main.yml 5.7 KB

  1. # Copyright 2022 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
  2. #
  3. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  4. # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  5. # You may obtain a copy of the License at
  6. #
  7. #
  8. #
  9. # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  10. # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  11. # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  12. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  13. # limitations under the License.
  14. ---
  15. # Usage: main.yml
  16. awx_search_key: "-job-"
  17. # Usage: fetch_omnia_inputs.yml
  18. config_filename: "omnia_config.yml"
  19. config_vaultname: .omnia_vault_key
  20. min_length: 8
  21. max_length: 30
  22. fail_msg_mariadb_password: "maria_db password not given in correct format."
  23. success_msg_mariadb_password: "mariadb_password validated"
  24. success_msg_k8s_version: "Kubernetes Version Validated"
  25. fail_msg_k8s_version: "Failed. Kubernetes Version is unsupported or incorrect in omnia_config.yml"
  26. success_msg_k8s_cni: "Kubernetes CNI Validated"
  27. fail_msg_k8s_cni: "Kubernetes CNI not correct."
  28. success_msg_k8s_pod_network_cidr: "Kubernetes pod network cidr validated"
  29. fail_msg_k8s_pod_network_cidr: "Kubernetes pod network cidr not given in correct format"
  30. file_perm: '0755'
  31. domain_name_length: '63'
  32. domain_name_success_msg: "domain name successfully validated"
  33. domain_name_fail_msg: "Failed. Incorrect format provided for domain name in omnia_config.yml"
  34. realm_name_success_msg: "realm_name successfully validated"
  35. realm_name_fail_msg: "Failed. Incorrect realm_name formate in omnia_config.yml"
  36. success_msg_directory_manager_password: "directory_manager_password successfully validated"
  37. fail_msg_directory_manager_password: "Failed. Incorrect format provided for directory_manager_password"
  38. success_msg_kerberos_admin_password: "kerberos_admin_password successfully validated"
  39. fail_msg_kerberos_admin_password: "Failed. Incorrect format provided for kerberos_admin_password"
  40. input_config_failure_msg: "Input parameters cannot be empty"
  41. login_node_required_success_msg: "login_node_required successfully validated"
  42. login_node_required_fail_msg: "Failed. login_node_required should be either true or false"
  43. secure_login_node_success_msg: "enable_secure_login_node successfully validated"
  44. secure_login_node_fail_msg: "Failed. enable_secure_login_node should be either true or false"
  45. ipa_secret_file: "{{ playbook_dir }}/control_plane/roles/control_plane_security/files/.ipavars.yml"
  46. # Usage: validations.yml
  47. skip_tag_fail_msg: "Can't skip both slurm and kubernetes"
  48. manager_group_fail_msg: "manager group should contain exactly 1 node"
  49. manager_group_success_msg: "manager group check passed"
  50. compute_group_fail_msg: "compute group should contain atleast 1 node"
  51. compute_group_success_msg: "compute group check passed"
  52. disjoint_fail_msg: "manager and compute groups should be disjoint"
  53. disjoint_success_msg: "manager and compute groups are disjoint"
  54. login_node_group_fail_msg: "Login node group should contain atleast 1 node when login_node_required is true"
  55. login_node_group_success_msg: "Login node group check passed when login_node_required is true"
  56. nfs_node_group_fail_msg: "nfs_node group should contain exactly 1 node"
  57. nfs_node_group_success_msg: "nfs_node group check passed"
  58. # Usage: fetch_powervault_status.yml
  59. tower_config_path: "{{ playbook_dir }}/control_plane/roles/webui_awx/files/.tower_cli.cfg"
  60. tower_vault_path: "{{ playbook_dir }}/control_plane/roles/webui_awx/files/.tower_vault_key"
  61. powervault_inventory_name: "powervault_me4_inventory"
  62. powervault_group: "powervault_me4"
  63. # Usage: fetch_control_plane_credentials.yml
  64. login_vars_filename: input_params/login_vars.yml
  65. vault_filename: input_params/.login_vault_key
  66. vault_file_perm: '0644'
  67. # Usage: fetch_security_inputs.yml
  68. security_vars_filename: "{{ playbook_dir }}/omnia_security_config.yml"
  69. max_failures_success_msg: "max_failures successfully validated"
  70. max_failures_fail_msg: "Failed. Incorrect max_failures value in security_vars.yml"
  71. failure_reset_interval_success_msg: "failure_reset_interval successfully validated"
  72. failure_reset_interval_fail_msg: "Failed. Incorrect failure_reset_interval value in security_vars.yml"
  73. lockout_duration_success_msg: "lockout_duration successfully validated"
  74. lockout_duration_fail_msg: "Failed. Incorrect lockout_duration value in security_vars.yml"
  75. session_timeout_success_msg: "session_timeout successfully validated"
  76. session_timeout_fail_msg: "Failed. Incorrect session_timeout value in security_vars.yml"
  77. max_failures_default_value: 3
  78. failure_reset_interval_min_value: 30
  79. failure_reset_interval_max_value: 60
  80. lockout_duration_min_value: 5
  81. lockout_duration_max_value: 10
  82. session_timeout_min_value: 90
  83. session_timeout_max_value: 180
  84. alert_email_success_msg: "alert_email_address successfully validated"
  85. alert_email_fail_msg: "Failed. Incorrect alert_email_address value in security_vars.yml"
  86. alert_email_warning_msg: "[WARNING] alert_email_address is empty. Authentication failure alerts won't be configured."
  87. email_max_length: 320
  88. email_search_key: "@"
  89. user_success_msg: "user successfully validated"
  90. user_fail_msg: "Failed. Incorrect user format in security_vars.yml"
  91. allow_deny_success_msg: "Access successfully validated"
  92. allow_deny_fail_msg: "Failed. Incorrect Access format in security_vars.yml"
  93. restrict_program_support_success_msg: "restrict_program_support successfully validated"
  94. restrict_program_support_failure_msg: "Failed. Accepted values are true or false."
  95. restrict_softwares_success_msg: "restrict_softwares successfully validated"
  96. restrict_softwares_failure_msg: "Warning. Values should be comma separated. The supported services are telnet, lpd, bluetooth, rlogin, rexec. Please check restrict_softwares variable"