How to Create a user using Freeipa
- Make sure the server and client are installed
- The admin user has to be initialized using kerberos authentication.
kinit admin
(When prompted provide the password)
##Adding the New User
- ssh to manager node
ssh xxxxx@
- Use the command below to create a user:
`ipa user-add '' --first=''
--last='<User's last name>' --homedir='Home Directory path (optional)'
- The output will display the random password set.
"Added user \"omniauser\"",
" User login: omniauser",
" First name: omnia",
" Last name: user",
" Full name: omnia user",
" Display name: omnia user",
" Initials: ou",
" Home directory: /home/omniauser",
" GECOS: omnia user",
" Login shell: /bin/sh",
" Principal name: omniauser@MYIPA.TEST",
" Principal alias: omniauser@MYIPA.TEST",
" User password expiration: 20210804180355Z",
" Email address: omniauser@myipa.test",
" Random password: 0Qr:Ir;:q_vFKP+*b|0)0D",
" UID: 893800014",
" GID: 893800014",
" Password: True",
" Member of groups: ipausers",
" Kerberos keys available: True"
- The random password displayed can be used to login to the login node using the newly created user.
ssh omniauser@
Change the password on first login and then login with the new password.
To assign permissions to the newly created user to execute slurm jobs run the command:
usermod -a -G slurm 'new_login_user'
- The user has been assigned appropriate permissions to execute slurm jobs. Jobs can be executed
srun --nodes 1 --ntasks-per-node 1 --partition normal hostname