Dell EMC PowerSwitches

Update the input parameters

Under the control_plane/input_params directory, edit the following files:

  1. base_vars.yml file: Update the following variable to enable or disable Ethernet switch configurations in the cluster.

    Variable Default, choices Description
    • false
    • true
    Set the variable to "true" to enable Ethernet switch configurations.
  2. login_vars.yml file: Enter the following details to configure Ethernet switches.
    a. ethernet_switch_username- username for Ethernet switches.
    NOTE: The username must not contain the following characters: -, \, "", and \'
    b. ethernet_switch_password- password for Ethernet switches.
    NOTE: Minimum length of the password must be eight characters and the maximum limit is 30 characters. Do not use these characters while entering a password: -, \, "", and \'

  3. ethernet_tor_vars.yml or ethernet_vars.yml file: If ethernet_switch_support is set to "true" in the base_vars.yml file, then update the following variables.

    a. Edit the ethernet_tor_vars.yml file for all S3* and S4* PowerSwitches such as S3048-ON, S4048T-ON, S4112F-ON, S4048-ON, S4048T-ON, S4112F-ON, S4112T-ON, and S4128F-ON.

    The interfaces are from ethernet 1/1/1 to ethernet 1/1/52. For more information about the interfaces, see the Supported interface keys of PowerSwitch S3048-ON (ToR Switch) section in the README file. NOTE: The playbooks will fail if any invalid configurations are entered.WARNING: When set to "true", the startup configuration file is updated. If incorrect configurations or commands are entered, the Ethernet switches may not operate as expected.
    Variables Default, choices Description
    • "interface vlan1"
    • "exit"
    Global configurations for the switch.
    os10_interface By default:
    • Port description is provided.
    • Each interface is set to "up" state.
    Update the individual interfaces of the PowerSwitch S3048-ON (ToR Switch).
    • false
    • true
    Change it to "true" only when you are certain that the updated configurations and commands are valid.

b. Edit the ethernet_vars.yml file for Dell PowerSwitch S5232F-ON and all other PowerSwitches except S3* and S4* switches.

The interfaces are from ethernet 1/1/1 to ethernet 1/1/34. By default, the breakout mode is set for 1/1/1 to 1/1/31. NOTE: The playbooks will fail if any invalid configurations are entered.WARNING: When set to "true", the startup configuration file is updated. If incorrect configurations or commands are entered, the Ethernet switches may not operate as expected.
Variables Default, choices Description
  • "interface vlan1"
  • "exit"
Global configurations for the switch.
  • 10g-4x
  • 5g-4x
  • 40g-1x
  • 50g-2x
  • 100g-1x
By default, all ports are configured in the 10g-4x breakout mode in which a QSFP28 or QSFP+ port is split into four 10G interfaces. For more information about the breakout modes, see Configure breakout mode.
os10_interface By default:
  • Port description is provided.
  • Each interface is set to "up" state.
  • The fanout/breakout mode for 1/1/1 to 1/1/31 is as per the value set in the breakout_value variable.
Update the individual interfaces of the Dell PowerSwitch S5232F-ON.
  • false
  • true
Change it to "true" only when you are certain that the updated configurations and commands are valid.

Supported interface keys of PowerSwitch S3048-ON (ToR Switch)

The following table provides details about the interface keys supported by the S3048-ON ToR Switch. Dell EMC Networking OS10 Enterprise Edition is the supported operating system.

Interface key name Type Description
desc string Configures a single line interface description
portmode string Configures port mode according to the device type
switchport boolean: true, false* Configures an interface in L2 mode
admin string: up, down* Configures the administrative state for the interface; configuring the value as administratively "up" enables the interface; configuring the value as administratively "down" disables the interface
mtu integer Configures the MTU size for L2 and L3 interfaces (1280 to 65535)
speed string: auto, 1000, 10000, 25000, ... Configures the speed of the interface
fanout string: dual, single; string:10g-4x, 40g-1x, 25g-4x, 100g-1x, 50g-2x (os10) Configures fanout to the appropriate value
suppress_ra string: present, absent Configures IPv6 router advertisements if set to present
ip_type_dynamic boolean: true, false Configures IP address DHCP if set to true (ip_and_mask is ignored if set to true)
ipv6_type_dynamic boolean: true, false Configures an IPv6 address for DHCP if set to true (ipv6_and_mask is ignored if set to true)
ipv6_autoconfig boolean: true, false Configures stateless configuration of IPv6 addresses if set to true (ipv6_and_mask is ignored if set to true)
vrf string Configures the specified VRF to be associated to the interface
min_ra string Configures RA minimum interval time period
max_ra string Configures RA maximum interval time period
ip_and_mask string Configures the specified IP address to the interface
ipv6_and_mask string Configures a specified IPv6 address to the interface
virtual_gateway_ip string Configures an anycast gateway IP address for a VXLAN virtual network as well as VLAN interfaces
virtual_gateway_ipv6 string Configures an anycast gateway IPv6 address for VLAN interfaces
state_ipv6 string: absent, present* Deletes the IPV6 address if set to absent
ip_helper list Configures DHCP server address objects (see ip_helper.*)
ip_helper.ip string (required) Configures the IPv4 address of the DHCP server (A.B.C.D format)
ip_helper.state string: absent, present* Deletes the IP helper address if set to absent
flowcontrol dictionary Configures the flowcontrol attribute (see flowcontrol.*)
flowcontrol.mode string: receive, transmit Configures the flowcontrol mode
flowcontrol.enable string: on, off Configures the flowcontrol mode on
flowcontrol.state string: absent, present Deletes the flowcontrol if set to absent
ipv6_bgp_unnum dictionary Configures the IPv6 BGP unnum attributes (see ipv6_bgp_unnum.*) below
ipv6_bgp_unnum.state string: absent, present* Disables auto discovery of BGP unnumbered peer if set to absent
ipv6_bgp_unnum.peergroup_type string: ebgp, ibgp Specifies the type of template to inherit from
stp_rpvst_default_behaviour boolean: false, true Configures RPVST default behavior of BPDU's when set to True, which is default
  • *(Asterisk) denotes the default value.

Deploy Omnia Control Plane

Before you configure the Dell EMC PowerSwitches, you must complete the deployment of Omnia control plane. Go to Step 8 in the Steps to install the Omnia Control Plane file to run the ansible-playbook control_plane.yml file.