX UI is accessible, hosts will be shown only after few nodes have been provisioned by Cobbler. It takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes to display the host details after the provisioning by Cobbler. If a server is provisioned but you are unable to view the host details on the AWX UI, then you can run provision_report.yml playbook from omnia -> appliance ->tools folder to view the hosts which are reachable.
Kubernetes and Slurm are installed by deploying the DeployOmnia template on the AWX dashboard.
and select Create "slurm". Similarly, to install only Slurm, select and add kubernetes
skip tag.Note:
in the skip tag section to skip the k8s_nfs_client_setup role of Kubernetes.To establish the passwordless communication between compute nodes and manager node:
Note: If you want to install JupyterHub and Kubeflow playbooks, you have to first install the JupyterHub playbook and then install the Kubeflow playbook.
Note: To install JupyterHub and Kubeflow playbooks:
The DeployOmnia template may not run successfully if:
After DeployOmnia template is run from the AWX UI, the omnia.yml file installs Kubernetes and Slurm, or either Kubernetes or slurm, as per the selection in the template on the management node. Additionally, appropriate roles are assigned to the compute and manager groups.
The following kubernetes roles are provided by Omnia when omnia.yml file is run:
, is created. Using this directory, compute nodes share the common files.Note: After Kubernetes is installed and configured, few Kubernetes and calico/flannel related ports are opened in the manager and compute nodes. This is required for Kubernetes Pod-to-Pod and Pod-to-Service communications. Calico/flannel provides a full networking stack for Kubernetes pods.
The following Slurm roles are provided by Omnia when omnia.yml file is run:
If a new node is provisioned through Cobbler, the node address is automatically displayed on the AWX dashboard. The node is not assigned to any group. You can add the node to the compute group and run omnia.yml
to add the new node to the cluster and update the configurations in the manager node.